Wajeeh Daher

Address: P.O. Box 8861, Nazareth, 16000

Home phone: 04-6568059

Cellular phone: 052-6350168

Higher Education:

1975-1978 B.A. in mathematics and Arabic language University of Haifa

1980-1986M.A. in mathematicsUniversity of Haifa

1983-1987B.A. in economics and accountingUniversity of Haifa

1994Mathematics teaching certificateUniversity of Haifa

1996-2000 M.A. in Education – internet and communication in education


2001-2006Ph. D. in mathematics educationHaifaUniversity


Planar Graphs An M.A. thesis in mathematics

Supervised by Jousef Zacs and Gadi Moran

Verbal interaction types in the MUD classroom An M.A. thesis in education Supervised by David Mioduser and Avigail Oren

Semiotic analysis of electronic mathematical textsA P.h. D. dissertationSupervised by Michal Yerushalmi

Continuing education courses (studied):

Hours / Institute / Course / ِAcademic year
28 / School for Techology / Spreadsheets for teachers / 1994-1995
28 / OranimCollege / Multimedia / 1994-1995
16 / Mowah / The thirteenth conference of computers in education / 1995-1996
286 / College of Safad / Computer leaders in education / 1996-1997
50 / Technology and sciences Shlomi continuing education center / Integrating computers in education / 1996-1997
196 / CET, Tel-Aviv / Internet informatics / 1996-1997
56 / Weismann Institue of science, Rehovot / Symbolic computer system / 1996-1997
56 / Weismann Institue of science, Rehovot / History of mathematics / 1996-1997
56 / Technion, Haifa / Integrating computers in mathematics / 1996-1997
30 / Yatsiv house, Bir elsabea' / Education for common civil values / 2002-2003
28 / Al-QasemiAcademy / Rationale mentoring / 2002-2003
9 / Mofet institute, Tel-Aviv / High learn (distance learning platform) Advanced course hc / 2002-2003
30 / Technology and sciences Shlomi continuing education center / Computer skills in educational activities / 2002-2003
56 / Mofet institute, Tel-Aviv / Workshop for computerized development stuff / 2004-2005

Continuing education courses (taught):

Hours / Institute / Course / ِAcademic year
28 hours every year / MathCenter – University of Haifa / One-two-three books for teaching mathematics in grade one. / 1996-1997
28 hours every year / MathCenter – University of Haifa / One-two-three books for teaching mathematics in grade two. / 1996-1997
28 hours every year / MathCenter – University of Haifa / One-two-three books for teaching mathematics in grade three. / 1996-1997
28 / Continuing education center, Al-Qasemi Academic College of Education / Integrating computers in teaching mathematics in the first grade / 2006-2007
60 / Continuing education center, Al-Qasemi Academic College of Education / Technology for the pedagogic supervisor / 2006-2007
112 hours every year / Continuing education center, Al-Qasemi Academic College of Education / Professionalization in teaching mathematics in the middle school / 2007-2008

Subjects and courses taught

Subjects taught in An-NajahUniversity

Computers in Education, Designing teaching media and aids

Subjects taught in Al-QasemiCollege:

Mathematics, mathematics education, pedagogic supervising

Subjects taught in Oranim college:


Subjects taught in Beit Berl college:

Personal use of computers, integrating computers in education

Courses taught in the different institutions:


  • Computers in Education for the under-graduate level
  • Computers in Education for the post-graduate level
  • Designing teaching media and aids


  • Introduction to mathematical logic
  • Advanced Euclidean geometry
  • Introduction to combinatorics
  • Statistics
  • Trigonometry

Bet beirl college:

  • Personal use of computers
  • Integrating computers in math and sciences
  • Integrating math in early childhood
  • Logo

Al-Qasemi Academic college of education

  • History of math
  • Basics of teaching math in early childhood
  • Seminar in mathematics
  • Teaching geometry in early childhood
  • Mathematics teaching methods for the middle school
  • Combinatorics
  • Probability
  • Euclidean geometry
  • Analytic geometry
  • Abstract algebra
  • Calculus I


In Al-QasemiCollege: head of mathematics department, member of Jamea'a journal editorial board, member of the directing group of the ICT, member of the research center.

