Matthew 1: 24

An Advent Sermon by:

Rev. L. Roth





(December 2005)



Psalter 232: 1, 2

Law of God

Psalter 419: 1, 2, 3

Scripture Reading: Matthew 1: 18 – 25

Text: Matthew 1: 24

Congregational Prayer


Psalter 368: 1, 2, 5


Psalter 317: 1, 2, 4

Thanksgiving Prayer

Psalter 207: 1, 3, 4

Doxology: #6

Mattthew 1:24 Christ’s Birth Fulfills Kingly Office

Beloved Congregation.

The Lord Jesus entered into this world in the fullness of time. That means that all the lines which God has drawn before the Messianic age all find their fulfillment in Him as the New Testament church begins to function. And for Israel in particular, the fullness of time should have meant that all the types and shadows of the coming Messiah begin to disappear when Christ comes upon the scene. For He is the fulfillment of them all. That means then that the Old Testament offices of Prophet, Priest, ands King also fall away with Christ’s coming into the flesh.

But alas, this was not recognized by the religious leaders. They rejected the Lord of Glory when He came to them and therefore attempted to retain the offices of the Old Covenant. They were not able to distinguish the shadows from the real. But, their blindness and indifference could not hinder the fact that the Lord God would bear witness precisely through these three offices that the Christ Child born to Mary was indeed the long promised Messiah of God for Whom all the true Israel had been waiting.

Let us therefore regard the Words of our text this evening under the following theme: CHRIST’S CONCEPTION AND BIRTH IS RECOGNIZED AS FULFILLING THE KINGLY OFFICE. In the first place let us consider A Divine Message. In the second place let us regard An Obedient Servant.

In the first place let us consider A Divine Message. At the time of our text words, congregation, the nation of Israel had gone through a very dark period of their history. For approximately 400 years the nation had not received revelation from the Lord their God. Although they were living in their own land, as a nation Israel had been amalgamated into the Roman Empire. And so they were no longer a self-ruling nation.

Herod the Edomite was divested with the title of king over Palestine by the emperor of Rome. Although the Jews were given religious freedom that allowed the ceremonies of the temple worship to continue, these were very dark times for the true Israel of God.

But suddenly, in His mercy, the Lord visits His people once more. For God’s timetable had arrived that great and glorious things would take place. The Angel Gabriel is sent to Zacharius and Elizabeth to announce the forerunner’s birth and shortly thereafter a Godly young virgin, Mary, is given the message that she will divinely conceive a child in her womb which shall be the Son of God. And now here, in our Scripture reading and text, a most wondrous and beautiful message is given to Joseph, namely, that Mary would bring forth a son Whose name would be called Jesus, Who would save His people from their sins.

Now, as you know, Mary and Joseph were espoused to be married in the near future. We could say that they were engaged; but this engagement entailed more than the manner we regard engagements today. For the prospective bride and bridegroom had pledged their faith and loyalty to one another in the presence of witnesses. Although in a restricted sense, this was essentially the marriage. And that is why in verse 19 Joseph is already referred to as Mary’s husband although they were not living together as yet. The importance and weightiness of betrothal is emphasized in the Old Testament in Deuteronomy 22:23, 24 where we read that unfaithfulness by a betrothed woman was punishable by death.

Well now, in our passage this morning we see how that Joseph is made aware of the divine nature of Mary’s pregnancy. This honorable man is given a divine message through a dream that Mary has conceived a child in her womb through the power of the Holy Ghost. And, to emphasize the divine nature of this child, the Angel of the Lord refers to the words of prophecy spoken by Isaiah close to 600 years earlier, namely, that a virgin would be with child and bring forth a son and his name would be called Emmanuel, which being interpreted means God with us.

Now, we must be careful that we do not over simplify that which Joesph was confronted with, congregation. We cannot imagine the turmoil that must have filled Joseph’s heart and mind when it became apparent that Mary was expecting a child which did not belong to him. And while he thought about these things, he, being a just man, meaning that he thought to do the wisest thing possible under the circumstances, thought to send Mary away privately, giving her a bill of divorce so that she would not be held up to open shame. Although it must have torn his heart, Joseph would take a course of action that would be least hurtful to all concerned. He could have just followed the more natural instincts of his heart and taken Mary to wife and no one would have known the difference, but Joseph was a just man, congregation, a man of principle who feared God; and therefore he wanted to do that which was righteous and just in accordance to the will of God. But he was also kind and tenderhearted, not willing to put Mary to open shame.

