Science 10Chapter 5 ReviewName:______

  1. Balance each of the following skeleton equations:

a)___ HCl  ___ H2 + ___ Cl2

b)___ C2H2 + ___ O2  ___ CO2 + ___ H2O

c)___ H2SO4 + ___ Ca(OH)2  ___ CaSO4 + ___ H2O

d)___ SrCl2 + ___ NaNO3  ___ Sr(NO3)2 + ___ NaCl

e)___ Cl2 + ___ FeBr3  ___ FeCl3 + ___ Br2

  1. Write the balanced equation for the following word equations:

a)iron + sodium chloride  iron(II) chloride + sodium

b)methane + oxygen  carbon dioxide + water

c)phosphorus tribromide + bromine  phosphorus pentabromide

d)calcium nitrate + potassium carbonate  potassium nitrate + calcium carbonate

  1. Acids are ______that produce a solution with a pH of ______than 7 and bases are chemical compounds that produce a solution with a pH of ______than 7.
  2. Neutral compounds have a pH of 7, and are neither ______nor ______.
  3. Generally, the chemical formula for an acid starts with a(n) ______and the chemical formula for a base ends with a(n) ______.
  4. Acids generally taste ______and bases generally taste ______.
  5. Name two acids and explain how they are involved or useful in your everyday life.
  6. Name two bases and explain how they are involved or useful in your everyday life.
  7. Give the approximate pH value of the following substances:

a)Eggs _____

b)Oven cleaner _____

c)Lemon _____

d)Water _____

e)Soap _____

f)Stomach acid _____

  1. On the pH scale, one unit of change represents a ______times change in the degree of acidity or basicity.
  2. A lemon that has a pH of 2 is ______times more acidic than a tomato that has a pH of 4.
  3. pH indicators are chemicals that ______depending on the pH of the solution they are placed in.
  4. Litmus paper can be used to determine if a solution is ______or ______.
  5. When blue litmus paper is placed in an acidic solution the paper turns ______.
  6. When red litmus paper is placed in a basic solution the paper turns ______.
  7. How can you use red and blue litmus paper to tell if a solution is neutral?
  8. What colour is methyl red at the following pH levels?

a)pH 4 ______

b)pH 6 ______

c)pH 8 ______

  1. What colour is phenolphthalein at the following pH levels?

a)pH 4 ______

b)pH 6 ______

c)pH 8 ______

  1. Write the name of each of the following acids:

a)HBr ______

b)H2CO3 ______

c)H2S ______

d)HNO3 ______

e)CH3COOH ______

f)HCN ______

  1. The common name for the acid found in vinegar is ______.
  2. The chemical name for battery acid is ______.
  3. Write the chemical formula of each of the following acids:

a)Hydrochloric acid ______

b)Sulphurous acid ______

c)Hydroiodic acid ______

d)Perchloric acid ______

  1. The chemical name of the base used as an antacid is ______.
  2. The chemical name of the base used in oven and drain cleaning products is ______and it’s formula is ______.
  3. In solution, acids produce ______ions and bases produce ______ions.
  4. Solutions with a high concentration of hydrogen ions (H+) have a ______(high/low) pH, while solutions with a high concentration of hydroxide ions (OH-)have a ______(high/low) pH.
  5. When an acidic solution is mixed with a basic solution, they can neutralize each other. Explain why this happens, being sure to write the chemical formula that occurs when hydrogen ions react with hydroxide ions.
  6. Acids and bases form ______when dissolved in water and are both electrically ______.
  7. A salt is made up of a ______ion from a(n) ______and a ______ion from a(n) ______.
  8. The chemical formula for common table salt is ______.
  9. Describe the term neutralization reaction and provide an example.
  10. Complete and balance the following neutralization reactions:

a)___ HBr + ___ KOH  ______+ ______

b)___ H2SO4 + ___ Mg(OH)2  ______+ ______

c)___ HNO3 + ___ Ca(OH)2  ______+ ______

d)___ CH3COOH + ___ Ba(OH)2  ______+ ______

  1. A ______is a type of chemical compound that contains a metal chemically combined with oxygen.
  2. When a metal oxide dissolves in water, the solution becomes ______.
  3. Complete and balance the following reactions involving metal oxides and water:

a)___ K2O(s) + ___ H2O(l)  __2 KOH_____

b)___ MgO(s) + ___ H2O(l)  ______

c)___ Li2O(s) + ___ H2O(l)  ______

  1. A non-metal oxide is a type of chemical compound that contains a ______chemically combined with ______.
  2. When a non-metal oxide ______in water, the solution becomes ______.
  3. Complete and balance the following reactions involving non-metal oxides and water:

a)___ SO2(g) + ___ H2O(l)  ___H2SO3_____

b)___ CO2(g) + ___ H2O(l)  ______

c)___ SO3(g) + ___ H2O(l)  ______

  1. Describe how the burning of fuels contributes to the environmental problem of acid precipitation, otherwise known as acid rain.
  2. When metals react with acids they tend to release ______as a product.
  3. Organic compounds are compounds containing ______.
  4. The term organic compound refers to almost all ______compounds, while the term inorganic compound refers to compounds that generally do not contain ______.
  5. Inorganic compounds that DO contain carbon are ______, ______, and ______.
  6. Classify each of the following compounds as either organic or inorganic:

a)CaSO4 ______

b)CH4 ______

c)CH3CH2OH ______

d)CO2 ______

e)K2HC6H5O7 ______

f)SiC ______

g)C5H12 ______

h)CoCO3 ______

  1. A ______is a special type of organic compound that contains only the elements carbon and hydrogen.
  2. The simplest hydrocarbon is ______. It consists of one carbon atom bonded to _____ hydrogen atoms.
  3. An alcohol is another special type of organic compound. It contains only the elements ______, ______, and ______.