Team Members and Resources
Danny Woods-mt / Stacy Armstrong-mt / Jerry Hirtz-co / Al Kladiva-co
Rand Swanigan-mt / David Cissell-D8 / Dan Sherbo-D9 / Glenn Lloyd-DNR
Jerry Schrimpf-Schrimpf Landscaping / Luke Coltrane-de / Kirsten Munck-de

(Rationale: Modified specification to the satisfaction of both construction, and maintenance.)

2/5/03 – EPSC tabled this item to allow the team to incorporate performance-bond specification verbiage into this specification, and to eliminate excess verbiage not required with performance bonds.

3/5/03 – EPSC tabled this item again, as the team’s resubmitted version did not address all issues raised by the EPSC. If we are going to require a warranty/bond, the EPSC questioned why all the method specifications were needed within this section, along with Secs 805 & 808. Request the team readdress this issue.

4/15/03 – EPSC added verbiage regarding the Missouri Seed Law, and approved again as revised.

5/20/03 – Revised Secs 803.3 and 803.6 to match what was actually approved by the EPSC on April 2. Also removed the performance bond requirements for the same reason. Changes were inadvertently missing in the copy previously sent out to the EPC.

6/2/03 – EPC tabled this to find out from the team: 1) How to guarantee the growth 2) How do we address the contractor replacing accepted sod that later dies without retainage? 3) Sec needs to be coordinated with this section. Connie and Jim C. will work with Stacy Armstrong on these issues.



803.1 Description. This work shall consist of preparing the specified areas for sodding and placing approved live sod. furnishing and placing sod on areas shown on the plans or as designated by the engineer.The entire area specified for sodding shall be covered with sod.

803.2 Material.

803.2.1 The type of sod will be designated on the plans. The sod shall be Kentucky Bluegrass, densely rooted and thrivingfty, The sod shall contain a growth of not more than 25 percent of other grasses and clovers, be free from of all prohibited and noxious weeds as defined by the Missouri Department of Agriculture and be reasonably free of all other weeds. The sod shall be cut in strips of uniform thickness with each strip containing at least 1/3 square yard (0.2 m2). Sod shall be cut into strips not less than 12 inches (300 mm) wide. Large continuous rolls of sod canmay be used where appropriate. At the time of sod lifting, length of the top growth shall not exceed 3 inches (75 mm). The thickness of the sod shall be determined by stacking ten pieces alternately with the soil of the first piece on the bottom. The height of the stack, without compression, shall exceed 11 inches (280 mm) and tThe thickness of the soil portion of each piece shall be not less than 1/23/4 inch (2013 mm). All The sod shall be grown from seed varieties that are favorable for the Missouri climate conditions., and shall conform to the laws of Missouri and shall be obtained from sources meeting the approval of the Missouri Department of Agriculture., Plant Industries Division. The contractor shall provide a certification of this approval to the engineer prior to placement of sod. In addition to the above requirements, Turf Type Tall Fescue and Kentucky Bluegrass shall consist of a minimum of three separate species, and Buffalograss sod shall be a variety exhibiting salt-tolerance and winter hardiness for Missouri conditions. The sod may be cut in strips or rolls.

803.2.2 Turf type tall fescue and Kentucky bluegrass sods shall be grown from a blend of at least three separate varieties for each sod. Buffalograss sod shall be of a variety exhibiting salt tolerance.

803.2.3 All sod shall be in accordance with the Missouri Plant Law and the Missouri Department of Agriculture’s Code of State Regulations regulating the growth, sale and shipping of nursery stock in the State of Missouri. The contractor shall provide a valid certificate of inspection from the state of origin to the engineer prior to the placement of any sod.

803.2.1  803.2.1 Turf Type Tall Fescue – All turf type tall fescue sod shall consist of a minimum of three separate varieties.

