Date: ___/___/___

Respondent ID: ______

Class 8 Handout

Sample Cognitive Interview Part I Questions

Interpersonal Processes of Care (IPC)


Now what I would like for you to do is to answer the questions that are in this questionnaire. The questions in this questionnaire are being tested to make them better, easier to understand, and clearer to people. One way we can do this is to talk with people like you about the questions AND about how you formed your answers. It will help us to see how well questions are working.

This is very different than most interviews and it may take a few questions for you to get used to it. But just take your time. There are no right or wrong answers, whatever you think about each question is what I need to know.

The way we will do this is I will ask you several questions about certain items from the survey.

(COMMUNICATION - General Clarity)

1.  I asked you how often doctors use words that were hard to understand. Why are doctors’ words sometimes hard to understand? [P. 1, Q2]

2.  I asked you how often doctors ask you if what they told you was clear. How does it make you feel when a doctor asks you if what they told you was clear? [P. 1, Q4]

3.  I asked you how often doctors were easy to understand. What do doctors do to make it easy to understand them? [P. 1, Q5]

(COMMUNICATION - Elicitation and Responsiveness)

4.  When I asked you how often doctors gave you a chance to say what you thought was important, you answered (read answer [P. 3, Q18]). What were you thinking of as you picked your answer?

5.  I asked you how often doctors are attentive toward you. What does being “very attentive” mean to you? [P. 3, Q21]

6.  When I asked you how often doctors were unwilling to discuss all of your concerns even if they were unrelated to the main reason for your visit, how did you know they were unwilling? [P. 3, Q22]

7.  I asked you how often doctors look at you when you are talking. How does it make you feel when doctors look at you when you are talking? [P. 3, Q23]

8.  I asked you how often doctors take your concerns seriously. What does the phrase “take your concerns seriously” mean to you? [P. 3, Q27]

9.  When I asked you how often doctors seem bothered if you asked a question, you answered, (read answer [P. 3, Q28]). Why did you pick this answer?

(COMMUNICATION – Explanation of Condition and Progress)

10.  I asked you, “how often doctors make sure you understand your health problems.” Did you find this question offensive? Why or why not? [P. 3, Q30]

11.  I asked you how often doctors tell you all you want to know about your health. What are the main things you would want to know about your health from your doctors? [P. 3, Q35]

(COMMUNICATION – Explanation of Processes of Care)

12.  I asked you if you have had any medical tests or procedures in the past year. What did you think of when I said “medical tests or procedures?” [P. 4, Q36]

13.  When I asked you how often doctors explain how they came to their conclusions, what do you think I meant by “how they came to their conclusions?” [P. 4, Q38]

14.  I asked you how often doctors tell you whether you need follow-up visits. What does “follow-up visit” mean to you? [P. 4, Q40]

(COMMUNICATION – Explanation of Self-Care)

15.  What kinds of things would you want a doctor to tell you about “what you could do to take care of yourself at home?” [P. 4, Q41]

16.  What came to mind when I asked how often doctors give you advice about your diet? [P. 5, Q44]

17.  What came to mind when I asked how often doctors talked to you about exercise? [P. 5, Q46]

18.  How is the phrase “give you advice about (i.e. diet, exercise)” different from the phrase “talk to you about (i.e. diet, exercise)”?

(COMMUNICATION – Empowerment)

19.  I asked you how often doctors make you feel that following your treatment plan would better your health. What does “better your health” mean to you? [P.5, Q52]

20.  I asked you how often doctors made you feel confident about your ability to take care of your health. What does “feel confident about your ability to take care of your health” mean to you? [P.5, Q55]

21.  I asked you how often doctors made you feel you are able to cope with a health problem. What does “cope with a health problem” mean to you? [P.5, Q57]

(DECISION-MAKING – Responsiveness to Patient Preferences)

22.  One question was: How often did doctors ask you how you feel about different treatments? And you answered (read answer [P.6, Q59]). Could you tell me why you picked this answer?

23.  One question was: How often did doctors ask you about the types of treatments you might prefer? What does the “types of treatments you might prefer” mean to you? [P.6, Q60]

24.  When I asked you how often you and your doctors “work out a treatment plan together,” what came to mind? What does that mean to you? [P.6, Q62]

25.  What do you think I meant when I asked you how often your “doctors take your opinions about your treatment into account?” [P.6, Q63]

(DECISION-MAKING – Consideration of Patient’s Ability to Comply)

26.  I asked you how often doctors ask you if you felt “comfortable with the suggested treatment.” What do you think I meant by that? [P.6, Q66]

27.  I asked you how often doctors take into account your daily routine when deciding on a treatment plan. What do you think I meant by that? [P.6, Q68]

Time Completed: ______:______AM PM

Interviewer Initials: ______

Part I Cognitive Interview Page 9
