Dear Parents
As we near the end of the year, I would like, on behalf of everyone at school, to wish you all a very merry Christmas and happy New Year. It has been a busy term and I would like to thank you for all the support you have given us. It has been a big year for Elm Road with our conversion to academy status. This has been a very positive move and will help provide good quality support for us in the future.
The Friends of the School have worked very hard to raise money for the school, organising events and cake stalls throughout the year.It was great following our request for help to see some new faces at the Friends meeting. Please continue to support next year, all the proceeds from events are used to fund the Christmasactivities.
A big ‘thank you’ to all who attended our Christmas Carol Service at St Peter’s Church on Wednesday afternoon. Once again this was very well supported by parents and families and I think you will all agree a splendid start to the Christmas festivities.
Parent Governors
I am pleased to let you know that following our recent request we had two nominations who have therefore been appointed - Mr Alan Hanrahan (Reception parent) and Mrs Asta Siskiene (Year 4 and Year 1 parent) are new parent governors at Elm Road School from January 2016.
We will be continuing to promote good attendance next term. Attendance below 95% will have a negative impact on your child’s learning and success. Leave of absence will only be authorised in exceptional circumstances. Term time holidays will not be authorised. If your child is sick, please notify the office, or leave a message, before 9:00am for each day. To ensure children are safe, we will phone or text parents after 9:00am if we have not heard from you. Our whole school attendance figure for the Autumn term was 96.0%.
Spring Term Begins – Tuesday 5th January 2016
Additional Training Day –Thursday 21st January 2016
Half Term – Monday 15th – Friday 19th February
End of Spring Term – Thursday 24th March