Latvia University of Agriculture

Institution of Education and Home Economics



Self – Appraisal Report


1.Study Program for the Higher Professional Education in Home
Economics – Education With Integrated Bachelor (code 45141) / 3
1.1The aim and tasks of study program / 3
1.2 Report of Self-Evaluation / 3
1.2.1 Study program and curriculum / 3
1.2.2 Organisation of the studies and evaluation of knowledge / 4
1.2.3 Comparison with similar study programs in European higher
Education establishments / 5
1.2.4. The future evaluation of the study program / 7
1.2.5. Description of the academic staff / 8
1.2.6. Provision and management of study program / 8
1.2.7. Creative and research work / 9
1.2.8. Quality assurance system / 9
1.2.9 Positive and negative in the study program / 10
2. Study Program for the Higher Professional Education in Home
Economics – Education with Additional Specialization Within Visual Art
or Sport (code 44141). / 11
2.1The aim and tasks of study program / 11
2.2 Report of Self-Evaluation / 11
2.2.1 Study program and curriculum / 11
2.2.2 Organisation of the studies and evaluation of knowledge / 12
2.2.3 Comparison with similar study programs in European higher education
establishments / 13
2.2.4. The future evaluation of the study program / 15
2.2.5. Description of the academic staff / 16
2.2.6. Provision and management of study program / 16
2.2.7. Creative and research work / 17
2.2.8. Quality assurance system / 17
2.2.9 Positive and negative in the study program / 18
3. Appendix
19.1 Study Program for the Higher Professional Education in Home
Economics – Education (code 45141)
19.2 Study Program for the Higher Professional Education in Home
Economics – Education With Additional Specialization Within Visual Art or Sport (code 44141)
19.3 Reclame of Possibilities of Study
19.4 Percental Ratio of Parts A, B and C
19.5 Information About Qualification Work
19.6 Perspective Estimate of Study Program
19.7 Plan of Development of Study Program
19.8 Material Provision of Study Program
19.9 Methodical, Material and Technical Provision of Study Program
19.10 Documentation about Study Program’s Guidance
19.11 Academic Staff Qualification
19.12 Scientific Research
19.13 Co-operation Between Structural Units
19.14 Knowledge Estimation System
19.15 Organizing Practices
19.16 Provision of Optional Possibilities for Academic Education
19.17 Possibilities for Students

1. Study program for the higher professional education in Home Economics – Education with Integrated Bachelor (code 45141)

Qualifications to be obtained: teacher of Home Economics and Household (code according to profession catalogue 2320) with rights to continue studies at the Master’s degree level.

Head of study program: Dr.paed., assist. prof. Vija Dišlere

Study program is authorised by the Senate of Latvia University of Agriculture (LUA) –Decision No 314 of 10 November 1999.

1.1 The aim and tasks of study program:

The aim of study program:

Professional of the highest qualification – teacher of Home Economics (HE) and Household for secondary level education with characteristics of academically educated personality, prepared to work in rural areas: schools, local authorities, agricultural advisory services as an advisor for household issues.

The main tasks for study program realisation:

-  To develop and strengthen body of personality characteristics ensuring development of abilities and skills of self-education – a base for life-long learning process.

-  To ensure professional training of teachers according to the requirements of the existing Standard issued by Ministry of Education and Science for Household and Home Economics.

-  To prepare academically trained experts in field of Latvian ethnography and national craft, ready to maintain and develop the mentioned cultural-and-historical value.

-  To motivate for scientific interest in the problems of Home Economics and academic activities.

The speciality of Home Economics – Education at LUA is renewed since 1989, when the admission of new students was commenced at the Faculty of Food Technology, continuing the work of the Home Economics teacher training started by former Latvian Institute of Household (which was performing until 1944).

