(A Government of IndiaEnterprise )




01.Cost of Tender Form Rs. 563/- (Five Hundred

Sixty three only) non refundable

Deposited with A.O. (Cash)


Vide R.No. /DD No. ……….

Dated ……………

02. Issued to M/s. ______



The DD for bid security and cost of tender form: - (To be submitted in envelope I)

Qualifying/ Technical bid from page: - 3 to 30 (To be submitted in envelope II)

Financial bid from page: - 31 to 32 (To be submitted in envelope III)

A.G.M. (CM),


College Chowk, BSNL, Distt- REWA

REWA (M.P) - 486001

TEL: +91-7662-241900

FAX: +91-7662-242410

Please find enclosed the tender document on the above subject, which contains the following: -

SI. No. Description Section No. .

1. Notice Inviting Tender I

2. Instructions to bidders II

3. General conditions of the contract III

4. Special condition of contract IV

5. Proformas V, VI, VII, VIII

6. Draft copy of Agreement IX

7. Performa for rate X

To be quoted

Those desiring to bid and meeting the eligibility condition should submit their tender offer on or before the tender closing date & time as prescribed in Section II by sending their bid through register post/ speed post/ courier or by dropping the bid in the tender box kept in AGM (CM) chamber.

A.G.M. (CM),


College Chowk, BSNL, Distt- REWA

REWA (M.P) - 486001

TEL: +91-7662-241900

FAX: +91-7662-242410




TENDER NO: W-16/TENDER/RWA/DATA/2012-13 Dated 16/03/2013



Date of Opening – 09/04/2013at 1500 HRS

In the chamber of AGM (CM) O/o TDM Rewa

A.G.M. (CM),


College Chowk, BSNL,

REWA (M.P) - 486001

TEL: +91-7662-241900

FAX: +91-7662-242410


(A Government of IndiaEnterprise )



Notice Inviting Tender

TENDER NO: W-16/TENDER/RWA/DATA/2012-13 Dated 16/03/2013

Properly sealed tenders (Packing PVC tapes / Sealing Wax) are invited for and on behalf of CMD BSNL New Delhi by the Telecom District Manager REWA from the eligible contractors for the CompleteManagement of Computer data in PCs in Rewa SSA for exchanges & Offices of entire Telecom District Rewa.

Sl. No. / Description of the work / Cost of bid document (non- refundable) / Estimated value of tender / Bid security (EMD)
1. / Complete management of computer data in PCs / Rs 500/- + Rs. 63/- (Sales Tax) = Rs 563/= / Rupees 650000/- / Rs. 16250/-
2. / Sale of tender documents / On all working days up to 1400 hrs of 08/04/2013
3. / Time and last date of submission of Bid / Up to 14:00 hrs of 09/04/2013
4. / Time of Bid opening / At 15:00 hrs. of 09/04/2013.

1.Tender forms containing specifications along with detailed terms and conditions can be obtained from SDE (Planning) O/o TDM Rewa on payment of Rs. 563/- (Rs Five hundred as tender form cost + Rs sixty three as sale tax) per tender form (non refundable)

2. The Earnest Money (Bid Security) is to be deposited in form of cash or Demand Draft drawn on any scheduled bank in favour of AO (Cash) % Telecom District Manager REWA Earnest money in form of cheque will not be entertained. The Demand Draft in original should be submitted.

3.The TDM Rewa reserves the right to reject any or all the tenders without assigning any reason thereof and without incurring any liability to the affected bidder(s) on account of his action. Therefore he is not bound to accept the lowest tender. Tenders, not conforming to the terms and conditions / specifications mentioned in the tender documents is liable to be rejected.

4.Firm should have capability and experience of same work or data feeding work in personal computers in DOT/BSNL/MTNL in any one financial year, during the financial year i.e. 2009-2010, 2010-2011, 2011-2012 in State Govt./Central Govt./PSU /BSNL/ MTNL/ erstwhile DoT of total worth at least Rupees 195000/- (Rupees One Lakh Ninety Five Thousand only) are eligible to participate in this tender.

5.The photocopy of experience certificate of satisfactory works should be attested by a gazeetted officer or notorised.

6. The registration of the firm as per applicable laws (the affidavit on stamp paper regarding proprietorship of the firm in original in case of proprietorship), authenticated copy (duly registered) of partnership deed in cases of partnership firm, in case of limited company, the Article of Association /Memorandum of Understanding in case of Companies. Certificate/board resolution in case of Limited company by all the Directors of the company excluding Govt. of India / Financial institution nominees &independent non-official part-time Directors appointed by Government of India or the Governor of the state, and authorization of bidder.

7. Security deposit / Performance bank guarantee will be 10 % of tender value to be deposited in the form of cash or DD / Performance bank guarantee by successful bidder which will be valid for 18 months from the date of agreement made.

8. Valid service tax Registration.

9. Valid EPF registration

10.Valid PAN copy

Note 1: The bidder must submit all the documents with the technical bid in the respective envelope. (A gazetted officer must attest /notarized the photocopy submitted as a proof of an eligible bidder along the bid or as a proof for an eligible bidder or else the bid will be rejected.)

