Investigative Studies Program

Supplies Grant Application

Please type your information directly into this document. Save as a Microsoft Word document and submit this application as an e-mail attachment to Dr. Suzanne Parsons, Director of the Investigative Studies Program,. The committee may ask students to supply additional information and/or to revise and resubmit their application.


The Supplies Grant program provides student researchers with a small fund from which they can purchase consumable materials or supplies for a current research or creative project. The program is open to all full-time undergraduate students. Student applications will be evaluated on a competitive basis by a committee of faculty members.


Approximately six Supplies Grants of up to $250 each will be awarded.

Student Application Criteria:

1)Current overall GPA of 3.000 or better.

2)Sponsorship by a Marietta College Faculty Member.

3)Open to all full-time undergraduate Marietta College students wishing to work on research or a creative project that would:

a)lead to a presentation at an off-campus academic or professional conference,

b)permit a student to submit a creative work to an off-campus juried show or performance.

4)The committee considers Supplies Grants applications on an ongoing basis throughout the academic year, as funding permits. Students should submit an electronic copy of this application to Dr. Suzanne Parsons, Director of the Investigative Studies Program, as early as possible. Further details are available from Dr. Parsons (Bartlett 361B, or e-mail: ).

Marietta College

Supplies Grant Application

Name of Student Applicant

Campus Box # Campus Phone E-mail

Current Overall GPAmust be at least 3.000

Class standing :

Title of your research or creative project

Name of faculty mentor

In the space below, prepare a brief research/project description and explain why you need the requested supplies or materials. Please indicate the planned outcome of your research or project.

Amount of your request ($250 maximum)

Do you have other funding sources for these materials/supplies?

Yes No

If yes, please describe.

If applicable, has your presentation, paper or performance already been accepted at a conference, show, or performance?

Yes No, not yet If no, please estimate the date of notification

Electronic signature of faculty sponsor:

Faculty sponsor phone # email:

For Committee Use Only


GPA verified:



Version 2008-09