1.2. Report of Self-Evaluation

1.2.1 Study program and curriculum

The main parts of the study program, corresponding to the credits and percentage is as follows ( see appendix 19.1):

Professional full-time study program for Home Economics Education / Credits / %
-  /

Humanitarian courses

/ 23 / 11,2
-  / Fundamental courses / 12 / 5,8
-  / Pedagogical-and-psychological courses / 61 / 24,4
-  /

Special courses

/ 81 / 39,5
-  /

Study and work placements

/ 13 / 6,3
-  /

Qualification work

/ 15 / 7,3


/ 205 / 100

The percentage of the basic courses of general academic education, basic courses of professional training and elective courses is as follows ( see appendix 19.4 ):

Type of courses / Part / Credits / %
Academic education / A / 104 / 51
Professional training / B / 74 / 36
Elective / C / 27 / 13

Content of the part A includes the standard confirmed for the Bachelor’s degree studies in Education – 80 credits

Content of the part B includes the special profile courses containing peculiarities typical for studies at LLU:

- studies of the principles of visual art - 8,5 credits,

- studies on theoretical basis and practice of home trade and handicraft - 26,5 credits;

- studies of ethnography and modifications of rural life-style - 10,5 credits.

The part C includes special elective courses of Home Economics – 7 credits: such as Leather Treatment; Studies of Shape; Decoration of Porcelain and Glass; Floristic; Interior; Knotting, Silk Painting; Development of Personal Style; Batik; Pottery; Machine Embroidery; Wood Turnery; Metal Treatment and elective courses in Education – 4 credits: such as Art Education; Tourism; Environmental Education; Music Education.

1.2.2 Organisation of the studies and evaluation of knowledge

In LUA incl. speciality of Home Economics – Education the study process is organised in compliance with Constitution of LUA, Education Law and other legislative acts in force in the territory of Republic of Latvia, as well as in compliance with Study Regulation of LUA authorised by the Senate of LUA on 12 February 1992.

The highest professional study program of Home Economics – Education is organised as a full-time study process.

Study scope 205,5 credits incl. 80 credits for the compulsory part of the academic studies for the Bachelor’s degree (see appendix 19.16). 1 credit corresponds to 40 hours of studies (one week), of which 16 hours are determined by the schedule of courses.

Study duration 5 years; incl. 247 weeks:

theoretical lessons - 144 weeks;

independent studies and tests - 26 weeks;

study and work placements - 26 weeks; vacation - 51 week ( see appendix 19.15 ).

After completing of the study program students pass the State examination in Education, defends the Bachelor’s thesis in Education and the Qualification work in Home Economics ( see appendix 19.5 ).

Qualification to be obtained - teacher of Home Economics and Household with rights to continue studies at the Master’s degree level;

Methods for knowledge evaluation - examinations, pass, course works, for one session 2 course works, 6 pass and 4 examinations are permitted.

Evaluation of knowledge:

-  qualitative parameter, which is given by grade in 10 grade system

( see appendix 19. 14 );

-  quantitative parameter that is described by the study credits according to the scope of study subject.

Admittance provisions: Admittance for the study program is realised in accordance with Admittance provisions annually approved by the Senate of LUA ( see appendix 19.3 ). Admittance is based on a competition considering the grades obtained during studies in the secondary school. Graduates of general secondary school, technical and vocational schools are admitted.

The competition is organised in two groups.

The first group form applicants who have total score of three following marks – average mark of the diploma, average mark received in Mother Tongue and average mark in Chemistry not less than 18 grades. Applicants of this group are eligible to pass the examination in Chemistry and participate in a competition with the obtained grade.

The second group form applicants who have total score of the mentioned marks less than 18 grades. They have to pass the entrance examination in Chemistry in order to be eligible for competition.

1.2.3 Comparison with similar study programs in European higher education establishments

The core of the study program (part A completely) corresponds with Standard approved for the Bachelor’s degree studies and in the frame of the mentioned Standard it is harmonized with study programs of certain European higher education establishments. The mentioned compliance allows student mobility between LLU and European countries, which is organised since 1999. For example, in the academic year 1999/2000 three projects with Finland (University of Helsinki, Teacher Training College in Jarvenpaa) are carried out and 2 projects with Germany (Universities of Bonn and Minster) is under development now. The specialisation of the study program, which determines the qualification in Home Economics (part C and partially part B) is subordinated to the specific content of the basic and general secondary school Household – Home Economics subject in Latvia. It does not have analogue in education establishments in Western countries, therefore the profile courses envisaged for teachers training for the above mentioned school subject is different. It is subordinated to the Guidelines for Home Economics developed by the Latvian Ministry of Education and Science which determines the education content of national economy branch – Home Economics.

