SBEI HPE “Kuban State Medical University” of the Ministry of Healthcare and Social Development of the Russian Federation in the frames of the grant G34.31.0065 of the Government of the Russian Federation aimed at attraction of leading scientists to Russian institutions of higher professional education

Advertises an openpostforthefinal-yearstudentsofbiologicalandmedicalspecialties (chemistry, material sciences, veterinary medicine, biomaterials)for participation in the grant in the sphere of Tissue engineering and Regenerative medicine

Position Title: / Lab assisting student in Tissue Engineering and regenerative Medicine
University Name: / KubanState Medical University
Job Function: / Lab assisting student
Location(s): / Krasnodar
Job Type: / Graduation (diploma) work for specialtiesin the spheres of regenerative medicine, molecular biology, chemistry
Scientific paper for the following specialties: biology, genetics, pathophysiology, molecular biology, histology, chemistry, biomaterials
Job Duration: / 1 year
(continuation of work after the graduation may be agreed )
Min Education: / 4 years for biological\chemistry specialties, 5 years for medical specialties, student practice and/or term or scientific paper in one of the following spheres: cell or molecular biology, in vitro cultures, small mammals experiments, biocomposite, biodegradable materials,fluent English is obligatory
Required Travel: / Yes

Area of responsibility/job specifications

Thepositionbelongstothesphereoftissueengineeringandregenerativemedicine (TERM). It includes educational program at Kuban State medical university on the basis of International Center of Regenerative Medicine, headed by Professor Paolo Macchiarini, focusing at fundamental research as well as at clinical application.(information is to be found onregmedgrant.com.)

The aim of direction understanding of basic principles of tissue engineering, such as interaction of living cells and foreign material, development of scaffolds and bioreactors and elaboration of materials, used in regenerative medicine.Besides, the team is interested in different aspects of cell therapy in different diseases. Moreover, the program of Professor Macchiarini investigates pharmacological strategies and tries to identify signaling pathways for activation of native regenerative abilities of human’s body. This all is necessary for the use of acquired knowledge in order to develop more effective regenerative technologies and create tissues for treatment of patients in need for new organs/tissues as a result of disease or trauma. The project proposes works on isolation, cultivation and differentiation of different types of stem cells – mesenchymal, hematopoietic, pluripotent – and the investigation of their properties. The investigation point is the ability of isolated and cultivated cells to form functional tissues, mainly trachea and lungs, but also heart, pancreas, bones and skin. A range of different materials will be created and tested for cell interaction and differentiation investigation. The full project also includes invitroandinvivoresearches, and clinical use.

Lab assisting studentmuststudyandhaveafundamental understanding of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. He/she will be part of international team of researchers and come into contact with high-caliber experts in this sphere. The Center of regenerative medicine of Kuban State Medical University offers the modern conditions and equipment for fundamental researches in the sphere of regenerative medicine and their practical application. 2 bioengineered trachea transplantations have been carried out Regional Clinical Hospital in Krasnodar.

Duties. Chosen candidate will take part in carrying out of invitroandinvivoresearches in stated sphere and their analysis, will master the cell cultivation, matrices seeding, implantation into living organisms and exvivomodelsskills.

Preparing of graduation paper on the subject of laboratory research. Technical assistance in the work of the laboratory.

In the future the candidate has a chance to enter internship, residency or postgraduate study in KSMU.

The application should be presented in English and Russian. Both should be presented in printed and non-legible forms. Printed version must be identical to the non-legible one and must be signed by the candidate. By signing the application, the candidate ACCEPTS THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS.

Thesetofdocumentsfora vacancy includes:

1. Letter of application addressed to Professor P.Macchiarini

2. Enclosures, i.e.:

2.1.CV, includingdetaileddescriptionofpreviousand present experience of research work;

2.2.Listofpublications(if any), title of the scientific or term paper

2.3.At least two recommendations: from professor (head of the department) and professor and/or assistant professor – officer of State University or Kuban Medical University or any other Russian or foreign University – containing also their data (full name; science degree, post, place of work, phone and address).

Send your applications to PaoloMacchiarini, MD, PhD () with the mark 6386/2009 in English till November 05, 2012.

The copies of the documents in English and Russian should be presented to the scientific-organizational department (Krasnodar, Sedin str. 4, KSMU, scientific-organizational department, phone: 262-73-75, e-mail: ).

The examples of filling in of the documents for participation in the competition can be found in the scientific-organizational department and on the webpage of KSMU.

Thoseselectedfromamongothercandidatesenterintoagreement. In case of positive results of the work student may receive remuneration and recover business trip expenditures from grant money according to the decision of the leading scientist as well as enjoy privileges in entering internship, residency, postgraduate study.

The candidate is to enter into his duties as soon as selected!

The documents set copy is kept at the University for 2 years in accordance with the requirements of National Archive.