MINUTES of the MONTHLY MEETING of Mumbles Community Council held on Tuesday 9 December2014in the Council Offices, Walters Crescent, Mumbles
492.12.14 / Chairman: Councillor H. Mitchell
Councillors: B. Arthur,J. Beach, P. Birch, A. Colburn,M. Colburn,
J. Cooper, D. Dorsett, T. Duffy, P. Erasmus, M. Griffiths,
M. Jones, G. Kaminaris,E. Morgan, T. Scales, J. Twining
& P. Whittaker
Apologies: Councillor: L. Tyler-Lloyd
No Apologies: None
CllrArthurdeclared a personal interest in planning application 2014/1672 as the applicant is an acquaintance.
Cllr Birch declared a personal interest in planning application 2014/1668 as the applicant is an acquaintance.
Cllr Birch declared a personal interest in planning application 2014/1672 as the applicant is an acquaintance.
Cllr Birch declared a personal interest in planning application 2014/1694 as the applicant is an acquaintance.
Cllr Duffy declared a personal interest in planning application 2014/1665 as the applicant is an acquaintance.
Cllr Duffy declared a personal interest in planning application 2014/1637 as the applicant is an acquaintance.
Cllr Duffy declared a personal and prejudicial interest in item 512.12as co-organiser of the festival and left the room when the matter was discussed.
Cllr Mitchell declared a personal interest in planning application 2014/1694 as the applicant is a neighbour who is an acquaintance.
Cllr Scales declared a personal and prejudicial interest in item 512.12 as co-organiser of the festival and left the room when the matter was discussed.
Cllr Twinning declared a personal and prejudicial interest in planning application 2014/1689 and left the room when the matter was discussed.
Cllr Twinning declared a personal interest in planning application 2014/1748.
Cllr Whittaker declared a personal and prejudicial interest in item 512.12 as co-organiser of the festival and left the room when the matter was discussed.
494.12 / Minutes Silence
A minutes silence was held at the beginning of the meeting as a mark of respect for former community councillor Mrs Natalie Thomas
495.12 / Minutes of the Monthly Meeting held on 11 November 2014
RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Monthly Meeting of Council held on
11 November 2014be accepted as a correct record.
Clerk’s Report
496.12 / The Clerk sought retrospective approval for the cleaning of the carpets after dogs mess was walked into it.
AGREEDto give retrospective approval.
497.12 / The letters listing was circulated.
Chairman’s Report
498.12 / The Chairman said she was sure that all councillors would wish to extend their sympathies to Councillor Des Thomas who has suffered the untimely death of his wife, Natalie.
Natalie was, at one time, a community councillor and was instrumental, at the very beginning, in Mumbles Community Council securing the West Cross Village Green status.
499.12 / The Chairmanhad not attended any events on behalf of Mumbles Community Council since the last meeting in November.
500.12 / The Chairman has not been invited to any events in the next month.
Planning Applications
501.12 / Cllr A. Colburnleft the meeting room.
502.12 / 2014/1652 - 1-13 Langland Court, Langland Court Road, Langland
OBJECTION –Out of keeping with surrounding area.
503.12 / 2014/1694– Mermaid Cottage, Caswell Road, Caswell
OBJECTION –Height of garage out of keeping. Visual impact on surrounding area.
504.12 / 2014/1718 - 5 Heneage Drive, West Cross
OBJECTION –Height of summer house will have a visual impact on the surrounding properties
505.12 / 2014/1727 - 58 Fairwood Road, West Cross
OBJECTION – Visual impact on street scene. Over intensification.
506.12 / 2014/1748 - 71 Murton Lane, Newton
OBJECTION – Object to felling of healthy tree, but will support C&CS tree officer.
507.12 / 2014/1817 - 5 Worcester Drive, Langland
OBJECTION – Visual impact on surrounding properties. Out of keeping with all other houses in the area.
508.12 / 2014/1836 - The Residence, Overland Road, Langland
OBJECTION – Object to felling of healthy mature trees
509.12 / All other planning applications were passed as either‘Support C&CS planning/tree officer/no decision’; or ‘No Objection’.
510.12 / Cllr A. Colburnreturned to the meeting room.
Items from the F&GP Committee
511.12 / Sponsorship Request Mumbles Rangers Under 14’s Boys Football
RESOLVED that a £500 grant be awarded for new kit and/or travel costs to take part in competition in Genoa.