Educational Experience:

1978-1981 Assistant in mathematics department in Haifa University.

1980-1999 Middle school teacher of mathematics in Nazareth

1994-1999 Supervisor in elementary mathematics teachers center in Haifa University.

1999-2010 Lecturer of mathematics and mathematics education in Al-Qasemi Academic College of Education, Baka Elgarbia.

1999-2005 Pedagogic supervisor in Al-Qasemi Academic College of Education, Baka Elgarbia.

1999-2002 Lecturer of mathematics in Oranim College.

2001-2004 Lecturer of computer integration in education in Beitberl College.

2009-2010 Lecturer of computers in education in An-NajahNationalUniversity.

2009-2010 Assistant professor in An-NajahNationalUniversity.

2003-2006 Coordinator of the stuff in charge of electronic distance learning.

2006-2010 Head of mathematics department in Al-Qasemi Academic College of Education, Baka Elgarbia

2007-2010Editor in chief of the journal of the mathematics department in Al-Qasemi Academic College of Education, Baka Elgarbia.

2008-2010 Member of the directing group of the ICT in Al-Qasemi Academic College of Education, Baka Elgarbia.

2008-2010Member of directing group of the following two centers: elementary school teachers of mathematics center and middle school mathematics teachers center (both in the Haifa University).

2008 – 2010member of Jamea'a journal editorial board.

2009 – 2010 Member of the research center in Al-QasemiCollege.

Awards and scholorships:

2005-2006An award from the mathematics department head for the excellent department lecturer.

2006-2007An appreciation certificate to the head of the mathematics department from Al-QasemiAcademy because the mathematics department obtained the second degree in the assessment criteria of the college departments.

2007-2008An appreciation certificate to the head and members of the mathematics department from Al-QasemiAcademyfor obtaining the first degree in article publishing and projects.

2007-2008A scholarship form Al-QasemiAcademy(1.5 yearly hours) to carry out a project that involves using cellular phones to teach mathematics.

2008-2009A scholarship from Mofet institute to do a research about using the cell phone in learning and teaching mathematics in the middle school.

2008-2009A scholarship form Al-QasemiAcademy(1.5 yearly hours) to carry out a project that involves building internet site that included stories of mathematics history and lessons that utilize those stories.

2008-2009An excellence certificate for the head and members of mathematics department from the Al-QasemiAcademy for obtaining the first degree in the assessment criteria of the college departments.

2008-2009An appreciation certificate for excellence in teaching electronic distance learning courses.

2009-2010A scholarship form Al-QasemiAcademy(1.5 yearly hours) to carry out a project that involves building computerized mathematics learning units.

2009-2010A scholarship form Al-Qasemi Academy (1 yearly hours) to carry out a project that involves developing argumentation skills among third year early childhood preservice teachers and among the students whom they teach in the training schools.


2001-2002 distance learning

I brought the highlearn distance learning platform to Al-QasemiCollege, so to use the platform to teach mathematics education courses. This made other lecturers use the platform to teach their courses. At the beginning these courses were partially distance learning courses, but gradually full distance learning courses appeared. Today there are more than twenty distance learning courses in the college.

2002-2003Writing in the mathematics classroom

The goal of this project was to make writing in natural language a way of learning and teaching in the mathematics classroom, starting from kindergarten and up to college and university. The students were exposed to the several types of writing in the mathematics classroom and were expected (1) to keep a diary in which they write about their learning of mathematics (2) to write in their every day regular courses about their understanding of mathematics (3) to use writing in their teaching training schools. In the following years, students began to do research involved with using writing in the mathematics classroom.

2003-2004 Internet sites for the history of mathematics

The project involved building internet sites about the history of math. It included information about Arab mathematics and lessons that use the mathematics that these mathematicians developed. This project was presented in the conference "Browsing the internet 5 - we are the internet age – Approaches in teaching and learning, June 1, 2004.

