
My Wife’s A Winsome Wee Thing 32J3

The Pinewoods Collection Vol. 2 (T. Moretti)

1 - 8 / 1C dance mirror figure of 8 on own sides, starting by dancing down between 2C.
9 – 16 / Crossover mirror Reels of 3 on the sides. 1C end at the top on opposite sides.
17 – 24 / 1C cross RH, cast off one place as 2C step up. 1C lead down between 3C, cross over, and cast up into 2nd place on opposite sides.
25 – 32 / All 3 couples advance and retire. 1C turn RH 1 ½ to own sides.

The Whistling Wind 32R3

Book 36, No. 5 (E. Goosen)

1 - 8 / 1C set. In 4 bars, 1C cast off one place. 1C set advancing to face 1st corners. 2C step up on bars 5 – 6.
9 - 16 / 1C dance ½ Reel of 4 with 1st corners, ending by passing RS to face 2nd corners. 1C dance ½ Reel of 4 with 2nd corners to end back to back, 1M facing up and 1W facing down.
17 – 24 / Double Triangles up and down the dance. On last 2 bars, 1C dance out to 2nd place on own sides.
25 – 32 / Diagonal Rights and Lefts – 1W crosses diagonally up and 1M crosses diagonally down.

Miss Milligan’s Strathspey 32S3

RSCDS Leaflet, No. 20

1 – 4 / 1C and 2C circle 4 hands round to the left to end 1C facing down and 2C facing up, nearer hands joined.
5 – 8 / 1C and 2C set. On the 2nd step, 1C turn towards each other to face up. 1C cast off one place while 2C dance up and face out.
9 – 16 / Reels of 3 on the sides, all joining hands when possible. To begin, 1C dance in and down, 2C dance out and down, and 3C dance out and up.
17 – 24 / 2C, 1C, 3C set. 1C and 2C turn partners LH ½ to face down. 1C, followed by 2C, lead down, cross over below 3C, and cast up to original places.
25 – 32 / 1C and 2C dance the Knot.

The Kelloholm Jig 32J3

RSCDS Leaflet 32 (P. Hyssett)

1 – 8 / 1C set and cast off one place as 2C step up. 1C (staying on the sides) set to 1st corners and change places with them RH.
9 – 16 / On the sides, 1W and 3W, and 1M and 2M, set to each other and change places LH. 1C turn RH 1 ½ to end in 2nd place on own sides.
17 – 24 / 1C (staying on the sides) set to 2nd corners and change places with them RH. On the sides, 1M and 3M, and 1W and 2W, set to each other and change places LH.
25 – 32 / 3C, 1C, 2C advance and retire. Circle 6 hands round ½ to the left.

Culla Bay 32S4 Square Set

Book 41, No. 2 (A. Dix)

1 – 4 / Head couples (1C and 3C) turn person opposite RH ½ to face each other in the center; pull back RS and curve out to opposite places. End facing out.
5 – 8 / 1C and 3C dance CW one place around the set, curving in to end back to back in the center of the set. MEANWHILE, side couples (2C and 4C) turn person opposite RH ½ to face each other in the center; pull back RS and curve out to opposite places and face in.
9 – 16 / Reels of 4 across the set.
17 – 24 / The couples facing each other circle 4 hands round to the left. All set. Facing couples dance RH across ½.
25 – 32 / Middle couples dance LH across and end facing out. Middle couples dance out (passing person they are facing RS) and dance to the right to the next position.

Wind That Shakes the Barley 32R3

Eight Scottish Country Dances (J. Duthie)

1 – 8 / 1C lead down the middle and up and cast off one place as 2C step up.
9 – 16 / Reels of 3 across the dance. To begin, 1M dances up to give RS to 2W and 1W dances down to give RS to 3M. 1C end facing 1st corners.
17 – 24 / 1C turn CPCP.
25 – 32 / All 3 couples circle 6 hands round and back.


Luckenbooth Brooch 32J3

Glendarroch Scottish Dance Sheets

1 – 8 / 1C take promenade hold (W on left) and dance Reel of 3 across with 2C; begin giving RS to 2M. 2C end in top place.
9 – 16 / 1C, still in promenade hold, dance Reel of 3 across with 3C; begin giving RS to 3M. 1C end in the middle facing out the men’s side.
17 – 24 / 1C dance out men’s side and cast (W down and M up) to meet in the middle. 1C dance out the women’s side and cast (W down and M up). 1W ends between 3C and 1M between 2C. MEANWHILE 2C and 3C dance Rights and Lefts.
25 – 32 / Facing up and down, all 3 couples set twice. 1C turn RH 1 ¾ to own sides.

