Utah C-PACE Pre-Application

The pre-application form will assist property owners in determining if their property is eligible for C-PACE financing.

Is the owner aware he/she must obtain consentto the C-PACE obligation from each person or institution holding a lien or mortgage on the property? / ☐ Yes ☐ No
Will the proposed energy conservation measures be permanently affixed to the real property? / ☐ Yes ☐ No
Are there any delinquent taxes, special assessments, or water sewer charges on the property? / ☐ Yes ☐ No
Is there a recorded notice of default, foreclosure, or delinquency on any trust deed or other lien on the property that has not been cured? / ☐ Yes ☐ No
Are there any involuntary liens, including a lien on real property, or on the proceeds of a contract relating to real property, for services, labor, or materials furnished in connection with the construction or improvement of the property? / ☐ Yes ☐ No
Will the C-PACE loan exceed 20 years? / ☐ Yes ☐ No
If the term of the C-PACE loan exceeds 10 years, will the loan term exceed the reasonable useful life of the improvement(s) (unless it is in the best interests of the relevant local entity to pay installments for more than 10 years)? / ☐ Yes ☐ No


Property Location

Property Name:


Property Address:

Property Type

☐ Office ☐Industrial ☐Multi-Family/Apartment (> 4 Units) ☐Warehouse

☐Hospital/Lab ☐Hotel ☐Non-Profit ☐Education ☐Retail

☐Agriculture ☐Other:

Gross Sq. Footage:

Utah C-PACE Application

Please complete the entire application form completely.

Contact Information

Contact Person:



I am a (please select):

☐Property Owner ☐Building Manager ☐Municipality

☐Investor/Lender ☐Contractor/Auditor/Project Developer

☐Mortgage Holder ☐Other:

Building Owner Information

Building Owner:


Building Owner Contact:



Property Legal Description:

Project Type

☐ Energy Efficiency Upgrade☐ Renewable Energy System

☐Water Conservation ☐ Other:

Conservation Measures

Describe the energy efficiency measures and/or renewable energy systems in your proposed project. Include estimated costs and projected utility savings.

Energy/Water Conservation Measure / Estimated Cost / Projected Utility Savings
Total / $
Estimated C-PACE Financing Amount / $

Tax Credits

Do you plan to apply for any state or federal tax credits in connection with the financing of the C-PACE improvements? ☐ Yes ☐ No

Energy Audit

Please attach all audits, feasibility studies, incentive information, and other project documents to this application.

Last energy audit type on the building:

Date of Audit:

For renewable energy systems, has a feasibility study been done for the project? ☐Y ☐N

Date of feasibility study:______

Contractor Contact

Contractor Company:

Contractor Name:

Contractor Email:

Contractor Phone:

Building Financials

1.Amount of property taxes and other municipal assessments (ex. sewer assessment) paid on the property in the most recent year:

Are Payments current:☐Y ☐ N

Are all other municipal assessment payments current:☐Y ☐ N

Do you have clear title to the property with no encumbrances? Please indicate encumbrances on the property.

2. Are there any outstanding liens (including tax liens) or notices of default on the property?If so, indicate who holds the liens or who issued the notices of default.

3.Is there a current mortgage(s) on the property? If yes, note all mortgage holder(s)

Are there payment penalties? ☐Y ☐ N

Principal outstanding:

Are mortgage payments current:☐Y ☐ N

Please submit application and/or questions to:Teresa Pinkal, Energy Program Specialist

Utah Office of Energy Development | 60 E. South Temple, Suite 300Salt Lake City, Utah 84111

| 801-538-8662