A Tradition of Excellence for Over 50 Years
November, 2017
Dear Parents and Guardians:
This handbook was revised and updated for the 2017-2018school year to clearly communicate school policies.
Please discuss the contents of this handbook with your child(ren). All students are expected to understand and comply with the expectations for Behavior, Discipline, Attendance, Uniforms and Personal Appearance, Homework and Arrival and Dismissal Procedures.
Parents and students are responsible for signing and returning the Handbook Agreement at the link provided.
Thank you for enrolling your children at the Cathedral School of St. Jude. We are looking forward to another successful year as we continue in our tradition of excellence in Catholic education.
Thank you for your continued support.
Mr. Jesse Gaudette
The Cathedral School of St. Judefosters a Catholic environmentthat nurtures and challenges individuals to realize their highest spiritual, academic, physical and emotional potential.
The Cathedral School of St. Jude believes…
- A variety of instructional approaches challenges students to demonstrate their full potential and individuality.
- Mutual respect is fostered through the interaction of church, home, school and community.
- A strong witness to the Gospel message of Jesus encourages students to be responsible and active in their communities.
- A safe and healthy environment which promotes learning and success is the responsibility of the entire school community.
The Cathedral School of St. Judeis fully accredited by the Florida Catholic Conference and is a member of the National Catholic Educational Association. We completed our re-accreditation during the 2016-2017 school year.
A Catholic education seeks to develop students who possess temperance and self-discipline. Students will realize that the observance of rules brings happiness to self and others. Mutual respect, cooperation, self-control and courtesy are values which promote a Catholic, Christian environment.
Enrollment in the Cathedral School of St. Jude implies the willingness of parents/guardians and students to comply with the policies and regulations of the school. To realize the school’s goals, parents/guardians and students must agree with and support the philosophy of the school.
The Cathedral School of St. Jude reserves the right to dismiss any student who fails to respect this philosophy or who otherwise, by his/her conduct or neglect of study, fails to follow the school’s policies, rules and regulations. Exemplary behavior outside of school hours is expected. A student is subject to removal if his/her behavior reflects negatively on the Cathedral School of St. Jude or is in contradiction to Catholic moral teaching.
The responsibility to develop confident individuals in today’s technological and competitive world while maintaining a solid grounding in Catholic Christian attitudes is the vocation that we, as Catholic educators at the Cathedral School of St. Jude, have accepted. The Cathedral School of St. Jude embraces the implementation of the Curriculum of the Diocese of St. Petersburg. This curriculum guides our academic program and was developed to lead children to a world beyond school, providing our students with a strong grounding in the Catholic faith and the ability to apply knowledge and skills to an ever-changing technological world.
The Curriculum covers Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies, Art, Music, Physical Education, Technology and World Language, as well as a Catholic religion course that encompasses the Four Pillars of the Catechism of the Catholic Church and the guidelines for catechesis set forth by the United States Council of Catholic Bishops (USCCB).
- Catholic identity is evident as the Word of God is deliberately infused into the daily life of the students, including opportunities to live out the Seven Principles of Catholic Social Teaching.
- Course objectives are the result of extensive research and reflect the national standards of each educational council as well as national standardized assessment of basic skills exams, therefore, providing teachers with a standardized road map that affords students a nationally competitive education.
- Critical thinking and reasoning skills, technology, interpersonal skills, as well as global and environmental issues are consciously integrated across the curriculum.
- Horizontal and vertical alignment has been established to ensure that knowledge, skills, and application build on each other sequentially and logically preventing gaps in student learning and allowing for a positive transition from Kindergarten through 8th grade.
- Periodic assessment tools track student growth, assess each child’s individual educational needs, and provide a tangible method for communicating student progress with parents.
The following subjects are included in the curriculum at the Cathedral School of St. Jude:
ReligionMathematicsPhysical Education
Reading Math Course 1A and 1B, 6Visual Art
Writing Math Course 2 (grade 7)Music
English/Language Arts Math Course 3 (grade 8)Computer Science/Technology
Science Pre-Algebra/Algebra, 7 & 8World Language
Handwriting K-4 Social Studies / Civics (grade 7)
Florida History, 4
All students at the Cathedral School of St. Judeare expected to follow the program of religious studies provided in the regular curriculum. All students participate in weekly school liturgies and all scheduled school communal prayer services, devotions, reconciliations, etc. School liturgies are scheduled for 8:15 am every Wednesday except when a Holy Day of Obligation falls on another day of the week. (Check the school calendar for any exceptions.) Religious instruction is essential to the total education of the maturing student. The Cathedral School of St. Judeprimarily exists to provide this religious dimension; only students whose parents are interested in such a program should be enrolled here. Therefore, please refrain from scheduling appointments on Wednesday Mass days.
