Exeter Community Initiatives
Code of Conduct – Standards of Behaviour Policy
(as at 19.1.11)
1 Introduction
1.1 ECI is a registered charity and company limited by guarantee. Throughout this policy, ECI refers to the organisation as a whole that comprises the work of the individual projects and any support services that are provided corporately.
2 Purpose of this Policy
2.1 ECI is a ‘values-based’ organisation, and people work for it because they believe in what it is trying to do. These values are expressed through induction and training and in the actions and words of those who both lead and work for the organisation.
2.2 ECI will apply these values both to how it conducts its own affairs and in its relationships with others.
2.3 The aim of this Code of Conduct is to formalise the standards by which you may need to behave in certain circumstances. The Code of Conduct is intended to provide direction for all ECI staff in making decisions in their professional lives and, at times, in their private lives.
2.4 By following this Code of Conduct, it is intended that all staff will contribute to strengthening the professionalism and impact of the work of ECI and have a shared understanding of who we are and how we behave.
3 ECI Purpose & Values
Exeter Community Initiatives believes individuals experiencing vulnerability in their life can fulfil their potential given the right opportunities and support. Our vision is for our communities to be mutually supportive and economically & socially vibrant. Our mission is to meet the need where people are by creating projects WITH our communities.
social justice: identifying and seeking ways to alleviate structural disadvantage and advocating strategies for overcoming exclusion, discrimination and inequality
respect: recognising that people are not the same, but they are all of equal worth and importance and entitled to the same degree of respect and acknowledgement
responsibility and self-reliance: empowering individuals, communities and our projects to take more control over their future and encourage independence
professionalism and partnership: having the skills, experience and attitude necessary to deliver a professional service and to work in partnership
Standards of Behaviour
As an employee of Exeter Community Initiatives, I will:
4 Ensure that my personal and professional conduct is, and is seen to be, of the highest standards and in keeping with ECI’s beliefs, values and aims.
4.1 I will not abuse my position as an ECI employee to receive, agree to accept or attempt to obtain any payment or other consideration for doing, or not doing, anything or showing favour, or disfavour, to any person.
4.2 I will abide by the Communications & Media Policy.
4.3 I will not accept significant gifts or any remuneration from governments, beneficiaries, partners, donors, suppliers and other persons, which have been offered to me as a result of my employment with ECI.
4.4 I will declare the offer of gifts of any size to my line manager and any gift accepted will be used for the benefit of ECI’s work rather than by me personally and I will communicate this to the person making the gift. I understand this does not include conventional hospitality.
4.5 I will conduct myself with impartiality, integrity, objectivity and honesty and I will not deceive or knowingly mislead others, including other employees, the Board, users of our services, other professionals, agencies or the public.
4.6 I will offer ECI beneficiaries the highest standards of conduct and service.
4.7 I will always aim to be the best I can by taking responsibility for my own learning and development, learning from my mistakes
4.1 I will always aim to be a good team player by considering others in the exercise of my duties, keeping in mind the limitations of my own experience and valuing others’ perspectives and experience, listening to what others say and respecting their point of view and trying to find solutions and working through disagreements with others.
4.8 I will not arrive at work under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs and understand then that will be regarded by ECI as a potentially serious matter and may lead to disciplinary action.
4.2 If I am prescribed drugs/medication which may affect my ability to do my job, then I will seek advice from my GP or line manager on the health and safety implications of this at the earliest opportunity.
5 Refrain from any form of harassment, discrimination, physical or verbal abuse, intimidation or exploitation, both in and out of work.
5.1 I will follow the requirements of ECI’s Equality & Diversity and Harassment & Bullying policies.
5.2 I will never knowingly engage in any exploitive, abusive or corrupt relationships and will take appropriate action if I become aware of them.
5.3 I will not put pressure on another person to discriminate or victimise someone who has raised an issue of potential discrimination in good faith.
6 Perform my duties and conduct my private life in a manner that avoids possible conflicts of interest with the work of ECI and my work as an employee of the organisation.
6.1 I will declare any financial, personal, family (or close intimate relationship) interest in matters of official business which may impact on the work of ECI – e.g.
§ If a complaint has come in from any person that I know personally or with whom I have a relationship
§ Any personal financial connection with any organisation or company seeking work from ECI
§ Any personal relationship with another employee of ECI or anyone seeking work with ECI, if in either case I am asked to participate in any decision-making process which affects the other person – (e.g. recruitment, line management, supervision or appraisal, discipline, control of resources, etc.).