Note 2: Tender document (comprises of qualifying /Technical bid and financial bid) containing specification along with detailed Terms & conditions downloaded from website may also be used and can be sent by registered post for bidding purpose. A D/Draft (in original) for an amount equal to total cost Rupees 563/- (Rupees Five hundred tender form cost + Rupees sixty three as sale tax) of per tender form (Not refundable), along with earnest money deposit amount (refundable) drawn in favors of AO (Cash)-BSNLO/o TDM Rewa payable at Rewa should be submitted without which the bid document will not be treated as valid.




REWA - 486001

TEL: + 91-7662-241900

FAX: + 91-7662-242410





(a) "The Purchaser" means the Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited or Telecom District Manager REWA acting on behalf of Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited.

(b) "The Bidder" means the individual or firm who participates in this tender and submits its bid.

(c) "The Supplier" means the successful bidder supplying the goods and services under the contract.

(d) "The Advance Purchase Order" means the intention of Purchaser to place the Purchase Order on the bidder.

(e) "The Purchase Order" means the order placed by the Purchaser on the Supplier signed by the Purchaser or his representative. The Purchase order shall be deemed as "Contract" appearing in the document.

(f) "The Contract Price" means the price payable to the Supplier under the purchase order for the full and proper performance of its contractual obligations.

(g) “SSA” stands for Secondary Switching area or Telecom District of BSNL, and “SSA head” means Telecom District Manager (TDM) of the SSA.

(h) "Unit In-charge or Officer In-charge" means Sub Divisional Engineer or Accounts Officer who shall be the authority to verify the quality of job being performed by the contractor.

(i) "The Contractor" means the successful bidder supplying the goods and services under contract.

(j) "The Goods" means all equipment, machinery and / or other materials, which the supplier firm is required to supply to the purchaser under the contract.

(k) "The letter of the acceptance" means the intention of the purchaser to go in to the agreement with the bidder.

(l) "Rewa SSA" means the revenue district Rewa.


2.1Firm should have capability and experience of same work or data feeding work in personal computers in DOT/BSNL/MTNL in any one financial year, during the financial year i.e. 2009-2010, 2010-2011, 2011-2012in State Govt./Central Govt./PSU /BSNL/ MTNL/ erstwhile DoT of total worth at least Rupees 195000/- (Rupees One LackNinety FiveThousand only) are eligible to participate in this tender.

2.2. The experience certificate of satisfactory supply should be signed by an officer not below the rank of DE or equivalent of State / Central Govt. / PSU / BSNL / MTNL/ erstwhile DOT. Photocopy of the experience certificate should be attested by gazetted officer or notarized only.

2.3The proof of successful work in Govt./ Semi Govt./ PSU/ BSNL/MTNL/erstwhile DOT and the experience certificate issued in support of the claims as per clause 2.1 above shall form part of the bid. The bidders should note that mere submission of the copies of purchase / work orders shall not be considered as proof of successful supply. A specific experience certificate against the supply clearly mentioning the amount and the period of supply will have to be submitted.

2.4 Other condition as mentioned in clause 10 of this section.


The bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of the bid. The Purchaser, will in no case, be responsible or liable for these costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the bidding process.



4.1 The goods required, bidding procedures and contract terms are prescribed in the Bid

Document The Bid Document includes:

i) Notice inviting tender

ii) Instructions to Bidders

iii) Conditions of the Contract

iv) Special Conditions of Contract

v) Declaration regarding near relationship with BSNL employee

vi) Bid submission Form

vii) Performance Security Guarantee (Bond) Form

viii) Letter of Authorization for Attending Bid Opening

ix) Draft copy of agreement

x) Performa for rate to be quoted by bidder

4.2 The Bidder is expected to examine all instructions, forms, terms and specifications in the Bid Documents. Failure to furnish all information required as per the Bid Documents or submission of bids not substantially responsive to the Bid Documents in every respect will be at the bidders risk and shall result in rejection of the bid.


5.1 A prospective bidder, requiring any clarification of the Bid Document shall notify the purchaser in writing at the Purchaser’s mailing address indicated in the Invitation for Bids. The Purchaser shall respond in writing to any request for clarification of the Bid Documents, which it receives not later than 10 days prior to the last date for the submission of bids. Copies of the query (without identifying the source) and clarifications by the Purchaser shall be sent to all prospective Bidders who have received the bid document.

5.2 Any clarification issued by BSNL in response to quarry raised by prospective bidders shall form an integral part of bid documents and it may amount to an amendment of relevant clause of the bid documents.


6.1 At any time, prior to the last date of submission of bids, the Purchaser may, for any reason, whether at its own initiative or in response to a clarification requested by a prospective Bidder, modify the bid document by amendments.

6.2 The amendments shall be notified in writing or by FAX to all prospective bidders on the address intimated at the time of purchase of Bid document from the purchaser and these amendments may also be notified on website. These amendments will be binding on them.