The Sacramental preparation of students attending the Cathedral School of St. Jude is conducted by the Faith Formation Coordinator for St. Jude Cathedral. Throughout the year, meetings are scheduled for parents of second and eighth grade students. The design of these meetings is to better assist parents in preparation of the second graders for the sacraments of Reconciliation and First Holy Eucharist and the eighth graders who will receive Confirmation.
The Cathedral School of St. Judeprovides a guidance program designed to meet the individual needs of students in every grade. Individual and group counseling techniques are used in conjunction with conferences with parents/guardians, faculty and appropriate agencies to promote optimal conditions for personal growth of the individual students. Parents/guardians and students are encouraged to call the counselor when any educational, personal or social difficulty arises at home or at school that may interfere with the student's ability to work to his/her potential. Open communication is necessary so that the Guidance Department can coordinate all that is necessary to assist the student in need.
The purpose of the resource department is to provide a range of support services for both families and children with specialized learning needs. If a child has been diagnosed with a specific learning challenge, an initial meeting will be scheduled with his/her parents to determine the assistance and accommodations that may be provided for their child. If possible, services will be provided on-site during school hoursand/or referred "out" tobetterserve each specific need.Resource will be responsible for the development and implementation of all student support plans.Communication will beessential between the child's teacher and resource department to maximize each child's learning potential. Parents of students in the resource program will be expected to attend scheduled meetings and complete all necessary paperwork in a timely manner.We will strive to nurture each child's success through a high level of parental involvement. It is important to remember that students are capable of great things when others truly understand what makes them excited about learning and give them the individualized attention and encouragement they need to succeed.
The Diocese of St. Petersburg testing program consists of the Iowa Assessment. The IA is administered to students in second through eighth grades in the spring of each year. Also, the Cathedral School of St. Jude administers the ACRE (Assessment of Catholic Religious Education) testing annually to the fifth and eighth grade students.
Homework is assigned as reinforcement or to enrich the learning experience that takes place in school. Parents/guardians are asked to cooperate with teachers in supervising these home assignments. The amount of homework at each grade level will vary based on the child, subject matter and the teacher's requirements.
RenWeb will be used as a resource for posting homework;this does not replace students writing assignments in their agendas.
- Students are responsible for writing all assignments and scheduled tests in their agendas.
- Parents/guardians and students may also go online to get assignments for most classes.
- Parents/guardians may communicate with teachers through the school e-mail.
- Students are responsible for completing all assignments. At the discretion of the teacher, a student may be asked to complete work during lunch, recess, or other free times during the school day or after school.
Students who are absent are required to make up work missed in each class. If a student is out for only one or two days, the student should meet with the teacher(s) upon return about the work missed. The teacher will give the student a deadline to complete and turn in the missed assignments. If the work is not made up by the deadline specified by the teacher, the grade for the work that is not completed will be recorded as a 50.
In the case of absence of 3 or more days, parents should call the office before 8:30am for missed class work so that the work can be prepared for pick-up at dismissal time or sent via email. A reasonable amount of time will be allowed for the completion of work based on the number of days absent and the amount of work missed.
Notice of at least 24 hours is needed for teachers to prepare assignments for students who will be absent from class for a period of more than5 days.
The focus of the Office of Catholic Schools and Centers of the Diocese of St. Petersburg is to always encourage and support the learning process that leads to mastery. The retake policy supports this emphasis on learning and re-learning. Teachers have the discretion to refuse retakes to students who do not fully engage in the learning process prior to the summative assessment.
(Retake policies for each grade levelas stated by the Diocese of St Petersburg will be provided to parents upon request.)
ACADEMICS for Grades Kindergarten, 1, 2
O - Surpasses Expectations
S - Meets Expectations
N - Needs Improvement
U - Unacceptable
Language Arts/Literature Religion
Reading Science
MathSocial Studies
90 - 100%Excellent knowledge of subject matter, completeness in work, regularly contributes to class discussions
80 - 89%Good knowledge of subject matter, completeness in work, sometimes contributes to class discussions
70 - 79% Adequate knowledge of subject matter, required work fair, contributes to class discussions when called upon
60 - 69%Poor knowledge of subject matter, poor work and study habits, low test scores, seldom contributes to class discussions
50-59 %Unsatisfactory knowledge of subject matter, incomplete assignments, low test scores, failures, rarely contributes to class discussions
*A score of 50 represents the lowest failing score. For any assessment that is not turned in on the due date, the student will receive an automatic 50.
ArtPhysical Education
Computer/Technology*World Language
CONDUCT for Grades K-8
The principles of Respect and Responsibility are the focus.