512.12 / Children’s Day – Oyster Festival
Letter enclosing accounts received.
RESOLVED that the sponsorship monies of £1000 be paid forthwith.
Financial Report
Invoices for Approval & Bank Balances
Chq No: / Payee / Purpose / Net (£) / VAT (£) / Gross (£)
513.12 / 3045 / Steve Heydon / Clerk- Salary / £994.44 / £0.00 / £994.44
514.12 / 3046 / Cleaner / Cleaner's Wages / £43.34 / £0.00 / £43.34
515.12 / 3047 / HM Revenue & Customs / Tax & National Insurance / £154.28 / £0.00 / £154.28
516.12 / 3048 / City & County of Swansea / Mulberry Avenue Centreline / £423.05 / £84.61 / £507.66
517.12 / 3049 / GJ Isaac & Sons Ltd / Deposit for Roodscreen works / £1,250.00 / £0.00 / £1,250.00
518.12 / 3050 / One Voice Wales / Training / £0.00 / £0.00 / £0.00
519.12 / 3051 / Cwtch cakes / Cakes/Scones / £40.00 / £0.00 / £40.00
520.12 / 3052 / Redcafe / Football Competition / £230.00 / £0.00 / £230.00
521.12 / 3053 / City & County of Swansea / Plunch Lane Traffic Order / £2,916.67 / £583.33 / £3,500.00
522.12 / 3054 / City & County of Swansea / Hire of Council Fields / £46.67 / £9.33 / £56.00
523.12 / 3055 / City & County of Swansea / Visirail at Alderwood Road / £1,800.00 / £0.00 / £1,800.00
524.12 / 3056 / Cllr Dorsett / Expenses Claim - Food for Event / £26.23 / £0.00 / £26.23
525.12 / 3057 / Cllr Cooper / Expenses Claim* / 9.96 / 9.96
526.12 / 3058 / Servicemaster / Carpet Cleaning
Carpets / 50.00 / 10.00 / 60.00
527.12 / 3059 / Seaside Office Supplies / Stationary / 97.87 / 19.57 / 117.44
528.12 / 3060 / Seaside Office Supplies / Postage Stamps / 108.50 / 108.50
529.12 / Current Account / £32,639.94
Deposit Account / £55,163.43
* Clerk had mislaid receipt; for glue - Council agreed to payment
Items from the IT & Publications Committee
530.12 / iPads/Tablets Update
After consideration on price and performance:
  1. MCC purchase iPads for councillors and get them set up for use.
  2. Cllr Whittaker to set-up ipads including emails.

531.12 / Social Media
RESOLVED that MCC get Twitter and Instagram up and running ready for launch with newsletter
532.12 / Marketing and PR
The proposal that the committee’s name be changed to IT, Marketing and PR Committee and that the committee draw up a Marketing and PR strategy for MCC, was referred back to the Committee for further consideration.
533.12 / Newsletter
RESOLVED that the Clerk, in consultation with the Chairman of the IT and Publications Committee be given the plenary powers to publish the Newsletter.
534.12 / Cllr Morgan left the meeting
Items from the Community Planning Committee
535.12 / Cooperation & Collaboration with C&CS
RESOLVED that following the meeting held between MCC and CCS on 24th November further meetings, requested by CCS, be held to consider options for cooperation and collaboration in order to help maintain essentialtourism and recreational services within the MCC area.
Items from the Events Committee
536.12 / School Council Event 30 January - Mayals School
RESOLVED thatschool governors be asked to contact their school councils and guide them through the process. The Chair of Events will provide a “crib sheet”. A special meeting of the Council to be arranged for the school council reps to present their ideas
537.12 / Meet Your Councillors
RESOLVED that after the General Election, MCC organises four Meet your Councillor events - one in each ward. The event to be well publicised and centered around local issues e.g. LDP proposals. The event to take the form of a ‘Question Time’ session.
538.12 / Family Festival
RESOLVEDthat the Council organises a one day event in March where local organizations be invited to have a stall to provide information and provide an opportunity to recruit. Examples being: sports clubs, historical associations, Friends of the Castle, voluntary groups. To include demonstrations and entertainment.
Meeting Closed at 8.40pm
Page 1 of5 Monthly Meeting Minutes 9 December 2014 / Chairman’s Signature