MEDIA RELEASE For Immediate Release

Every penny raised from [Insert name] is to help good causes

within the community

Proving that every penny makes a difference, the Lions Club of [insert name] is giving away shiny new coins on cards with a simple message – ‘we make it count’.

Every penny raised by the 17,000 members of Lions Clubs in England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland goes direct to good causes, with not one penny spent on administration, which is funded by Lions members.

The campaign shows how this focus on caring about every penny benefits local communities. “We’re giving away pennies to get across how money generously donated to Lions Clubs adds up to make a real difference,” explains [insert name], President of [insert name] Lions Club. “With no administration costs deducted, we’re able to make the additional money we raise really count with the good causes we support in our local community.”

Members of Lions Clubs help local communities through fund-raising and organising events such as [insert name of most prominent local activity]. Lions Clubs also support major projects that address health, youth and sight issues affecting local communities throughout the world.

For more information contact:
[insert local details here]


For more information or to arrange an interview with Simon Moss, Chair of Lions Clubs International British Isles and Ireland, contact PR Officer Mandy Broadbent on 01204 435340 or email

Lions Giving – The Lions Giving donations website is operated to benefit the Lions Clubs International Multiple District 105 Charity Trust (Reg: 1149750).

About Lions Clubs International

Lions Clubs International has 1.4 million members in over 209 countries, making it the largest service club organisation in the world.

It has 17,000 active members belonging to 900 Lions Clubs located throughout Great Britain and Ireland. Each Club supports a range of projects in its local community, including health and youth initiatives.

Lions Clubs International Multiple District 105 Charity Trust online giving site been launched for appeals where 100% of monies raised goes direct to good causes.

Lions Clubs undertake hundreds of fund-raising activities in cities, towns and villages for the benefit of those living in the communities.

In Europe alone Lions Clubs members volunteer almost 6 million hours of service, and raise £88 million annually to support the needs of local communities.

Lions Clubs International: British Isles and Ireland

257 Alcester Road South

Kings Heath


B14 6DT

To find out more about Lions Clubs, visit
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