Case (3): We are obliged to CLOSE or CUT BACK the currentJapanese program due to severe budget cuts
and need financial support for its maintenance.

Date: //


Name of
Applying Institution
School District(If applicable) / Department (If applicable)
Address / <Japanese Language Program> / <Administrative Office> (If applicable)
Legal Status / Non-profit Public Educational Institution
Non-profit Private Educational Institution
Other Non-profit Organization / EducationalLevel / Primary-school Education
Secondary Education
Higher Education
Status of
Japanese Program / Please check all that apply. / Duration of
Japanese Program / Less than 5 years ago
5-10 years ago
10-15 years ago
15-20 years ago
More than 20 years ago
<Pre-Collegiate Level>
Compulsory Elective
Not-Compulsory Elective
Extra-curricular Afterschool
Others: / <Collegiate Level>
Major (degree in B.A., etc.)
Compulsory Course (accredited)
Optional Course (accredited)
Authorized Representative
Superintendent, Board of Education, Principal,
Dean, Dept. Chair, etc. / Project Director (Contact Person)
Person who is in charge of this application / Financial Director
Person who will handle the grant
payment check at the applying institution
Name / Prof. Dr. Mr. Ms. / Prof. Dr. Mr. Ms. / Prof. Dr. Mr. Ms.
within the
Applying Institution
Tel / Ext.#

*Original ink handwritten signaturesfrom three differentpeople are required. Thank you for your cooperation.

Budget Sheet

1. Desired Grant Period (You can request funding forONE year. The “Start Date” cannot be later than March 1, 2019.)

Start Date: / // / End Date: / //

2. Name of the Instructor(s) who needs grant support:

3. Budget Proposal(2018-19 Academic Year)

Our grant is provided on a cost-sharing basis between applicant and JF (see the Application Guidelines).How will you

supplement the JF grant with your own and/or other funding sources, if your application is successfully selected?

Necessary Expenses / Expected Allocation (Breakdown)
Budget Item / Estimated Amount / Applicant
(Own Funds) / Other Funding Sources / Japan
Foundation Grant
SalaryandFringe Benefits
of the instructor(s) who needs
the JF Grant Support / Annual Salary
Fringe Benefits(if applicable)
Other Necessary Expenses
TOTAL / $ / $ / $ / $

Status of Other Funding Sources:

Supporting Organizations / Status (pending or confirmed) / Amount

4. Information for Grant Payment:

If your application is successfully selected for our grant support, the grant will be paid by check.

We have a bank account in our institution or school district’s name.

We do not currently have a bank account, but will open the account by the time we receive the payment check.

About Your Japanese Language Program

1.Please describe your Japanese program’s role in the community.(Ex: “only Japanese program in the area”, etc.)

2.CURRENTJapanese-language courses(for the current semester/quarter in the 2017-18Academic Year)

CourseTitle / CourseStatus
Extra-Curricular, etc. / Instructors / Hours of Instruction
per week
(hours/day x days) / Number of Students
Name / Title/Position
Total Number:

3.Japanese Program Student Enrollment(What enrollment trends have you seen in the past?)

4. How are you currently funding the teacher’s position during this academic year(2017-18)?
(ex: “Our school and district are paying the Japanese language instructor’s salary during the 2017-18 school year.” etc.)

5. What are the reasons for cutting back or closing your Japanese program in the 2018-19 academic year?

6.After one-year of grant support, you are expected to maintainyour Japanese program on your own.

Please provide a detailedplan on how you will become self-sustaining.

While you are receiving a grant support from the Japan Foundation:

What will you do toward becoming self-supporting, including advocacy efforts to increase enrollment?

After the JFgrant support is over:

How will you fund the Japanese program after the JF grant support is over?

About Foreign Language Programs

Please describe the current conditions offoreign language programs at your institution as well as others in the area.