Thank You Song
To the tune of “If you’re happy and you know it clap your hands”
Thank you God for all who care for us each day (Thank You!)
Thank you God for all who care for us each day (Thank You!)
We will thank God when we pray
We will clap, and shout hurray
Thank you God for all who care for us each day (Thank You!)
Thank You prayer
Thank you God that our Mums are greatjump high with thumbs up
Thank you God that our Mums are smart touch side of head with finger
Thank you God that they love us hug self
And we love them with ALL our heart! hands on heart then outstretched
“Hands” Prayer
Thank you God for our Mums Give a “thumbs-up”
Thank you God that our Mums are stars make “twinkling” action with fingers
Help us to give our Mums a helping hand hold hands out
We pray that you will bless all Mums clasp hands together
Active prayer
Love is tough and strong to protect. Strong muscles actions
Thank you God for your love Shout
and the love of those who care for us. Clap
Love is soft and gentle to comfort. Stroke own hands or face
Thank you God for your love Whisper
and the love of those who care for us. Clap
Memory verses
God says: As a mother comforts her child, sowill I comfort you.
Isaiah 66:13
Suggested actions:
God says: Point upwards then touch mouth
As a mother comforts her child, Rock baby gestures
so will I comfort you. Hug self
Isaiah 66:13Make book with hands
You are precious to me.
You are honoured, and I love you.
Isaiah 43:4
Explain to the children that God says this verse to all of us but that on Mothering Sunday it’s good to remind our mums and those who care for us how precious they are to God. Explain that to be honoured is like being appreciated and admired.
Suggested actions:
God says point upwards
You are precious to me point to a person; cup hands as if protecting something valuable
You are honoured give a “thumbs up”
and I love you hands on heart then out to the person
You obey the law of Christ
when you offer each other a helping hand.
Galatians 6:2
Explain to the children that this verse encourages us to be helpful to everyone but that on Mothering Sunday it’s good to remember to help our Mums and carers.
Suggested actions:
You obey the law of Christ make hands into a “book” shape and look at them
when you offer each other hold out your hands to each other
a helping hand join hands together and swing them upwards
I have taught you wisdom and the right way to live.
Proverbs 4:11
Explain to the children that this verse reminds us that God shows all of us the right way to live – children and grown ups. We can trust him and follow what he says because we know he loves us.
Suggested actions:
I point to the sky
have taught you make “book” with open hands
wisdomthumbs up
and the right way to live. walk on the spot
Jesus said: I came so that my sheep will have life and so that they will have everything they need.
John 10:10
Explain that Jesus calls himself the Good Shepherd and that he looks after us like a shepherd looks after his sheep.
Suggested actions:
Jesus said: point upwards then touch mouth
I came walk on the spot
So that my sheep will have life make “high fives” with a partner
and so that they will have everything they need thumbs up
John chapter ten, verse ten make “book” with open hands
Jesus says: remember that I am always with you.
Mathew 28:20
Encourage the children to close their eyes, and then ask if they think they are alone? Open eyes then draw outthe thought that even though they couldn’t see people, they were still there. God is with us always.
Give a handkerchief or small square of material to each child. Explain that sometimes people tie a knot in ahandkerchief to help them remember something important.
Say the verse together a few times; encouragethe children to say it to each other.
Then let them tie a knot in their handkerchief to take home as a reminder
of the verse. You may need to help younger children tie their knots.
Ask the children to hold their knotted handkerchiefs and think of times when they’re happy, sad, worried, alone, with their family..... After each say together
Jesus says: remember that I am always with you. Thank you Jesus.