HW—pg. 433 (14-25, 27-32)

Ch. 6 Test WED 1-14, p. 4 & THU 1-15, p. 2

www.westex.org HS, Teacher Website


Warm up—Geometry H

1. Use the diagonals to determine whether a parallelogram with vertices A(3, 7), B(2, 1),

C(-4, 2), and D(-3, 8) is a rectangle, rhombus, or square. Give all names that apply.

Distance formula (length of diagonals)

AC = BD =

Slope formula ( diagonals) neg. rec. slope

AC m = BD m =

Today’s Goal

I will be able to:

1. use properties of kites to solve problems.

2. use properties of trapezoids to solve problems.

HW—pg. 433 (14-25, 27-32)

Ch. 6 Test WED 1-14, p. 4 & THU 1-15, p. 2

www.westex.org HS, Teacher Website

Name ______Date ______

Geometry H

6.6 Properties of Kites and Trapezoids

Today’s Goal

I will be able to:

1. use properties of kites to solve problems.

2. use properties of trapezoids to solve problems.

A ______is a quadrilateral with exactly two pairs of congruent consecutive sides.

Example 1: Using Properties of Kites

In kite ABCD, mÐDAB = 54°, and mÐCDF = 52°.

a. Find mÐBCD. b. Find mÐABC. c. Find mÐFDA.


In kite PQRS, mÐPQR = 78°, and mÐTRS = 59°.

a. Find mÐQRT. b. Find mÐQPS. c. Find mÐPSR.

A ______ is a quadrilateral with exactly one pair of parallel sides. Each of the parallel sides is called a ______. The nonparallel sides are called ______. ______of a trapezoid are two consecutive angles whose common side is a base.

If the legs of a trapezoid are congruent, the trapezoid is an ______. The following theorems state the properties of an isosceles trapezoid.

Example 2: Using Properties of Isosceles Trapezoids

a. Find mÐA.

b. KB = 21.9m and MF = 32.7. Find FB.


a. Find mÐF.

b. JN = 10.6, and NL = 14.8. Find KM.

Example 3: Applying Conditions for Isosceles Trapezoids

a. Find the value of a so that PQRS is isosceles.

b. AD = 12x – 11, and BC = 9x – 2. Find the value of x so that ABCD is isosceles.


Find the value of x so that PQST is isosceles.

The ______ is the segment whose endpoints are the midpoints of the legs. In Lesson 5-1, you studied the Triangle Midsegment Theorem. The Trapezoid Midsegment Theorem is similar to it.

Example 4: Finding Lengths Using Midsegments

Find EF.


Find EH.

6.6 Practice

In kite HJKL, mÐKLP = 72°, and mÐHJP = 49.5°. Find each measure.

1. mÐLHJ 2. mÐPKL

Use the diagram for Items 3 and 4.

3. mÐWZY = 61°. Find mÐWXY.

4. XV = 4.6, and WY = 14.2. Find VZ.

5. Find LP.

EXIT TICKET Name ______

What is one thing you know is true about an isosceles trapezoid?

EXIT TICKET Name ______

What is one thing you know is true about an isosceles trapezoid?

EXIT TICKET Name ______

What is one thing you know is true about an isosceles trapezoid?

EXIT TICKET Name ______

What is one thing you know is true about an isosceles trapezoid?