Wild Ones National Board 4th QuarterlyMeeting Agenda
Saturday, November 12, 2011 9 AM Central Standard Time
Web Conference Call
Please be on the call and ready to start by 9:00 AM Central Time
8:55AM CSTWelcome– Tim Lewis
- President’s comments
- Roll call with question:If we were to focus on just one thing to work on this year to grow, what would it be?
Approve agenda
9:00AMSecretary's Report - Steve Windsor
- Approve minutes for Q0311 - Directors should review minutes and direct changesto Secretary Windsor prior to this meeting.
- Status of Chapters
9:10AMPresident's Report - Tim Lewis
- Vision comments
- 2012 Board and Annual meeting dates
- Fill director vacancies – Trina Hayes searching
- Need committee chairs
- Membership
- Education
9:25AM Vice President's Report - Maryann Whitman
- Status of Communications Committee
- Journal
- Website
9:35AM Treasurer's Report - Joe Powelka
- Financial Report - Jan-Sep 2011
- FY2012 Budget
- Status of Implementation of Policy Statements 14 & 15
10:05AMExecutive Director's Report - Donna VanBuecken
- Membership totals
- Staffing
- WILD Center
10:25AMCommittee Reports - Directors should review the committee reports prior to this meeting. Unless there are major concerns regarding items contained in the reports, only the highlighted reportslisted below will be discussed during the meeting.
- Marketing - Carol Andrews
- Web Committee – Janet Giesen
- Governance - Karen Syverson (Approve 2 documents)
- SFE Grant Program - Mark Charles
- Photo Contest - Chan Mahanta
- Membership -
- Merchandise – Jamie Fuerst (Approve calendar as new merchandise)
- Education –
- Finance – Kathy McDonald
- Wild Center Steering – Joe Powelka
- Honorary Directors – Bonnie Harper-Lore
10:45AMOld Business - items leftover from previous meetings
- Status of Niagara issues – Bret Rappaport
11:00AMNew Business
- Organization goals for 2012
- Goals for executive director for 2012
- Develop a 5 year plan
- Update Strategic plan
Tabled items to come before the board as time permits now or in the future.
1.Status of contract execution with subcontractors – Tim Lewis We need to put these topics that we are not going to bring up in the meeting in a holding (parking lot) place. At end of the meeting information?
2Ad-hoc Bylaws Update - status of updates, possible need to address ownership of real estate - Tim Lewis
3.Developing Committee Statements of Purpose (proposed committee guiding principles) – Tim Lewis
5.Fine- tuning the committee chart and spreadsheet – Tim Lewis
You are highly encouraged to review the supporting documentation prior to the meeting so that you can discuss any recommendations or business brought before the board. Highlighted items indicate matters for which a decision will be required. Please read these documents carefully and be prepared to express your opinions and vote.
All documentation will be available on the website at Chapter Guidebook Quarterly Meetings 2011 at
Please log in a few minutes prior to the start of the meeting so you are logged in completely by the time,
- 1Please join my meeting, Saturday, November 12, 9:00 AM Central Standard Time.
- Use your microphone and speakers (VoIP) - a headset is recommended. Or, call in using your telephone.
Dial +1 (773) 945-1030
Access Code: 472-653-225
Audio PIN: Shown after joining the meeting
Meeting ID: 472-653-225
If at all possible, do NOT use your computer's built-in mic and speakers. They are low quality and often cause feedback or annoying noises that the rest of us hear. Citrix highly recommends that you use a headset and microphone combination that is plugged into a USB connector. The computer sees these as a microphone and speaker system. This is far better than the built-in microphones and speakers. For a comparison and tutorial about connecting to the meeting and the recommended headsets, go to
Headsets at Office Depot for about $25. A step up is in the $40 range. You can look at some models at
and Amazon.com,
Typically, the more you spend, the better the quality at both ends.
If you have a microphone and speaker system and do not want the headset, you should move the speakers away from the microphone to avoid feedback.
Common Courtesy
- If you can mute your microphone when you are not talking, please do so, especially if you have kids and dogs that may disrupt the meeting.
- If you are using one of those stick microphones, please speak up and directly into the mic and avoid moving it around during the meeting.
Attending GoToMeeting Help
Citrix has quite a few tutorials, videos and other help. Please take the time to learn a little about using it before the next board meeting so you will be more comfortable with it. Here are some links to get you started. For user help, go to
Click the topic links on this page for more information.
There are some videos at . These are directed to the organizer, which is Donna, but they give you a general idea of how the windows look and how it all works. These are just short videos so you don't have to spend much time at it.