Thursday, September 17, 2009

CunninghamCenter, Room 209/210

Attendees: COL Janet Wilson (MACH), Michelle Breitfelder (Hughston), Paige Harford (TMC), Jill Hiers (chair), Bobby Saulnier (Columbus Specialty), June Goyne(SON), Kathy English (Three Rivers AHEC), Tony Miller (Vista Care), Wanda Johnson (Columbus Hospice), Cathy Graves (Health Department), Carlie Frederick(SON), Sherika Derico(SON), Tammy Condrey(SON), Mimi Merriman(SON), Stephanie Lewis(SON), Gail Jones (SON), Terry Lahnstein(SON), Cheryl Smith (SON), Bonnie Franco (Bradley Center), Lisa Frander (SON), Amanda Hawkins (SON), Dell Miller (SON), Flo Miller (West Central), Sheri Noviello (SON), Ken Gordon (CTC), David Rock (COHEP), Becky Tew (CSU).

Recorder: Birgit Gatlin

Lunch / Boxed lunch served beginning at 11:00am
Call to Order / Jill Hiers called the meeting to order at 11:35am.
Welcome / Dr. Goyne welcomed all members of the board. She then explained that the School of Nursing is now under the newly formed College of Education and Health Professions. She further explained that Dr. David Rock is the Dean of COHEP. Dr. Rock was introduced and he explained that this new COHEP formation is very exciting and a natural connection because education and nursing have similar processes (i.e. accreditation).
Minutes April 02 08Meeting / Kathy Ellis motioned to accept minutes as submitted and S. Lewis seconded the motion. / Minutes unanimously accepted.
New Chair / Dr. Goyne announced that Jill Hiers (SFH) is the incoming chair. Ms Hiers then presided at the meeting.
Nursing Alumni Association
(NAA) / Cheryl Smith handed out postcards to all present members to join the CSU Nursing Alumni Association. She announced that she and T. Lahnstein will visit clinical facilities soon to hand out more postcards in an effort to expand membership.
Dr. Rock informed members that Ms. Mary Robinson is the COHEP event planner and that members are encouraged to contact her for any upcoming nursing events. / F/U next meeting.
Nursing Curriculum Revision / Sheri Noviello reported on the curriculum revision, which was implemented for the junior level beginning fall 2009. The next phase will be implementation on the senior level beginning fall 2010. She advised members that curriculum is a work in progress and that updates will be posted on the SON website.
She also solicited clinical issue suggestions from all clinical facilities for topics for students to do a review of literature to find the best standard of care (evidence based practice). Students will present their findings at clinical facilities during the spring term. / F/U next meeting.
Graduate Program Update / Sheri Noviello reported that she is working on the preliminary proposal for the master’s degree in nursing. A survey will be emailed to area RNs to support need for a MSN at CSU. Kathy English (Three Rivers AHEC) suggested using their extensive email list for the survey. / F/U next meeting.
Med-Surg Nursing as a Specialty / Tammy Condrey advised members that new nursing graduates often don’t look at Med-Surg as a specialty. Jill Hiers suggested forming a subcommittee to explore options on how this can be achieved. T. Condrey, L. Frander, P. Harford, K. English, a MACH representative have volunteered to form this subcommittee. Several options were discussed to make this specialty more attractive (i.e. bonuses, awards, extra pay, using videos, speaker present specialty to entire class, etc.).
Jill Hiers informed members that SFH will be a certification testing site in September. Michelle Breitfelder announced that Hughston offered the same in October. / F/U next meeting.
CCNE Accreditation / Dr. Goyne announced that the self study is due for submission in December 09. She further announced that the site visit will take place March 3-5, 2010. During the site visit, a meeting with clinical facility representatives will be held so that they may share their SON experience with the site visitors. Lunch will be provided during this meeting. Dr. Goyne will inform members regarding meeting details as they become available. / F/U next meeting.
Part-Time Faculty Shortage / Dr. Goyne shared with the group that we have more PT faculty now that are BSN prepared instead of MSN prepared. She asked members to ask MSN prepared nurses at their individual facilities if they would be interested in teaching part-time for the SON. Please have them contact Dr. Goyne. / F/U with Dr. Goyne.
Preceptorship Assignments / Sheri Noviello advised members that we currently have 86 senior students for possible need of preceptorship in the spring. She reported that she and Dr. Goyne have met with clinical facility representatives for placement planning. She asked members to please return any assignment requests by February 2010 to her. She further asked for emails with any concerns or suggestions regarding preceptor assignments. / F/U next meeting.
Video Production / Dr. Rock shared that the COE has a state-of-the-art production studio. He played several videos to show how they can be used for recruitment or orientation. He further suggested that clinical facilities may use their production studio to create short films to showcase their facilities. / F/U next meeting.
Recognition Banquet / Dr. Rock asked members if there was any big ceremony in place to honor or award nurses community wide. Members informed him that they have their own facility recognitions but not system wide. Dr. Rock suggested holding a big banquet to honor all recipients in one major celebration. It was deemed that Nurses Week would be a great time to hold such an event. He offered the services of Mary Robinson, event planner for COHEP, to plan this event. Flo Miller and a representative from MACH have volunteered to head this effort. / F/U next meeting
Technology Information / Tammy Condrey reported that the curriculum committee and the program evaluation committee are currently in the process to incorporate information technology into the curriculum. How can students be exposed to electronic medical records at the facilities? Michelle Breitfelder offered the suggestion of training tools that let students practice on “dummy patient records.” Carlie Frederick announced that the program evaluation committee will meet with Jill Hiers to solicit her expertise on quality improvement and information technology. Following nurses were suggested as great resources as they hold a master’s degree in nursing informatics: Melanie Jones (SFH), Sharon McDaniel (TMC), Susan Patterson (Doctors/Hughston), and Major Alford (MACH). / F/U next meeting.
Training Environment / Jill Hiers asked if there are any rooms available that could be used by the clinical facilities when classes are not in session. Dr. Rock offered both of their computer labs and a classroom for after hours training. He asked that members will contact Roger Hatcher (COHEP) for coordination of such training sessions. / No F/U needed.
Upcoming Events /
  • Vista Care: Ira Byock, 1 hour end-of-life presentation on November 13, 2009.
  • SON: Honors night – invitations will be mailed to facilities. She encouraged members to attend this event on May 7, 2010 at 6 pm.
  • ARC: 75 student nurses will provide free information sessions regarding infection control. Contact Carlie Frederick with requests.
  • SFH: Trends in Aging presentation at the Pastoral Institute on October 10, 2009 from 7 am to 4 pm.

Next Meeting / Spring 2010, date/time to be announced.
Adjourned @ 12:45 pm