2006-2008Using web 2 technology in teaching mathematics

In this project, second year students in the mathematics department built collaboratively internet sites using the wiki and blogs. These internet sites included (1) mathematics lessons (2) reflections on their learning of mathematics (3) discussions regarding the lessons and the reflections.

The wiki pages can be approached at

The blogs pages can be approached at Hala Taha, a leader in Jeeran wrote about this experience in the sites:

2007-2009 Using cellular phone in teaching mathematics

This project is carried out by me and Dr. Nimer Baya'a. Its goal is to examine methods in which we can use the cellular phone in teaching mathematics. This project was presented in the conference "Browsing the internet 7 that was held in Mofet institute. More information is found in the sites:

2008-2009 technology and history in mathematics lessons

This project is carried out by me, Dr. Nimer Baya'a and Otman Jaber. Its goal is to prepare the preservice teachers for the age of technology, and at the same time to give them an alternative method to teach mathematics: using history in the mathematics classroom. Every preservice teacher builds a site that includes: technological means to teach mathematics, a historical mathematics story and a lesson that utilized the technological means and the historical story. The first phase of the projects involves Muslim mathematics and mathematicians, while the second phase looks at the whole historical picture of mathematics development. In the third phase the preservice teachers go to schools to carry out the lessons in the sites.

2009-2010 Electronic Units in Mathematics

This project is carried by me and Dr. Nimer Baya'a. Its goal is to work with third year preservice teachers who major in mathematics and computers in order to build Electronic units in elementary and middle school mathematics. The units will be web-based and follow alternative teaching methods of mathematics, as integrating history or literature.

2009-2010 Education for Argumentation

This project is carried by me, Ibtisam Abd-El-Khalek and Dr. Nabil Saada. Its goal is to prepare third year preservice teachers who major in early childhood education in the argumentation culture. We are interested also in importing that culture to the early childhood classes. The Toulmin's argumentation model will be used in this project.


Active participation in conferences and study days:

Study days:

  1. 2002: the lecture was titled "Reading and writing in the mathematics classroom", in the study day of the mathematics department in Al-QasemiCollege.
  2. 2003: the lecture was titled "integrating history of mathematics in the mathematics classroom", in the study day of the mathematics department in Al-QasemiCollege.
  3. April 13, 2003: National center of mathematics teachers, Al-Quds. A workshop called "mathematics games in the internet".
  4. 2004: the lecture was titled "Math games in the internet"", in the study day of the mathematics department in Al-QasemiCollege.
  5. May 28, 2005: the lecture was titled "teaching mathematics visually', ", in the study day of the mathematics department in Al-QasemiCollege.
  6. June 3, 2006: the lecture was titled "researches in geometry education for the early childhood"", in the study day of the mathematics department in Al-QasemiCollege.
  7. Februery 2, 2007: the lecture was titled "online mathematics"", in the study day of the mathematics department in Al-QasemiCollege.
  8. April 28, 2008: the lecture was titled "using spreadsheets to teach mathematics"", in the study day of the mathematics department in Al-QasemiCollege.
  9. March 16, 2009: the lecture was titled "research that can be utilized by the geometry teacher"", in the study day of the mathematics department in Al-QasemiCollege.
  10. May 17, 2010: the lecture was titled "technology in geometry education", in the study day of the mathematics department at Al-QasemiCollege.

Local conferences:

  1. Februery 2, 2003: National conference – preparing the primary school mathematics teachers, OranimCollege. The lecture was titled "early childhood preservice teachers write mathematically".
  2. June 8, 2005: the annual fourth conference of MEITAL: computing the academic teaching. BenGorionUniversity. the lecture was titled "semiotic analysis of electronic mathematical texts".

The presentation is at:

  1. February 13-15, 2006:the conference "Opening gates in teacher education: meeting the challenges in education and teaching. A virtual conference in Mofet institute. A lecture titled: "synchronous and asynchronous learning and teaching: the factors that influence preservice teachers preferences".
  2. March 1, 2006: the Chais conference about the learner in the technological age, Open University, Raa'nana, A lecture titled: "Feedback types in the electronic forums".

