SRA Research ProjectMilestone Report

(Please note: The report must be submitted as a Word document)

SRA Project Code
Project Title
Research Organisation(s)
Chief Investigator(s)
Project Objectives
Milestone Number
Milestone Due Date / Date submitted
Reason for delay
(if relevant)
Milestone Payment
Milestone Title
Achievement Criteria
Success in achieving the milestone / ☐Completely Achieved
☐Partially Achieved
☐Not Achieved
Will the project be completed on the current milestone timetable? / ☐YES
(If NO, provide an explanation on how the project will be delivered within Section 6)

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To be completed by the Chief Investigator

Section 1: Abstract

Provide a non-confidential plain-English summary of the work done for the milestone period, outlining achievements in a form that can be communicated to the industry – maximum 150 words.

Section 2: Milestone Achievement

(a)Milestone achievement criteria, results and discussion. Please provide sufficient evidence to confirm the achievement of the milestone or reasons it was not achieved, including an overview of data and other relevant results. The discussion must be structured according to the defined milestone achievement criteria, as set out in the Research Agreement.

(b)If the milestone was not fully achieved, what steps are being taken to rectify the problem and what impact will this have on future project milestones and the overall project timeline?

Section 3:Intellectual Property (IP) and Confidentiality

Detail any intellectual property considerations or discoveries made and if these are to be protected and how. Outline any publications produced. State what information, if any, is to be treated as confidential, to whom and for how long. Projects contracted from July 2014 onwards will also need to attach an updated INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY REGISTER detailing any IP considerations or discoveries made and whether these are to be protected and how this may occur. (Note:The INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY REGISTER was provided as part of the executed project agreement)

Section 4:Communication and Adoption of Outputs

(a)What key messages have come from the project to date, when and how they have been communicated and to whom? Has there been any communication with the relevant SRA Professional Extension and Communication (PEC) officer or unit?

(b)What new information, if any, is available on the adoption of project outputs?

(c)Are there any new publications since the last Milestone Report? Examples could include scientific papers, posters, abstracts, newsletters, fact sheets or any other media coverage.

(d)List any upcoming meetings, seminars, field days etc. associated with the project, with dates, times, locations if known, and a brief description.

Section 5:Environmental Impact

Outlineany new information on adverse/beneficial environmental impacts of conducting the project and/or implementing its findings.

Section 6:Project Variations

Personnel Changes

Advise any changes to the location or time input of project investigators or other related project personnel. Please note that SRA must be advised if any Chief Investigator, or other Investigator who participates and/or is funded in the project at greater or equal to 50% of their time, becomes unavailable - alternative arrangements must be determined in consultation with your SRA Program Manager.

Proposed variations

Outline any changes required to the project objectives, timing, costs, subsequent milestones or methodology. A formal request for a variation detailing the proposed changes must be sent separately to your Program Manager.

Other Matters

Outline mattersrelevant to the project conduct/outcomes that the investigators wish to bring to SRA’s attention.

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Section 7:Milestone Budget Report(FOR PROJECTS CONTRACTED FROM JULY 2014 ONWARDS)

Add or delete columns and/or rows to the tables below as needed.The tables below should reflect the total Budget for the Project which is the sum of the SRA Investment and any Research Provider Financial Contributions.Insert values into the tables only up to and including the current milestone.

Expenditure Approved

Head of Expenditure / Milestone 1 / Milestone 2 / Milestone 3 / Milestone 4 / Milestone 5 / Milestone 6 / Milestone 7 / Milestone 8 / Milestone 9 / Total
[insert other]

Actual Expenditure

Head of Expenditure / Milestone 1 / Milestone 2 / Milestone 3 / Milestone 4 / Milestone 5 / Milestone 6 / Milestone 7 / Milestone 8 / Milestone 9 / Total
[insert other]


Provide justification for any significant differences between the values in the approved and actual budget expenditure tables above.

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Program Manager’s Recommendation

(To be completed by the SRA-RFU Program Manager)

Date Due / Date Received / Date Reviewed
  1. Program Manager’s Comments
  1. Recommendation


Milestone and Payment Approval

(To be completed by the SRA-RFU Program Manager)

Rating of milestone / Score (0 = lowest)
0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Requirements met / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ /
Timeliness of reporting / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ /
Project progress communicated / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ /
Process followed / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ /
Likelihood of success / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ /
Future capacity to deliver / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ /

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