- Demonstrates a good attitude
- Is respectful to adults and peers in speech and action
- Maintains positive peer relationships
- Respectful of personal, peer, & school property
- Exhibits self-control
- Follows directions and does not need constant reminders
- Socializes only at appropriate times
- Takes ownership of behavior
4- Exceeds expectations
3 - Meets Expectations
2 – Is developing
1 – Rarely meets expectations
The principles or Organization, Communication/Collaboration, and Reflective thinking are the focus for ATL’s
- Prepared for class
- Punctual with homework and in-class assignments
- Completed homework and in-class assignments
Collaboration & Communication
- Participates in class
- Attentive and engaged during instruction
- Demonstrates helpfulness & teamwork
Reflection & Personal Initiative
- Open to teacher help and correction
- Makes effort to improve behavior/performance by seeking help when needed
- Makes time for personal study & improvement
4- Exceeds expectations
3 - Meets Expectations
2 – Is developing
1 – Rarely meets expectations
Honor Roll is awarded to students who encompass merit and integrity that results in academic and behavioral success.
Honor Roll eligibility is determined by: Grades in all subjects, Approaches to Learning(ATL) in all classes, Conduct in all classes.
Principal's Honors:All A’s
3 or 4 in ATL
3 or 4 in Conduct
First Honors: All A’s & B’s
3 or 4 in ATL
3 or 4 in Conduct
Second Honors: All B’s or higher.
3 or 4 in ATL
3 or 4 in Conduct
Students in Grades K-8 are issued report cards at the end of each twelve-week marking period. The report card provides the parent/guardian and student with an overall assessment of the student’s academic progress and conduct. The parent/guardian and student should review the report card to set academic and conduct goals for the next marking period. Report cards will be posted to the student portfolio in RenWeb. Final report cards will be printed and stored in the student’s permanent record file.
The purpose of the National Junior Honor Society is to create enthusiasm for academics, promote service to others, develop character in its members and encourage good citizenship and Catholic values.
- Candidates eligible for election to this chapter must be in the third trimester of sixth grade or grade seven.
- To be eligible for selection to membership in this chapter, the candidate must have been in attendance for a period of one trimester at the Cathedral of St. Jude School.
- Candidates eligible for selection to the chapter shall have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.6 or 90. This scholastic level of achievement shall remain fixed, and shall be the required minimum level of scholastic achievement for admission to candidacy. All students who can rise in scholarship to or above such standard may be admitted to candidacy for selection to membership.
- To be eligible for membership students may not have a negative referral, detention, or suspension in the year of application.
- Upon meeting the grade level, attendance, and GPA standard requirements, candidates shall then be considered based on their service, leadership, citizenship, and character.
A minimum of one face to face parent/guardian teacher conference is requested during the school year. This conference provides an opportunity for parents/guardians to meet with the teacher(s) to discuss the child's progress. If you would like to schedule a conference with a teacher at any time, please contact the teacher via email or a telephone message through the school office to schedule an appointment. Teachers are very flexible in scheduling conferences with parents/guardians, either before or after school, and require having at least 24 hours’ notice. Teachers are not available for conferences when they are teaching students.
Parents will be notified of the dates of scheduled conferences.
The core subjects in the Catholic Schools of the Diocese of St. Petersburg are Religion, Math, Language Arts, Science and Social Studies. A student enrolled in a Catholic School who fails one core subject must participate in a remedial program. Failure of two core subjects will result in remediation or retention at the discretion of the principal. Failure of three or more core subjects will result in retention.
The following criteria must be met with regard to the remediation process:
- Remediation must take place in one of the following ways:
A remediation program in a Catholic school within the Diocese of St. Petersburg
By a teacher certified in the subject area contracted by the parent and approved by the principal
In a remediation program which has been approved by the principal
*Neither the student’s current teacher nor any teacher who presumably will be the subject area teacher in the future may tutor/provide remediation for a student.
- Prior to the beginning of the next school year the principal must receive:
Validation of attendance
Proof of proficiency in the subject area(s) including work samples and test scores
*Failure to meet remediation guidelines will result in retention.
- The following documentation guidelines will be followed after meeting remediation guidelines:
The original failing grade is recorded on the permanent record and may not be altered.
Proof of proficiency in the subject area must be recorded separately on the permanent record card.
TRANSFER RULE: Any student who fails one or more core subjects must meet the remediation guidelines of the originating school.
After these criteria have been met, further assessment may be administered by the school principal to ensure proper placement.
*NOTE: Situations involving students with an existing Student Support Plan will be reviewed individually utilizing the student support team process.
To fulfill the high ideals which we have for each child, it is necessary that both home and school endeavor to cooperate and act as a unified team in the child's life. When there is an understanding between school and home, when regulations are mutually honored and respected, then there develops in the child's mind a sense of peace and security which are the basis of all natural and spiritual growth.