Application form to participate in the Uraía Platform

Uraía is an exchange platform on the possibilities offered by SMART technologies to innovate local public management. We support local governments in their efforts to improve local finances, reduce the cost of public services and strengthen transparency and accountability, opening new channels of communication with citizens. "Uraía" means "citizenship" in the Swahili language.Uraía is a unique opportunity to share, to exchange and to learn practical solutions for the application of SMART technologies and meet potential partners for implementation.

Participation is free.

The Uraía Platform has two types of partners.

1) HUB cities: are the local and regional governments that are part of the Uraía network. Uraía works closely with them to identify challenges and solutions on the application of SMART technologies to public management.

2) Partners: includes associations and networks of local governments, service providers of technology from the private sector,universities, experts and research institutes; International organizations and civil society; Ministries and departments responsible for innovation in public management.

If your institution wishes to join the Uraía Platform, please complete this form and send it to .


Please write here the complete name of the institution and its acronyms. Include the twitter account as well as the institutional website.


Surname, name, position, email, telephone and twitter account of the contact person.


Briefly describe the activities of your institution as according to how you want it to appear on our website

Please make a brief reference to your work on cities, innovation and SMART technologies.


Please indicate any useful links or documents you would like to share through our platform at

You can accompany this request with links to communication materials or institutional videos that we can link through the web