Sealed tenders are invited by the Delhi Development Authority, (Sports Wing) for running Pro-Shop at MDCSC, Ashok Vihar on monthly licence fee basis for a period of one year as per details given below. The tender shall be in two parts, namely, 'Part-One' containing Technical Bid and 'Part- Two' comprising financial bid. The two bids shall be submitted in two sealed envelopes clearly subscribing thereon Part One "Technical Bid" and Part- Two "Financial Bid". Only agencies having a minimum of two year's experience in the Field of running a Pro-Shop are entitled to submit the tenders. The Pro-Shop shall be located at MDCSC, Ashok Vihar.
S.No. / Name of Work / Cost of Tender / Earnest Money / Time Allowed1 / M/o MDCSC, Ashok Vihar, DDA.
SH:- Running Maintenance of Pro- Shop on Licence Fee Basis at MDCSC, DDA, Ashok Vihar. / Rs. 525/- / Rs. 5000/- / 12 Months
The tendered documents containing the detailed terms and conditions can be obtained from the Cashier Major Dhyan Chand Sports Complex on payment of cost of the tender documents of Rs. 525/- (non-Refundable) upto 31/10/2011. on any working day between 11.00 A.M. to 3.00 P.M. The tender shall be received at the Siri Fort Sports Complex, August Kranti Marg, New Delhi upto 3 P.M. on 03/11/2011. The Technical Bid should be accompanied by attested copies of documents in support of experience, financial standing etc. along with earnest money a sum of Rs. 5000/- (Rs. Five Thousand only) payable by Demand Draft/Deposit Receipt of any Scheduled Bank approved by the Reserve Bank of India drawn in favour of Major Dhyan Chand Sports Complex. The Part-One tender containing the Technical Bid shall be opened on the same day at 3.30 PM in the presence of tenderers or their representatives, who may wish to be present at that time. The Financial Bid of only those tenderers, who are found to be technically qualified, shall be opened on a subsequent date to be notified and intimated to the qualifying tenderers by Post, through Courier, as well as Telephonically. The tenderers shall be submitted in person only and any tenders received by post or through courier etc. shall not be entertained and shall stand rejected even without scrutiny of the same.
Director (Sports), DDA
No. F 4 (26/MDCSC/DDA/2011-12/399 Dated 19/10/2011
Copy forwarded to:
1. Director (System), DDA-through E-mail
2. Secretary (Coordn.), DDA.
3. Sr. A.O. (Sports).
4. The Secretary, DDA Contractor's Welfare Association, Vikas Kutteer, I.P. Estate, New Delhi.
5. The Secretary Builders Association, F-18, Vikas Kutteer, New Delhi.
6. All Secretaries Sports Complexes for displaying on their notice boards.
7. AAO (MDCSC), DDA for necessary action.
8. Asstt. Cashier (MDCSC), DDA
9. Notice Board.
Director (Sports), DDA