Example of Teaching Assessment Activities

Section 1:Criteria to be used in assessment of Teaching Activities

The criteria to be used when assessing teaching activities as part of the recruitment and selection process are a sub-set of the criteria on skills and abilities relating to teaching design and delivery as set out in the person specification for all academic roles.


Core set of criteria for allTeaching activities

  1. Ability to communicate clearly and explain.
  2. Ability to engage the audience / learners.
  3. Use of innovative, interactive and creative teaching and learning strategies including alignment of Learning Objectives and plan for learning.
  4. Selection of subject content, pitched at appropriate level, informed by current research / discipline context; academically rigorous but also be inclusive and accessible.
  5. Ability to evaluate the activity afterwards.

In addition to the criteria set out above the following groups of criteria should be used for relevant activities.

Technical or Laboratory teaching activity

  1. Ability to clearly explain the teaching task.
  2. Ability to demonstrate technical knowledge.

Dissemination of Research in teaching activity

  1. Ability to present of key aspects of the research undertaken.
  2. Ability to develop and present a student resource related to the research.

Online Teaching activity

  1. Ability to devise and demonstrate an appropriate online activity.
  2. Ability to explain to the panel how this might be developed.
  3. Ability to Demonstrate innovative online / distance learning technology.
  4. Ability to Incorporate assessment activities appropriate to the online activity.
  5. ICT skills.
  6. Communication skills – clarity of distance learning sequence.
  7. Understanding of appropriate pedagogy and assessment.

Section 2: Example Teaching Assessment Activity Outlines

Example 1Deliver an initial lecture to x year students
All candidates will be required to design and deliver a 15 minute teaching session to first year UG students (on the topic of . . . / on a topic of their choice from the attached unit outline).
This will include:
  • Setting the Learning Outcomes for the activity.
  • Delivering a 15 minute activity of your choice.
  • Evaluating the teaching activity in a follow-up discussion.

Example 2Set up and deliver a technical / lab based activities
e.g. Spot test for Clinical Simulation Tutor role
Candidates are required to set up, in a timely manner, METI man ready for AIM scenario: SOB 1 Chest Pain, Pneumonia.
This will include:
  • Turning on the METI man.
  • Turing on the computers and establishing a network connection.
  • Configuring the METI man parameters using the METI software.
  • Ensuring that the manikin is functioning accordingly.
  • Introduce a teaching and learning activity to a group of students . . .
Additional criteria to be observed and used to inform decision:
  • Technical knowledge evident.
  • Appropriate T&L task set and explained.

Example 3:Deliver a teaching session covering an aspect of your research to enthuse first year students
All candidates will be required to present a 15 minute seminar on a recent research activity they have undertaken.
This will include:
  • Presentation of key aspects of the research undertaken.
  • Presentation of a student resource related to the research.
  • Q&A session with students about the research.

Example 4:Distance learning – e-learning and paper based overseas learning - flying faculty and at distance
Candidates will devise and present an activity to use with a collaborative partner as part of an overseas DL course.
This will include:
  • Devising and demonstrating an online activity (equivalent to 15 – 30 minutes of student activity).
  • Explaining to the panel how this might be developed.
  • Demonstrating innovative online / distance learning technology.
  • Incorporating assessment activities appropriate to the online activity.
Additional criteria to be observed and used to inform decision:
  • ICT skills.
  • Communication skills – clarity of distance learning sequence.
  • Understanding of appropriate pedagogy and assessment.
  • Face to face presentation skills (in presenting the DL activity to the panel).

Example 5:Lab and workshop work / Field delivery
All candidates will be required to . . .
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
Additional Criteria to be observed and used to inform decision:
  • A
  • B

Section 3: Example Information Provided to Candidates

Example 1

Senior Lecturer Primary English


Candidates report to: Didsbury Suite

Interviews: Didsbury Suite

Waiting room: Birley 0.6


Presentation / Micro- teach Brief

Candidates are asked to prepare a plan for a two-hour session on the teaching of Early Reading on the BA Primary Education ITT course (in which students are usually taught in groups of around 30).

At the beginning of the interview, you will have 10 minutes to present this plan and offer a rationale for its design. In doing so, you should demonstrate to the panel the kinds of experience you would offer to our students, and the pedagogic principles that underpin it. You may wish to provide resources for illustrative purposes.

You will then be asked to deliver 15 minutes from any point in the session, modelling how you would do this in a teaching session with students. Again, you may wish to provide resources for illustrative purposes.

Interview Schedule

12.00pm – Briefing and Lunch for the panel

Candidate Name / Present Plan
(10 min) / Questions
(5 mins) / 15 minutes teaching from any part of the session
(15 mins) / Formal Interview
(25 mins) / Finish
Candidate 1 / 12.30pm / 12.40pm / 12.45pm / 1.00pm / 1.25pm
Candidate 2 / 1.30pm / 1.40pm / 1.45pm / 2.00pm / 2.25pm
Candidate 3 / 2.30pm / 2.40pm / 2.45pm / 3.00pm / 3.25pm

Reception: Please phone xxx

to collect candidates on arrival

Example 2

SL Early Childhood and Education Studies Interviews

Date: Wednesday

Report to: Didsbury Reception

Interviews: Media Suite 3

Waiting room: Media Suite 7


Presentation/Micro- teach Brief

Candidates are asked to prepare a plan for a two-hour session on a theme related to exploring an aspect of learning, intended to be taught to a combined group studying for BAs in Education Studies and Early Years and Childhood Studies at level 4 (in which students are usually taught in groups of around 30).

At the beginning of the interview, you will have 10 minutes to present this plan and offer a rationale for its design. In doing so, you should demonstrate to the panel the kinds of experience you would offer to our students, and the pedagogic principles that underpin it. You should indicate how this lesson plan would sit within a range of learning experiences intended to help develop student's awareness of the factors and theories that influence learning. You may wish to provide resources for illustrative purposes.

(PowerPoint facilities will be available – please bring your presentation on a USB memory stick)

12.00pm Panel briefing with lunch

Candidate / Set up
(5 mins) / Present plan
(10 mins) / Delivery
(15 mins) / Interviews
(30 mins) / Finish
Candidate 1 / 12.30pm / 12.35pm / 12.45pm / 1.00pm / 1.30pm
Candidate 2 / 1.30pm / 1.35pm / 1.45pm / 2.00pm / 2.30pm

Reception – please phone xxx to collect candidates on arrival

Section 4:Example Recruitment and Selection Process Timetable

Manchester School of Law Academic Interview Schedule

Waiting room:5.05

Wednesday 22nd May 2013

Start time / Test / Interview / Presentation / Notes
9:00 / Candidate 1 / Candidate 3 / Candidate 2
10:00 / Candidate 2 / Candidate 1 / Candidate 3
11:00 / Candidate 3 / Candidate 2 / Candidate 1
Report back from panels
1:00 / Candidate 4 / Candidate 6 / Candidate 5
2:00 / Candidate 5 / Candidate 4 / Candidate 6
3:00 / Candidate 6 / Candidate 5 / Candidate 4
Report back from panels

Thursday 23rd May 2013

Start time / Test / Interview / Presentation / Notes
9:00 / Candidate 7 / Candidate 9 / Candidate 8
10:00 / Candidate 8 / Candidate 7 / Candidate 9
11:00 / Candidate 9 / Candidate 8 / Candidate 7
Report back from panels
1:00 / Candidate 10 / Candidate 12 / Candidate 11
2:00 / Candidate 11 / Candidate 10 / Candidate 12
3:00 / Candidate 12 / Candidate 11 / Candidate 10
Report back from panels