Corn Rigs 32R2

Book 4, No. 12

1 – 8 / 1C cast off and dance down behind own lines for four bars, turn inwards and dance back up to the top.
9 – 16 / 1C dance a figure of 8 around 2C.
17 – 24 / 1C lead down the middle and up, remaining in the center ready for…
25 – 32 / 1C and 2C Poussette.

Strathcare 32S3

The Skye Collection (W. Miller)

1 – 8 / 1C and 2C Poussette right round.
9 – 12 / 1C turn RH, cast off one place as 2C step up.
13 – 16 / 1C cross RH and cast – M down and W up. 1C dance in to end back to back facing 1st corners.
17 – 20 / 1C set to 1st corners and then to 2nd corners.
21 – 24 / 1C spiral to the right round each other to end 1M between the 3C, facing 3M, and 1W between the 2C, facing 2W.
25 – 32 / Six-bar, RS Reels of 3 across. 1C cross RH to own sides on last two bars of the phrase.

Mrs Stewart’s Jig 32J3

Book 35, No. 1 (F. Ligtmans)

1 – 8 / 1C set. 1W, followed by 1M, casts off, dances below 3C, up behind 3M to 2nd place on men’s side. 1M follows but dances up the middle to 2nd place on women’s side. 1C end facing down.
9 – 16 / Grand Chain. 2M and 1M end facing out.
17 – 24 / 2C and 1C dance Ladies’ Chain.
25 – 32 / All 3 couples advance and retire. 1C turn RH 1 ½ to own sides.

Arthur’s Seat 32R3

SCD’s of the 18th Century

1 – 8 / 1C and 2C dance RH across. 1C cast off one place while 2C lead up. 1C set.
9 – 16 / 1C and 3C dance LH across. 1C cast off one place while 3C lead up. 1C set.
17 – 24 / 1C dance up to the top and cast off below the 2C, dance down between 3C and cast up to end facing 1st corners. 3C step down on bars 7 – 8 of the phrase.
25 – 32 / Hello-Goodbye setting. On last 2 bars, 1C turn RH to own sides.


Belfast Hornpipe 32H3 Set

Leaflet (W. Clindinning)

1 – 4 / 1C turn RH ½ to face each other in the center. Pull back RS and curve out to opposite sides.
5 – 8 / 2C repeats bars 1 – 4.
9 – 12 / 3C repeats bars 1 – 4.
13 – 16 / All 3 couples repeat bars 1 – 4, ending on own sides.
17 – 24 / 1C slip down the middle and up.
25 – 28 / 1C set, cast off one place as 2C step up.
29 – 32 / 1C and 3C turn 1 ½ on the sides to progress to the bottom: RH for 1M and 3M and LH for 1W and 3M.

Delvine Side 32S3

Book 2, No. 9

1 – 8 / 1C and 2C set and cross passing RS. Repeat back to original places.
9 – 16 / 1C lead down the middle and up, remaining in the middle ready for…
17 – 24 / 1C and 2C Allemande. 1C end facing 1st corners.
25 – 32 / 1C turn 1st corners BH, dance round each other RS to turn 2nd corners BH, and pass RS to 2nd place on own sides.

The Duke of Atholl’s Reel 32J2

Book 16, No. 3

1 – 8 / 1C and 2C set and dance RH across ½. Set and dance LH across ½.
9 – 12 / 1M and 2W set advancing and turn RH.
13 – 16 / 1W and 2M set advancing and turn RH.
17 – 24 / 1C cross RH, cast off one place as 2C step up. 1C dance ½ figure 8 up around 2C.
25 – 32 / 2C and 1C dance Rights and Lefts.

The Birks of Invermay 32S3

Book 16, No. 2

1 – 8 / 1M and 2W turn BH. 1W and 2M turn BH. On bar 8, 1M, 2W, and 3C dance in ready for…
9 – 16 / 3C Promenade.
17 – 24 / 1C cross RH, cast off one place, lead up and cross over, and cast off to 2nd place on own sides. 2C step up on bars 7 – 8 of the phrase.
25 – 32 / All 3 couple circle 6 hands round and back.

The Mason’s Apron 32R3

Border Book

1 – 8 / 1C turn RH, cast off one place as 2C step up. 1C cross RH and cast – W up to end between 2C and M down to end between 3C.
9 – 16 / 1C set, turn RH to end between corners, set, and turn RH to face 1st corners.
17 – 24 / 1C set to and turn corners.
25 – 32 / Six-bar LS reels of three on the sides. 1C cross RH to own sides on last 2 bars of the phrase.
