MINUTES of Wath and Melmerby Cricket Club
Meeting Date: 7 December 2011
Call to order: An Annual General Meeting of the Wath and Melmerby Cricket Club was held in The George Pub, Wath on 7 December 2011. The meeting convened at 1900 hrs, Club Chairman S Taylor presiding and J Kettlewell, secretary.
Members in attendance: S Taylor Chairman
G Peace Treasurer
A Newcombe
J Harris
D Harris
P Danby
B Kettlewell
L Cooper
P Collison
S Blythe
J Barnett
R Dale 1st Team Captain
T Kettlewell 2nd Team Captain/Grounds man
N Hathaway
H Frost
K Blythe
M Blackham
J Burgess
P Walters
J Kettlewell Secretary
Apologies: R Graham President
Approval of minutes: Motion was made by S Taylor, and seconded to approve the minutes of the 12 December 2010 meeting. Motion carried.
Officer’s Reports:
Chairman: The Chairman thanked attendees and commented that the club had had an indifferent year that had started well but dwindled off. He noted that the club had lost players during the season which led to some shuffling of teams and, ultimately the losing of the league by the first team. He hoped that we could get some of these players back this year. He congratulated both teams and wished them well for the coming season.
Secretary: The secretary echoed the Chairman’s comments. The secretary told the meeting that she planned to stand down this year due to time constraints but that she would continue to support the club as much as required. The Chairman called for a vote of thanks for the outgoing secretary.
Treasurer: The Treasurer reported a positive season financially for the club with capital profitability and turnover improved. £2500 was generated by events and balance stood at some £4000. The treasurer intimated that there was still more to be done to improve the financial situation and encouraged all to keep up the good work. The Treasurer noted that some members still hadn’t paid their membership from last year and that these fees would be collected at signing on for the new season. The Treasurer presented the club’s accounts for approval. Motion was made by S Taylor and seconded. Motion carried.
Club Captain: The Club Captain echoed the Chairman’s comments. He said that it had been a good season, though some losses could have been avoided. The juniors were improving and the ground was in excellent condition, for which he thanked the Grounds man. He advised the club of his intention to stand down this season, though he would remain a playing member of the club. The Chairman called for a vote of thanks for the outgoing Captain.
2nd Team Captain: The 2nd team Captain echoed the comments of the Club Captain. He said that the 2nds did well but, unfortunately, failed to win promotion. He noted that the club must try to bolster playing membership and passed on his thanks to all new members of the club.
President: Motion was made by G Peace, and seconded, to re-elect the present incumbent, R Graham. Motion carried.
A Point of Order was raised by K Blythe that, in future, the Club President should receive a formal invitation to all club meetings. This was agreed and noted by the committee.
Chairman: Motion was made by A Newcombe, and seconded, to re-elect the present incumbent, S Taylor. A second motion was made by T Kettlewell, and seconded, to elect H Frost as Chairman. H Frost was elected to the post of Chairman by a majority vote of the attendees.
Point of Order - S Taylor agreed to remain in the Chair for the duration of the meeting due to the unavailability of H Frost to sit.
Secretary: Motion was made by R Dale, and seconded, to elect N Hathaway as the new club Secretary. Motion carried.
Treasurer: Motion was made by R Dale, and seconded, to re-elect the present incumbent, G Peace. Motion carried.
Club Captain: Motion was made by H Frost, and seconded, to elect A Newcombe as Club Captain. Motion carried.
Vice Captain: Motion was made by J Barnett, and seconded, to elect J Harris as Vice Captain. Motion carried.
2nd Team Captain: Motion was made by G Peace, and seconded, to re-elect T Kettlewell as 2nd Team Captain. Motion carried.
2nd Team Vice Captain: Motion was made by J Barnett, and seconded, to re-elect S Taylor as 2nd Team vice Captain. Motion carried.
Evening Captain: Motion was made by A Newcombe, and seconded, to elect B Kettlewell as Evening Captain. Motion carried.
Evening Vice Captain: Motion was made by G Peace, and seconded, to elect D Harris as Evening vice Captain. Motion carried.
Child Welfare Officer: Motion was made by S Blythe, and seconded, to elect J Burgess as Child Welfare Officer. Motion carried.
Point of Order – The Secretary will contact the YCB to establish the qualification requirements for the CWO.
Club Committee: The Club Committee currently consisted of: Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Club Captain, J Barnett, K Blythe and A Newcombe. Motion was made by H Frost, and seconded, to change the committee membership, in light of the elections, to: Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Club Captain, J Barnett, K Blythe and J Burgess. Motion carried.
Selection Committee: The Selection Committee will remain comprised of the 3 Team Captains and their vice Captains.
Unfinished Business:
Ground Maintenance: The Grounds man suggested that voluntary assistance for ground maintenance should continue. The Secretary suggested that all members should employ more effort to endeavour to assist in all aspects of club business. Everybody should apply themselves for the good of the club whenever possible.
Cancellations: It was discussed and decided that the Secretary should take on responsibility for notification of match cancellations.
Membership Fees: It was noted that the Membership Fees had not changed for some time and represented very good value compared to other clubs. Notwithstanding the relative financial health of the club, motion was made by A Newcombe, and seconded, to increase the Membership Fees to £30 for full playing members and £10 for junior members. Motion carried.
Any Other Business:
Dishforth CC: T Kettlewell informed the meeting that Dishforth CC wished to use our ground for their Wednesday evening fixtures when available. In return, they would provide a roller for joint use which would save the club the cost of buying its own. In addition, the arrangement may bring in new players for our club’s Saturday fixtures as Dishforth no longer play at the weekend. Dishforth will be responsible for deconflicting fixtures with the Nidderdale League. Motion carried.
Parish Council Funds: K Blythe advised the meeting that the Parish Council has funds available for use by the club and it would be a shame to not use them. He intimated that the ongoing lease issue would need to be resolved before we could claim the funds. It was agreed that the matter would be discussed at the next committee meeting.
Nets: P Collison enquired whether nets would continue this year. A suggestion was made that we could possibly share nets facilities with another club to reduce costs. It was also suggested that, were the club to pay for nets again this year, that members should work hard to attend and make the outlay worth while. It was agreed that P Collison would investigate the possibilities of sharing nets with other clubs whilst B Kettlewell and D Harris would look into net availability at their school, Thirsk.
Gifts: J Burgess suggested that it would be nice for the club to present a gift to “Foxy” Collison to thank him for his great efforts in all areas of the club. It was agreed that the Secretary would liaise with P Collison to discuss an appropriate gift.
Kit: It was mentioned that Club Kit is available via All-rounder Cricket Equipment on the internet.
Next Meeting:
It was agreed that, as a number of positions on the committee had changed, the next meeting would be arranged by the Chairman via telephone and personal contacts.
Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 2120 hrs
13 January 2012
Wath and Melmerby Cricket Club
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