The study program realised at LUA is oriented to the rural youth – Home Economics teacher work in rural schools, emphasising the following:

-  Visual Art – Interior, Landscape, Design of Clothing, Floristic;

-  Home Trade Handicraft;

-  Ethnography incl. rural life-style.

The volume of the mentioned study courses is109 credits – 53%.

The content of the European “Home Economics” education only partially is similar to the traditional part of Latvian school subject “Household” therefore there is observed objective base for the differences in the teacher training study programs in the mentioned subjects.

The relevant differences between Home Economics study process at Latvia University of Agriculture (LUA) and Helsinki University (HU):

LUA / Latvia


HU / Finland

Home Economics is based on the awareness and hereditary of national traditions. / The Content of Home Economics is mainly linked with the modern practical household and the main directions in economy and technical development.
Home Economics is not considered as an independent scientific branch or sub-branch. / Home Economics has a position of science therefore it is possible to study Home Economics at the Master’s degree level.

To understand fully the specific structure and realizing process of study plans of Higher Schools ( University type) in Germany some specific character in action of this Higher schools had been noticed.

·  In Germany students have not bachelor degree, because here are not existing such kind of basic studies. Students studying in full time study program in the end of learning acquire the degree of master.

·  To acquire some of offered parts of study program, students have to have previous grounding in respective study subjects, which are noticed in concrete part of study which student have chosen. Study plan are made in logical grades for each next extent.

·  The study time are not strict definite, therefore every student have the possibility to choose his own study subject body from offered for getting the settled number of credits.

To investigate the schedule in Bonn University here were observed additional following essential methods of organizing study process, what are not typical in LUA within HE training:

·  many training excursions;

·  special days foreseen for library;

·  after every topic, here are real problem solving task;

·  here are no lectures in some subjects, but only seminars are planned, in which here are closely co-operation with teacher and student’s group.

In German Study program for HE have not study subjects in national household, like in Latvia. It mainly is oriented to modern life, actual economical situation and it’s perspectives of development not to cultural and historical value.

The essential differences of Home Economics Education organization between Germany and Latvia

Germany / Latvia
1.   In Germany the education is more oriented to nutrition science, science of HE (technology), economical education (business activities) and less pedagogical activities. .
2.   The HE is a self-sufficient branch of science and here is a possibility to study in master’s level in HE.
3.   In the plans of study here is a little number of general subjects, but more of them are in specialization in HE (deeply specialization).
4.   The study subjects totality is not large and the lessons are more in each of them..
5.   Very wide block of optional courses.
6.   One study subject training is going on in several stages to rise up the complexity step-by-step. Specially in basic course study subjects are detailed and nuanced. / 1.   In Latvia Education in Higher School are with pedagogical direction.
2.   The HE for the present is not a self- sufficient branch of science. Here is no possibility to continue the study in master’s level in HE. Further education students could get in another’s branches of science, for.example, Education, economic, sociology.
3.   In the plans of study here is a large number of general subjects, which are not in connection with HE.
4.   The number of lessons in each study subject is little, because the number of study subjects are more.
5.   Comparatively little is a block of optional course.
6.   Study subject’s training are organizing in one step acquirement (depending of number of lessons often here are training only general basis).

Since 1998 the content and realisation of the program is co-ordinated with the International Federation of Home Economics – IFHE.

1.2.4 The future evaluation of the study program

The peculiarities of Latvian Home Economics traditions determine the need for corresponding teacher training in Latvian Higher education establishments ( see appendix 19.6 ). LUA Home Economics study program has the following number of graduates:

1994/9 / 1995/96 / 1996/97 / 1997/98 / 1998/99
105 / 48 / 56 / 58 / 54

The major part of the graduates are working in schools – 42%, higher education establishments – 5%, pre-school establishments – 26%; consequently 73% is working corresponding to the obtained profession. It gives evidence that the study program ensures the graduates competitiveness in the labour market. Now here are 273 students in Home Economics –Education speciality, of which 162 are full time students