The presentation is at:

The article is at:

  1. June 25-28: the fifth international conference: teacher education on crossroads, Beer-Shebaa' and Tel-Aviv. A lecture titled: "teachers' knowledge: what factors influence it?"
  2. June 25-28: the fifth international conference: teacher education on crossroads, Beer-Shebaa' and Tel-Aviv. A poster titled: "Approaches and peceptions of preservice teachers towards the electronic forums".
  3. June 25-28: the fifth international conference: teacher education on crossroads, Beer-Shebaa' and Tel-Aviv. A poster titled: "The awareness of preservice teachers for the need to teachers' knowledge types".
  4. June 25-28: the fifth international conference: teacher education on crossroads, Beer-Shebaa' and Tel-Aviv. A poster titled: "mathematics teachers' teaching: the present situation and a model to change it".
  5. June 27, 2007: MEITAL fifth annual conference: computing in the academic teaching. A poster titled "preservice teachers manage online courses".
  6. July 1, 2009: the national conference in primary mathematics education. DavidYalinCollege. A lecture titled "unusual mathematics in first and second grades".
  7. July 1-2, 2009: the conference of the society of information technology in education, the school in the virtual age. HermlenOrtCollege, Natanya. A lecture titled "the cellular phone, history and internet cooperate in mathematics teaching".
  8. October 17-18, 2009: Conference of the educational process at the twenty one century, An-NajahUniversity, Nablus. A lecture titled "the characteristics of middle school students' learning of mathematics using cellular phones".

International Conferences:


  1. 29-31, May, 2007: REAP International Online Conference 2007: Assessment design for learner responsibility, A case study titled "Fostering Participation in Electronic Forums". (Virtual participation).
  2. 16-18, April, 2008: 3rd International Conference on Interactive Mobile and Computer Aided Learning. Amman-Jordan. A lecture titled "Managing Online Courses: Problems and Worked-Out Solutions".
  3. 17-19, November, 2008:Ubiquitous Learning: an International Conference, Chicago, USA. A lecture titled "Semiotic Tools for Evaluating Electronic Mathematical Texts". (Virtual participation).
  4. 22-24, April,2009: 4th International Conference on Interactive Mobile and Computer Aided Learning., Amman-Jordan. A lecture titled"Students' Perceptions of Mathematics Learning Using Mobile Phones".
  5. 1-4 July, 2009: The sixteenth International Conference on Learning.. University of Barcelona, Spain, A lecture titled"Students’ Learning by Means of Spreadsheet Simulations: The Case of Probability". virtual participation.
  6. 15-17 January 2010: Technology Sixth International Conference. Free UniversityBerlin, Germany. Virtual lecture titled "MathematicsCommunityBuilding and Life Cycle in the Cellular phone Environment".
  7. 6-9 July 2010: 17th International Conference on Learning. Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong. Virtual lecture titled "Relations among the Educational Constructs of Elementary School Geometry Teachers".
  8. 8-10 July 2010: International Conference on Information Communication Technologies in Education (ICICTE). Corfu, Greece. A lecture titled "A Model for non-traditional teaching and learning of mathematics".
  9. 2-5 august 2010: The Fifth International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Sciences. University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK. Virtual lecture titled "Elementary School Geometry Teachers' Conceptions of Geometry and Teaching Geometry and Their Practices".

Research reports:

  1. Daher, W. & Baya'a, N. (2010). Learning mathematics through activities in the cellular phone environment. Mofet Institute, Tel-Aviv.



  1. Daher, W. (1994). Wandering without destination.
  2. Daher, W. (2008). The city voices. Ogarit center, Ramallah.

Teaching books:

  1. Abd-Al-Khalek, E., Daher, W., Haddad, M. and Sukenek, M. (2000). Thing and enjoy: mathematical activities for fourth to sixth grades – the first part. The national center of elementary mathematics teachers, University of Haifa.
  2. Abd-Al-Khalek, E., Daher, W., Haddad, M. and Sukenek, M. (2000). Thing and enjoy: mathematical activities for fourth to sixth grades – the second part. The national center of elementary mathematics teachers, University of Haifa.

