Irise International Trustee Role Description

An ideal opportunity for an experienced professional to share their learning with a young and fast growing organisation whilst leveraging resources to ensure its success.


Irise International works to support the education and empowerment of women and girls in the UK and East Africa.

We believe in listening and responding to the voices of women and girls to identify neglected barriers to their empowerment and develop effective solutions that can be replicated by others.We conceptualise ourselves as a resource for young women with big ideas for transforming their community and work by training and mentoring these leaders to develop evidence based solutions to the challenges they identify.
In East Africa....
...we work mainly in Uganda to:
1. support girls to stay in school
2.create income generating opportunities for marginalised women.
To date we have focused on supporting school girls as they enter adolescence. Many girls report struggling to engage at school once the enter puberty as they lack the information, sanitary products and supportive environment they need to feel comfortable and confident during menstruation.In 2016 we reached over 70,000 girls with education about their bodies that will last a lifetime and worked with the Ministry of Education to develop a national teacher training manual alongside training over 60 entrepreneurs to sell affordable sanitary products in their communities.
In the UK...
...we recently launched our Young People in Control Project in response to pilot work and new research highlighting that many young people in the UK also lack the information they need about menstruation, puberty and reproductive health.We have already reached over 600 young people and generated learning to inform the whole sector.

We were registered as a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) in August 2014 and have grown rapidly, with an estimated turnover of £150,000 in 2017. We have a small UK Team based in Sheffield with most of our funds going to support our implementing partner Irise Uganda. Most of our trustees live in London and board meetings are usually held in central London. We also have a student network, active in the north of England who fundraise for our work.

You can find out more about us at

What are we looking for:

We are looking for individuals who are passionate about realising gender equality in the UK and East Africa to join our board of trustees.

We are particularly interested in individuals with previous experience of governance in the private, public or third sector who can help the charity develop its mechanisms for accountability and oversight as it grows. The role would be ideal for a recently retired professional who wishes to share their wealth of experience and learning with a young but fast growing organisation.

We also welcome trustees who can expand the opportunities and resources of the charity through their own personal and professional networks and who are willing to represent the charity at relevant events and meetings.

The General Duties of a Trustee include:

A full description of the essential duties of a trustee as outlined by the Charity Commission can be found here. Generally, trustees will:

-Ensure Irise International complies with its governing documents and other relevant legislation and regulations.

-Ensure Irise International meets the reporting criteria of the Charity Commission.

-Ensure Irise International pursues its objectives as outlined in the Constitution.

-Ensure Irise International works solely and exclusively in the pursuance of its objects.

-Act at all times in the interest of the people Irise International serves

-Work in the interests of Irise International and not for personal gain

-Report any serious incidents regarding the charity in-line with the charity commission guidelines.

-Participate actively in the work of the Board whose role is to give clear strategic direction of the Charity, approve budgets, identify goals, set targets, and evaluate performance against agreed targets.

-Define, review and update overall organisational policy and protocols e.g. child protection, staff conditions etc.

-Safeguard the good name of Irise International

-Ensure effective and efficient administration of Irise International, including robust financial management

-Ensure that all staff and volunteers are appropriately appointed, trained, supported and supervised.

-Ensure that the Board takes proper professional advice on matters in which it does not have competence.

-Represent and report back to the Board when serving on other bodies.

In addition to the duties defined above, Board Members should use any specific skills, knowledge or expertise to assist the Board in achieving sound decisions. This necessitates:

-scrutinising Board documents and papers

-participating in discussions and disseminating accurate information

-providing advice and guidance (based on individual specific expertise and experience) on projects and initiatives.

Term: Trustees serve a two year term which may be renewed by the board depending on the needs and desires of the organisation and the individual trustee.

Expenses:Trustees shall be reimbursed whenever possible for all reasonable travelling, subsistence and other expenses properly incurred in connection with his/her attendance at meetings or in carrying out any other duties or responsibilities of the role, but otherwise shall not be paid a remuneration.