But while he is mulling these things over, the Lord Himself steps in and sends a heavenly messenger through the medium of a dream to make all things plain. And notice how the Angel of the Lord addresses him: Fear not, Joseph, thou son of David. Yes, God’s servant would remind Joseph of his special lineage and thus heighten his awareness to the promises of God concerning the Messiah Who would come. And then the Angel goes on to tell Joseph about the divine origins of the fruit conceived in Mary’s womb as well as the great significance of her Child’s birth. No, Joseph, you must not carry out the intentions you had when you only had earthly understanding of the things which have taken place in Mary’s life; but when she bears her son you shall call His name Jesus, for he shall save his people from their sins. Oh what a miracle of grace is revealed in these words for God’s people. For as we have already mentioned, the times were extremely dark and it did not seem possible that the Lord would ever fulfill His promises concerning the long promised seed. But man’s impossibility becomes God’s opportunity so that His divine work shines all the more brightly. Yes, Joseph is a son of David, the one who should have been upon his father’s throne if Israel had been free to exercise her own political life.

Well now, do we also know of that fact in our life as well, congregation, namely, something of the Lord’s work in our life when everything appeared so hopeless and dark according to our perceptions? For some it may be in the way of a particular trial being brought in their life. For others it may be just a sense of hopelessness from their side that the light of God’s countenance would ever shine upon their way. And still others are given a deep knowledge of their sin so that they go through life bowed down under it, not knowing how they will ever be freed from the burden laid upon them. Yes, congregation, if things are right, it will always be in the way of a miracle that the Lord looks down upon a people and shows them mercy. We must never, ever think that we are able to bring about a change in our life or that we can dictate to the Lord how and when He will manifest His grace upon our behalf. All that we can do is turn to His promises and plead His grace.

It is remarkable that when the news came to Joseph that his espoused wife was expecting, it seems that he did not take immediate action. In verse 19 we read that he was minded to put her away privily. In his own mind he had comes to terms with the best course of action in view of the circumstances and the options which were given in God’s holy law. And so we see that Joseph was not at all impulsive but sought to deal feelingly and justly in view of all that had taken place and what in his estimation he must do. But as is revealed in this particular episode of revelation history, God’s ways are higher than our ways and His thoughts are not our thoughts. But then to be brought to that point, congregation, that the Lord’s will and ways for our life is the best way. Then we will be brought to see that in us dwelleth no good; but, as for God, His way is perfect. Oh to be brought to there in our lives, beloved, whether it be for the first time or by renewal, that we experience that the Lord’s will and ways are the best ways for our life. Oh, to repeat the prayer of David from the heart, Let me not fall into the hand of man but into the hand of God. Or to repeat the confession of old Eli: Let the Lord do what seemeth good unto Him. That, beloved is most blessed. Nothing can compare to be one with the Lord’s will and ways for our life. For then we are safe for time and eternity.

Well now, the Lord comes to Joseph with a divine message that is far beyond what he could have imagined. That which was forming within Mary was of the Holy Spirit. But to remove any doubt remaining concerning this matter, the messenger of God repeats words of prophecy spoken by Isaiah. And these words of our text begin with that very important little word, Behold. In other words take special notice what God’s servant has said. This word also appears in the original oracle spoken by Isaiah in Chapter 7:14. And so as Israel was called to be on the alert for this marvelous, extraordinary thing that would come to pass, which by the way has never ever taken place before or after. Joseph must think upon and meditate precisely on these words of the prophet. For they fit exactly in with Joseph and Mary’s situation as it has unfolded in their life.

If there is anything we need also today, congregation, is that the Lord would be pleased to speak through His Word and Spirit also to us. For there is nothing so powerful and enlightening as the Word of God when it comes to us with power from on high and then also at a particular time in our life which fits exactly the occasion or trial which we are faced with in life. Undoubtedly the Bible is suitable for every circumstance in life but sometimes the Lord guides our reading of His holy Word in such a way that the particular passage we read at a certain time in our life, corresponds exactly to the situation we are experiencing. And it may have been that we were faced with a particular problem or burden for some time already when suddenly, like a flash of lightening the darkness is removed from our understanding as we are made receptive to hear what God the Lord will speak. Or, as we read concerning the life of Elijah, the Lord may come over as it were in a still small voice through His Word so that we only gradually begin to see the purpose of the Lord’s dealings in our life. But oh, to hear the voice of the Savior, that alone brings real hope in one’s life.