Professional books:

  1. Daher, W. (2010). Mathematics and its teaching in the early childhood. Al-KasemiAcademy. Baka.

Doctoral dissertation:

  1. Daher, W. (2009). Semiotic Analysis of Electronic Mathematical Texts. VDM Verlag Dr. Mulleraktiengesellschaft & Co. KG, Germany.

Publications in conferences:

In Arabic:

  1. Daher, W. and Baya'a N. (2009). The characteristics of middle school students' learning of mathematics using cellular phones. Proceedings of the conference of the educational process at the twenty one century, An-NajahUniversity, Nablus.

In Hebrew:

  1. Daher, W. (2003).Early childhood preservice teachers write mathematically. Proceeding of the national conference – preparing the primary school mathematics teachers, OranimCollege.
  2. Ganayem, A. and Daher, W. (2006). Synchronous and asynchronous learning and teaching: the factors that influence preservice teachers' preferences. Proceeding of the conference "Opening gates in teacher education: meeting the challenges in education and teaching. A virtual conference in Mofet institute.
  3. Daher, W. (2006). Feedback types in the electronic forums. Proceeding ofChais conference about the learner in the technological age, Open University, Raa'nana.

In English:

  1. Daher, W. (2007). Fostering Participation in Electronic Forums. REAP International Online Conference 2007: Assessment design for learner responsibility. Virtual participation.
  2. Daher, W. & Bayaa, N. (2008). Managing Online Courses: Problems and Worked-Out Solutions. In Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Interactive Mobile and Computer Aided Learning. Amman-Jordan.
  3. Bayaa, N. & Daher, W. (2009). Students' Perceptions of Mathematics Learning Using Mobile Phones. In Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Interactive Mobile and Computer Aided Learning. Amman-Jordan.

Researches and scientific articles in local refereed journals:

In Arabic:

  1. Daher, W. (2002). Math enrichment in the internet. Jamea'a, 5, 274-295.
  2. Daher, W. (2003). The internet as a source for the history of Arabic and Islamic history of mathematics. Jamea'a, 6, 214-233.
  3. Daher, W. (2004). Writing in the mathematics classroom. Jamea'a, 7, 347-370.
  4. Daher, W. (2005). Integrating history of math in teaching and learning math. Jamea'a, 8, 422-470.
  5. Daher, W. (2007). Reading and writing in the mathematics classroom. Jamea'a, 10, 422-470.
  6. Daher, W. & Baya'a, N. (2010). Spreadsheets in mathematics education. Jamea'a, 13, 287-330.
  7. Baya'a, N.; Daher, W. & Khalil, R. (2010). The role of the computer coordinator in the school, Jamea'a, 13, 257-286..

In Hebrew:

  1. Daher, W. & Abd-Al-Khalek, E (2007). Verbal knowledge of geometric shapes before formal geometry. Mispar Hazaq 2000, 13, 42-47.
  2. Abd-Al-Khalek, E, Daher, W. & Jaber, O. (2008). Preservice teachers' awareness of the need to teacher's knowledge types. Jamea'a, 11, 328-340.
  3. Otman, A'. & Daher, W. (2008). Mathematics teachers' teaching: the present situation and a model to change it. Jamea'a, 11, 364-373.
  4. Daher, W. & Jazmawi, A. (2008). Approaches and perceptions preservice teachers towards electronic forums. Jamea'a, 11, 385-403.
  5. Daher, W., Jaber, O. & Abd-Al-Khalek, E (2009). Teachers' knowledge: What factors affect it? Jamea'a, 12, 319-339.
  6. Abd-Al-Khalek, E & Daher, W. (2009).Manipulatives for learning the triangle topic. Mispar Hazaq 2000, 17, 32-41.
  1. Baya'a, N. & Daher, W. (2010). Cellular Applets Supporting Function Learning in Middle School. A'lee, 42, 32-40.

In English: