Date Resolved By Council:30 January 2008
Commencement Date:30 January 2008
Review Date:January 2011
Responsible Department:City Infrastructure
This policy has been authorised and is included on Council’s Website.
Peter Brown
Chief Executive Officer
30 January 2008
This policy relates to the ownership, distribution, storage, maintenance, replacement and collection of mobile garbage, recycling and green waste bins.
This policy should be read in conjunction with Policy CID 09 – Waste Charge Policy
Council, in 2007 developed a new Local Law applicable throughout the municipality.
The new legislation provides reference to issues associated with Council’s garbage collection and recycling services, however, a policy is required for further support of operational issues.
This policy is to ensure the appropriate distribution, storage, maintenance, replacement and collection of the mobile garbage, recycling and green waste bins.
3.1Provision of Mobile Bins
Council will provide mobile garbage bins and recycling bins to all residential and commercial properties within the municipality in accordance with its Waste Reduction Charge Policy.
Additionally, subject to the payment of the ‘connection fee’, Council will provide green waste collection bins to residential properties. The bins remain in the ownership of Council and must remain at the property to which the bin has been allocated at all times
Where an owner / occupier pays a connection fee and moves to another property within the municipality the bin can be transferred to that property subject to notification and approval of Council.
If after 12 months the owner / occupier of a premises where a green waste bin has been supplied leaves the premises and the Municipality the bin is to either left at the premises or returned to Council. No refund of the connection fee will be made. If the bin is lost or stolen during this changeover then a further connection fee is payable.
3.2Bin Capacity
Bins will be supplied in accordance with the Waste Charge Policy (Policy CID 09)
Residential and commercial properties paying the Waste Charge are entitled to 120 litres of capacity. (120 litre bin or shared 240 litre bin)
Residential properties may have additional 120 litres of bin capacity (either an additional 120 litre bin or a single 240 litre bin) being provided subject to the following:
- There is a written application providing appropriate details and reasons for the additional bin capacity.
- The application is approved by the Director City Infrastructure or their nominee
c)Green Waste
Residential properties can have a maximum bin capacity of 240 litres comprising one 240 litre bin or two 120 litre bins
Subject to the payment of the appropriate Waste or Commercial Plus Charge Council will distribute the mobile bins to all residential properties and, where requested, commercial properties.
Council will not distribute bins to any premise that does not provide appropriate storage facilities.
In accordance with Council’s Local laws owners / occupiers are responsible for ensuring the cleanliness of their bins.
Council is responsible for the repair and maintenance e.g. replacement of lid, wheels of all mobile bins.
3.5Replacement of Lost/Stolen Mobile Bins
Council will replace lost/stolen bins upon receipt of a Statutory Declaration from the owner/occupier of the property that the bin has been lost/stolen and this bin replacement will be recorded on the property file.
3.6Material Not Collected
Mobile garbage bins issued by Council will not be collected if they contain the following: -
(a)Materials collected by Council as part of its kerbside recycling and greenwaste services.
(b)Slops, liquid waste or offensive material;
(c)Dirt, dust, or other matter from any vacuum cleaner, hair or other similar matter or moist refuse, unless it has been securely wrapped in paper or some other impermeable cover or container to prevent its escape;
(d)Ashes or other like matter unless they have been wrapped and placed in the bin;
(e)Glass or other sharp objects unless they are property contained or wrapped in such a way as to render them harmless and inoffensive;
(f)Oil, paint, solvents or similar substance or any other substance which may damage the bin or reduce its strength or effectiveness;
(g)Trade waste of any kind:
(i)Excavation material or building rubble;
(j)Prescribed waste pursuant to the Environment Protection Act;
(k)Medical waste
Mobile recycling bins issued by Council will not be collected if they contain the following: -
(a)Materials collected by Council as part of its kerbside garbage or green waste services.
(b)Plastic bags, pyrox or ceramics
(c)Waxed Cardboard
c)Green Waste
Mobile garbage bins issued by Council will not be collected if they contain the following: -
(a)Materials collected by Council as part of its kerbside garbage and recycling services.
(b)Noxious weeds such as ivy, blackberries, palm trees or bamboo
(c)Tree stumps, soil or ash
(d)Plastic bags, wire or other non green waste
3.7Placement of Mobile Bins for Collection
Mobile bins (with the lids fully closed) must be placed out on the verge of the vehicle crossing or roadway abutting the property. The bins must be placed out the night before the garbage, recyclables or green waste is scheduled to be collected. Bins must be returned to within the property within 24 hours of the collection service in accordance with the provisions of Council’s Local law.
3.8Weight of Mobile Bins
The total weight of any mobile bin placed out for collection must not exceed 30 kilograms.
3.9Storage of Mobile Bins.
The mobile bins issued by Council must be stored within the property to which they are distributed in a convenient and secure position. Council may either fine owners (in accordance with its Local Law or remove bins that do not have appropriate storage locations or bins that are continually left out within the roadway.
3.10Cleanliness of Mobile Bins
Mobile bins must be maintained in a clean condition by users so as not to be offensive to any person and or become a health nuisance.
3.11Vacant Properties / Premises
Mobile bins will not be issued to vacant properties or premises. Properties that vacant are required to return any bins allocated to them before the Waste Reduction Charge can be removed