6.2 I will notify my line manager before agreeing to being nominated as a prospective candidate or another official role for any political party.
6.3 I will not accept any additional employment or consultancy work outside ECI without advising, in writing, management to ensure there is no conflict of interest and that I remain within legal limits in respect of working hours.
6.4 I will not bring ECI into disrepute, by doing or saying things that will reflect badly on ECI.
7 Be responsible for the use of information and resources to which I have access by reason of my employment with ECI
7.1 I will ensure that ECI’s resources are used in the most economical, efficient and effective manner as befits charitable money.
7.2 As an employee I will:
§ Follow ECI policies in respect of service user and employee confidentiality and any relevant professional codes of practice.
§ Follow ECI policies in respect of complaints (see Feedback and Complaints Policy)
§ Comply with the Data Protection Act and not use information obtained for one
§ purpose, for another
§ Keep confidential any personal data on individuals I collect and continue to keep this information confidential even after I leave the employment of ECI. I may only divulge this information if ordered to do so by a statutory body, Court of Law or as part of an official enquiry. In this context I may also divulge the information to any person acting as my legal representative.
§ Not use information gained in the course of my employment for unauthorised purposes
8 Always seek authorisation when writing/speaking in public or responding to the Media
8.1 I will abide by the Communications & Media Policy.
9 Avoid involvement in any criminal activities, activities that contravene human rights or those that compromise the work of ECI.
9.1 I will notify the appropriate persons or authorities if I feel I am being asked to or aware of something which I believe:
§ to be illegal, improper or unethical
§ is a criminal or unlawful activity
§ to be in breach of a professional code
§ may involve maladministration, fraud or misuse of public funds
§ is inconsistent with these Standards
9.2 I will tell my line manager as soon as practicable if I am:
§ arrested
§ charged with a criminal offence or are
§ the subject of a police investigation
9.3 I will abide by ECI’s Child Protection and Vulnerable Adults policies.
10 In return, as an employee of Exeter Community Initiatives, ECI will respect you as an individual and you can expect to:
§ Be provided with regular and full information to all those involved in a complaint at all stages of our work subject to necessary sensitivity constraints.
§ Be spoken to politely
§ Be treated with respect
§ Be treated fairly and courteously by colleagues and those outside the organisation for whom we work
§ Be treated fairly in recruitment, training and promotion
§ Have your private life and commitments outside work respected.
§ Be supported in your learning and development
§ Have your point of view listened to and considered
§ Expect not to be harassed or intimidated at work and in particular have a right not to be harassed or intimidated because of your race, gender, colour, ethnic or national origin, religion, disability, marital status, age or sexuality (see also Harassment and Bullying Policy)
§ Speak out if you are the victim of bullying, harassment or intimidation and have your complaint taken seriously and properly investigated
11 Application of this Policy
11.1 The Executive Director has overall responsibility and is accountable to the Board of Trustees, for propriety in a broad sense, including conduct and discipline. S/he also has a duty to ensure that employees’ rights are respected.
11.2 This Code of Conduct applies to all ECI employees and in accepting appointment, you undertake to discharge your duties and to regulate your conduct in line with the requirements of this Code.
11.3 You should familiarise yourself with the contents of these Standards and act in accordance with the principles and the guidance set out in it.
11.4 You must ensure that you understand your duties, rights and responsibilities, and are familiar with the functions and role of ECI, and ECI’s policies and procedures as they affect your job. New employees will be required to attend relevant training or induction courses to assist them in this.
11.5 You must comply with these Standards and failure to do so may be a disciplinary matter, so you should seek advice or guidance from your line manager if you are in any doubt about how these Standards apply to you.
11.6 If you find yourself in any situation that does not comply with these Standards, you should raise the matter in the first instance with your line manager. If this is not possible, or you are reluctant to do so, report the matter to the Executive Director. The Executive Director will either investigate personally or arrange for another senior employee to do so. As far as is possible, confidentiality will be maintained.
11.7 Temporary staff and volunteers working with ECI will be expected to abide by the standards and principles set out in these Standards and to seek advice from your line manager when in doubt.
11.8 ECI wishes to continue to develop as a learning organisation in which knowledge and learning are shared amongst colleagues and improvement becomes common. With this in mind it is clearly important that colleagues are free to explore and discuss difficult issues. Nothing in these Standards should be interpreted as seeking to prevent or constrain such discussion.
11.9 Employees should not investigate any suspected contravention of these Standards as this will give rise to an irresolvable conflict of interest. Provided that any matters are raised in good faith, any employee raising such matters will be supported.