Your name______notes onReadings in Judaism, Christianity & Islam Hist/Rels 113, Fall 2006

and other primary source handouts

**I have noted assignments in Ludwig, Sacred Paths on this chart, but do not expect you to include here notes on Ludwig.**

RR = Reading responses due

Date of asst. / Topic and Doc. # in Readings in J, C, I / Author / Source / Date written / Reminder Notes
Th 9/7 /
M 9/11 /
Religion and Religious Studies
/ Ludwig, 1-26 (Note Glossary and Suggestions for Further Reading in back of book.) / XXX (These X's are a signal that you don't need to enter notes on Ludwig here. Do underline and make marginal notes in Ludwig as you read, and make additional notes elsewhere if you find that helpful for remembering key points.)
W 9/13 /
everyone turn in RR / Ludwig, 95-97, 115-18 / XXX
1.1A (pp. 1-4) / Genesis 1:1-15;
1:26-2:9; 2:15-3:24 / ca. 10th-7th ca. BCE*
1.1B (pp. 4-5) / Genesis 11:27-12:9 / "
1.1C (p. 5) / Genesis 17:1-27 / "
1.1D (p. 6) / Genesis 22:1-19 / "
F 9/15 /
No class
/ Ludwig, 27-94 (optional) / XXX

*I have used the dating put forward by Richard Elliott Friedman in Who Wrote the Bible? (NY: Summit Books, 1987)

Date / Topic and Doc. # in Readings in J, C, I / Author / Source / Date written / Reminder Notes
M 9/18 /
Group 1 RR / Ludwig, 97-103 / XXX
1.1E (pp. 6-8) / Exodus 2:23-3:20 / "
1.1F (pp. 8-10) / Exodus, from chps. 19-22 / "
7.1A (pp. 157-58) / Exodus 32:7-14 / "
1.1G (pp. 10-11) / Deuteronomy 30:11-20 / late 7th c. BCE
1.1H (pp. 11-13) / Nehemiah 9:1-37 / late 5th c. BCE
Open Reserve:
BS 895 J4 1999 or
BS 895 J4 2004 / the Tanakh: Table of Contents & leaf through / ca. 10th-3rd c. BCE
W 9/20 /
The Concept of Tradition
Everyone turn in 2 days of Readings Chart notes
F 9/22 /
Group 2 RR / Ludwig 103-6 / XXX
1.2E (pp. 18-19) / Bereshit Rabbah / ca. 6th c. CE
handout / Bereshit Rabbah / "
Date of asst. / Topic and Doc. # in Readings in J, C, I / Author / Source / Date written / Reminder Notes
M 9/25 /
Group 3 RR / Ludwig, 106-10 / XXX
1.2A (pp. 13-15) / Mishnah Avot / ca. mid 3rd century CE
1.2B (p. 15) / Mishnah Bava Kamma / "
1.2C (pp. 16-17) / Mekhilta of Rabbi Ishmael / medieval
1.2F (pp. 19-20) / Palestinian Talmud / 5th c.
W 9/27 /
Group 4 RR / Ludwig, 127-34, 110-14 / XXX
10.1A (pp. 203-5) / the morning Amidah / ancient
10.2A (pp. 209-10) / Rabbi Aaron Chorin / The Rationale of Reform / early 19th c.
10.2B (pp. 210-11) / Central Conf. of American Rabbis / Benedictions from Gates of the House / 1977
F 9/29 /
Group 5 RR / Ludwig, 118-26, 134-42 / XXX
1.1F (pp. 8-10)
(review of earlier assignment) / Exodus, from chps. 19-22 / ca. 10th-5th cc. BCE
1.1G (pp. 10-11)
(review of earlier assignment) /
Deuteronomy 30:11-20
/ late 7th c. BCE
handout /
Leviticus 25:1-17
[for background to Talmud selection] / ca. 7th c.
handout /
/ ca. 500
handout / R. Joseph Caro /
Shulhan Arukh
/ mid-16th c.
Date of asst. /
Topic and Doc. #
/ Author / Source / Date written / Reminder Notes
M 10/2 / No class
W 10/4 /
Anyone RR
handout / Pittsburgh Platform / 1885
13.3C (pp. 264-65) / Eugene Borowitz /
Liberal Judaism
/ 1984
F 10/6 / Questions & review
Everyone turn in Readings Chart with notes so far.
M 10/9 / Christianity-Scripture
Group 2 RR / Ludwig, 143-50 / XXX
2.1A (pp. 23-25) / Luke 24:1-53 / ca. 80-85 CE
2.1B (pp. 25-27) / [same person who wrote the Gospel of Luke] / Acts 2:1-42 / ca. 80-85
5.1A (pp. 103-4) / John 1:1-18 / ca. 85-100
5.1B (p. 105) / John 7:12-20 / "
5.1C (pp. 105-6) / John 8:52-59 / "
5.1D (p. 106) / John 10:22-33 / "
Date of asst. / Topic and doc. # / Author / Source / Date written / Reminder Notes
W 10/11 / Christianity-Scripture
Group 3 RR / Ludwig, 150-52, 167-70 / XXX
2.1C (pp. 27-29) / Paul / Romans 9:1-33 / late 50s
/ Paul / Romans 10:1-11:36 / late 50s
5.3A (pp. 110-12) / Paul / Hebrews, from chps. 1, 2, 4, 5 / ca. 67
Open Reserve
BS 2091 .A1 1964 or