No, thereby God’s people do not hear an audible voice, not at all. But then the Word of God comes with power, congregation, with the power of God’s Spirit. In John’s Gospel, Chapter 5:25 the Lord Jesus spake these words: The hour is coming and now is

when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God and they that hear shall live. How blessed it is when we also experience that. And so, while Joseph was indeed faced with a specific problem in his life for which he had no answer, he too was given to hear the voice of God through the instructions given by the Angel of the Lord. But not only did they clear up the problem with which Joseph was faced, but in this message which Joseph received lay the words of salvation for his own heart and soul. For the child that would be born to Mary would not be an ordinary child, but the eternal Son of God, the long promised Messiah. And in this way, God’s people would experience, Emmanuel, God with us.

You know, congregation, sometimes there are people who are convinced that the Lord has had dealings in their life due to what seemed to them most remarkable things happening in their life; and sometimes these things are not even restricted to His providential dealings but come from the Word of God. And these things all sound so powerful and real as they relate how the Lord has reached down in their life. But when one would ask what the result was of this “meeting” with the Lord, what impact it had upon their lives, then, sadly enough, they do not really know what to answer. And then it seems that it did not have a lasting impact upon their life and really did not result in any noticeable change in their life. When this happens, then either one of two things are true, congregation; either we have put too much weight upon that which we thought were the dealings of the Lord, or, quite simply we have allowed some wishful thinking or romanticized feelings to control our life by which we have not really experienced the power of God.

While the Lord may indeed give us light upon a certain situation in life, we are not really profited by His leading and guidance except we are given light for our poor and needy souls. We really cannot be satisfied with less, congregation. For all other things which we thought to have received from the hand of God will let us down except we have received true light by which the Redeemer is revealed to our souls. Oh to have a Savior,

congregation, that is to experience amazing grace. To experience that God is with us, and for us, and within us by His Spirit, that is true life. May we not rest until we experience this lasting grace which will stand the test of God throughout all eternity. Oh to find rest in the blessed Savior is true life indeed!

Now, while it is true that the message that Joseph received from the Angel was not the means the Lord used for Joseph’s initial conversion, for we saw that he was a just man, yet by this message he was certainly given more light upon the way of salvation and life. And so for God’s people there is no more blessed experience than to receive light upon one’s way when it comes to the dear Savior and His blessed work. When that is truly given, congregation, then most of our difficulties are removed. How? No, not necessarily concerning our circumstances, but when room is made in our life for will of God through the Savior, then we are shown that all that we receive in life are forfeited blessings; yes then we begin to see our proper place in the sight of God, as a beggar at the throne of His grace. Then all that the Lord does in our life is well. And so when the will and ways of the Lord became apparent in the life of Joseph and his espoused wife, Mary, then he acquiesced with the perfect will of God and received Mary as his lawful wife. Which brings us to our second and final point: An Obedient Servant.

Turning to the words of our text, congregation, we read in verse 24, then Joseph being raised from sleep did as the Angel of the Lord had bidden him, and took unto him his wife. And so in these words, congregation, we see how that Joseph is obedient to the divine command to receive Mary completely as his wife though she be with child which is not his. We may say that by faith Joseph performed this act, congregation. For let us realize that no one in their natural condition would accept such a message as was given to Joseph. Who ever heard of being with child without having relations with a man? That was a sore trial placed upon Joseph. But with the divine message given to him, he has the confidence that the Angel’s message is true and that Mary has remained faithful after all.

But I believe that we must say more than this. We have seen that Joseph was the son of David. Now, when we examine the list of the names of generations given in the first half of the first chapter of Matthew we will see that there are three sets of names given consisting of fourteen names each. This is a clear division given in God’s word. We have the generations from Abraham to David, from Solomon to Jechoniah and his brothers and lastly from Jechoniah to the Lord Jesus Who was born to Joseph and Mary. This division could also be divided up into six times seven, there being two sets of seven in each fourteen. Now it is through the wisdom of God that the Lord Jesus’ name is the final one of the third list of fourteen or the sixth list of seven. Seven is the number of fullness and six is the number denoting labor or work. The Lord worked six days in creating heaven and earth and rested the seventh day. And since the Lord Jesus’ name completes the third list of fourteen, that indicates that an end has come to the generations which would be the legitimate heir to Israel’s throne. And that heir, congregation, is none other than the great Son of David, the Child of Mary that was going to be born! And when Joseph in our text is willing to receive Mary to wife, he is recognizing the great deeds of the Lord; he acquiesces with the Lord’s holy and most miraculous will.