803.2.2 Kentucky Bluegrass - All Kentucky Bluegrass sod shall consist of a minimum of three separate varieties.

803.2.3 K-31 Tall Fescue – All K-31 tall fescue sod shall conform to the general specifications.

803.2.4 Buffalograss - All buffalograss sod shall be a variety exhibiting salt-tolerance and winter hardiness for Missouri conditions.

803.2.5 Zoysia - All zoysia grass sod shall conform to the general specifications.

803.2.6 Bermuda - All bermuda grass sod shall conform to the general specifications.

803.3 Construction Requirements.

803.3.1 Sod shall not be placed during a drought nor during the period from June 1 to September 1, unless otherwise authorized by the engineer, and shall not be placed on frozen ground. No dry or frozen sod shall be used. Sod types 803.2.1, 803.2.2 and 803.2.3of fescue or Kentucky Bluegrass shall not be placed during the period frombetween June 1 toand September 1, unless authorized by the engineer. Sod types 803.2.4, 803.2.5 and 803.2.6of Buffalograss, Zoysia and Bermuda shall not be placed during the period frombetween August 1 toand November 1, unless authorized by the engineer.

803.3.2 The sod bed shall be prepared, limed and fertilized in accordance with Sec 801. The bed shall be in a firm but uncompacted condition with a relatively fine texture at the time of soddingwhen the sod is placed. The sod bed and the sod shall be moist when the sod is laid. Sod shall be moist and shall be placed on a moist earth bed. Sod strips shall be laid along contour lines and adjusted as necessary, beginning at the base of the area to be sodded and working upward. The transverse joints of sod strips shall be broken, and the sod shall carefully be laid to produce tight joints. The sod shall be firmed, watered and refirmed immediately after it the sod is placed. The firming shall be accomplished by use of a lawn roller or tamper. Sod shall be pegged secured on 3:1 (1:3) slopes or steeper, and in ditches and on ditch slopes for the full depth of the ditch, to a maximum of 4 vertical feet (1.2 m), with wood pegs approximately 1/2 inch x 12 inches (15 x 300 mm) driven into ground, leaving about 1/2 inch (15 mm) of the peg above the sod, and spaced not more than 2 feet (600 mm) apart. Pegging of sWhen required, securing of sod shall be done completed immediately after the sod has been firmed. When sodding is completed, the sodded areas shall be cleared of loose sod, excess soil or other foreign material, and a thin application of topsoil shall be scattered over the sod as a top dressing, and the areas shall be thoroughly moistened.

803.3.3 The contractor shall keep all sodded areas thoroughly moist for 21 days after laying. The sod shall be living and fully rooted into the sod bed at the time of acceptance of the area. All waterings shall be sufficient to saturate thoroughly the sod, sod bed and adjacent disturbed areas to a depth of approximately 4 inches (100 mm).All sod shall be placed to produce tight joints. Sod placed on slopes 3:1 (1:3) or steeper and in the flow line of ditches shall be secured with wooden pegs or metal clips.

8043.4 Acceptance

803.4.1 No sodded areas will be accepted until the sod is fully rooted into the sod bed and thriving. Sod will not be accepted in the dormant state.Performance Bond. The contractor shall provide a performance bond for the pay item amounts of the contract sodding, either separate from that provided in Sec 103, or the contract bond may be reduced to the pay item amounts, effective for a period of 12 months from the date of final acceptance. All areas not meeting the performance standards shall be repaired at the contractor’s expense within the above time period or the penal sum of the bond shall become the property of the Commission and payable by the surety, upon demand made by the engineer.

803.4.2  The performance standards for all sodded areas will be any areas larger than 1 square yard and/or

more than 3% of the total area sodded under contract that is not firmly rooted after one growing season will be replaced at the contractor’s expense and watered for 21 days.

803.54 Method of Measurement. Measurement will be made to the nearest square yard (square meter) of acceptedapproved sodded surface area.

803.65 Basis of Payment. The accepted quantities of sodding will be paid for at the contract unit price. No direct payment will be made for additional seesod bed preparation or for the replacement of sodded areas not accepted by the engineerfor liming or fertilizing sodded areas.