BS 2095 .N37 1986b or

BS 2095 .P5

/ New Testament: Tbl. of Cont. & leaf through / 1st c. CE
F 10/13 /


Group 4 RR / Ludwig, 153-60 / XXX
2.1D (pp. 29-31) /
Gospel of Thomas
/ mid-2nd c.?
2.2A / Origen /
On First Principles
/ 1st half of 3rd century
M 10/16 / Christianity-Tradition
Anyone RR / Ludwig, 160-64 / XXX
2.2B (pp. 36-39) / Luther / Prefaces to the New Testament / 1522
2.3A (pp. 40-41) / Canons & Decrees of the Council of Trent / 1563
W 10/18 / Fall Institute
Turn in any scavenger hunt entries you have so far, for some preliminary feedback
Date of asst. / Topic and Doc. # / Author / Source / Date written / Reminder Notes
F 10/20 / Christianity-Ritual
Group 5 RR / Ludwig, 179-86, 164-66 / XXX
11.1A (pp. 217-18) / Paul / I Corinthians / 56-60
11.1B (pp. 218-21) / Hebrews / ca. 67
handout / Luther and others / hymns / 16th c. & later
M 10/23 / Christianity-Ethics
Group 1 RR / Ludwig, 170-78, 186-95 / XXX
14.1A (pp. 266-68) / Paul / Romans / late 50s
14.1B (pp. 268-70) / Paul / I Corinthians / 56-60
14.1C (pp. 270-72) / Paul / Ephesians / ca. 60
14.1D (pp. 272-74) / James / Letter / late 50s
14.3A (pp. 276-78) / Tertullian /
On Pagan Shows
/ ca. 200
W 10/25 / Christianity-Ethics
Anyone RR
14.4A (pp. 278-80) / Martin Luther / Letter to Jerome Weller / 1530
11.4B (pp. 230-33) / Johann Arndt /
True Christianity
/ 1605
14.5A (pp. 280-85) / Gustavo Gutiérrez / Liberation Praxis and Christian Faith / 1974
F 10/27 /


Group 4 RR / Ludwig, 196-204 / XXX
3.3A (pp. 67-70) / Qur'an, from suras 96, 81, 53, 74, 73 / soon after 632
Date of asst. / Topic and Doc. # / Author / Source / Date written / Reminder Notes
M 10/30 /


Anyone RR / Ludwig, 220-24 / XXX
6.1A (pp. 126-27) / Qur'an, sura 1 / soon after 632
6.1B (p. 127) / Qur'an, from sura 2 / "
6.1C (p. 127) / Qur'an, sura 112 / "
6.1D (pp. 127-28) / Qur'an, from sura 2 / "
6.1E (p. 128) / Qur'an, from sura 3 / "
6.1F (pp. 128-29) / Qur'an, from sura 2 / "
Open Reserve
BP 109 1988 or
BP 109 1997 or BP 109 2004 / the Qur'an: Tab. of Cont., leaf through & read several pp. of your own choosing / "
W 11/1 /


Group 5 RR / Ludwig, 204-209 / XXX
3.2A (pp. 55-67) / Ibn Ishaq / The Life of Muhammed / mid 8th c.
3.3C (pp. 81-86) / Labib as-Said /
The Recited Koran
/ 1975
F 11/3 /


Anyone RR / Ludwig, 209-214 / XXX
3.3B (pp. 70-72) / Zamakhshari / on sura 3:7 / 12th c.
3.3B (pp. 77-78) / Kashani /
on sura 20:12
/ 14th c.
3.3B (pp. 78-80) / Muhammad Abduh /
on sura 4:3
/ 1905
6.3A (pp. 133-39) /
Fiqh Akbar II
/ 10th c.
Date of asst. / Topic and Doc. # / Author / Source / Date written / Reminder Notes
M 11/6 / Islam-Ritual
Group 1 RR / Ludwig, 230-38 / XXX
12.1A (pp. 234-35) / Qur'an on devotional duties / soon after 632
12.3A (pp.240-44)
[stop at "Friday" p. 244] / al-Ghazali / on the Islamic prayer service / early 12th c.
12.4A (pp. 246-49) / Laleh Bakhtiar / "Moral Healing through Fasting" / 1995
W 11/8 /


Group 2 RR / Ludwig, 224-29, 238-46 / XXX
handout / An-Nawawi / The Forty Traditions / mid 13th c.
handout / Muhammad Mustafa al'Adawi / The Story of Fatima's handmill / traditional story; pub. Cairo, n.d (20th c.)
F 11/10 /


Group 3 RR
Everyone: Readings Chart notes due (on all readings, including today's. / Ludwig, 214-19 / XXX
15.1A (pp. 286-98) / Fazlur Rahman / Law and Ethics in Islam / 1985
M 11/13 /


Scavenger hunt entries due / Ludwig, 247-70 / XXX