6.3 In order to afford prospective bidders reasonable time in which to take the amendments into account in preparing their bids, the purchase may, at its discretion, extend the deadline for the submission of bids suitably.



7.1 Bid Security

Bid security in accordance with Clause 12 of this section is required to be put in first envelope.

7.2 Qualifying/Technical Bid Document

The prepared by the bidder shall have and shall comprise the following components:

(a) Documentary evidence to establish that the bidder is eligible to bid and is qualified toperform the contract if its bid is accepted, detailed in clause 2 & 10 of this Section ("Instruction to Bidder").

(b) Power of attorney (if any)

(c) All the pages of ORIGINAL qualifying tender document should be signed by bidder or his authorized signatory, confirming the bidders acceptance of the clauses mentioned on the pages to be put in second envelop.

7.3 Financial Bid Document:

Price schedule page (Section X) is required to be quoted in the original bid-document. Only these pages in original are completed in accordance with clause 9 these sections are to be put in third envelope.

Bid for each should be submitted in three envelops placed inside a main cover. These envelops should contain the following: -

Envelope / Marked on the Cover / Contents of Envelope
First / Bid Security / Containing Bid cost & Bid Security as per clause 8.
Second / Qualifying Bid / Containing documents as per clause 7 except bid security.
Third / Financial Bid / Rates duly quoted by the tenderer in the Prescribed format.

On all these envelopes the name of the firm and whether “Bid Security” OR “ Qualifying” OR “Financial” bid must be clearly mentioned and should be properly sealed (with sealing wax/packing PVC tape). These envelopes are to be inside an outer envelope and properly sealed (with sealing wax/packing PVC tape). The tenderers which are not submitted in above mentioned manner shall be summarily rejected). All envelopes (3 inner & outer) must bear mark on cover and the following: - Tender for “COMPLETE MANAGEMENT OF COMPUTER DATA IN PCs IN REWA SSA”


8.1 The bidder shall use the Bid Submission Form (as available in Section VI).

8.2 Bid document is not transferable. The Bid from any firm, which has not obtained document from this office on payment of required fee shall be rejected.

8.3 Bids submitted by the tenderers in their own proforma are liable to be rejected.


9.1 The bidder shall give the total composite price inclusive of all levies and taxes i.e. Educational Cess, EPF/Insurance charges, etc as per applicable clause except service tax. The offer shall be firm in Indian Rupees. No foreign exchange shall be made available by the Purchaser.

9.2 Tenderer must quote the prices for all the items given in the price schedule strictly in the price schedule format (in original) for all the items.

9.3 The prices quoted by the bidder shall remain fixed during the entire period of contract and shall not be subject to variation on any account. A bid submitted with an adjustable price quotation will be treated as non-responsive and shall be rejected. Prices quoted should be free from any preconditions regarding payments etc. or otherwise bid is liable to be rejected.

9.4 “Discount”, if any, offered by the bidders shall not be considered unless they are specifically indicated in the Price Schedule. Bidders desiring to offer discount shall therefore modify their offers suitably while quoting and shall quote clearly net price taking all such factors like discount, free supply etc. into account.

9.5 Bidder shall quote charges inclusive all levies & taxes like Service Tax, Education cess etcexcept service tax)

9.6 Breakup in various heads like Sales Tax, Service Tax, Educational Cess, Excise Duty, Packing, forwarding, freight & EPF / insurance charges, etc. is for the information of the Purchaser and any change in these will gave no effect on price during the scheduled period of delivery and during extended delivery period. Moreover, benefit of any downward revision in the statutory levies/duties shall be passed on to the Purchaser and all upward revision shall be borne by the Supplier


The bidder shall furnish, as part bid, following documents establishing the bidder’s eligibility:

10.1 REGISTRATION OF FIRM (As per the applicable laws)

(i) In case of sole proprietary Firm: Proprietorship registration. [The affidavit (in original only) on stamp paper duly notarized regarding sole proprietorship of the firm is to be attached].

(ii)In case of Partnership Firm: All Pages of Partnership Deed signed by all Partners with their full names duly attested by Notary Public with his full name, seal & Signature.

(iii)In case of Private limited Company: Photocopy of certificate of incorporation of company with registrar of company and also board resolution authorizing the company to participate in the tender.


(i)In case of sole proprietor firm: - PAN can be either is in the name of sole proprietor or in the name of firm. In case PAN is in the name of proprietor, an affidavit (in original only) is to submit for sole proprietor of the firm.

(ii)In case of partnership firm: - PAN should be in the name of firm only.

(iii)In case of Private limited Company: - PAN should be in the name of Company only.

10.3 Valid EPF registration.

10.4Valid Service tax registration.

10.5The other documents as per clause 7 & clause 2 of this section.

Note: The bidder must submit successful experience certificate all with the above mentioned documents (A gazetted officer must attest or notarized the photocopy submitted as a proof of an eligible bidder along the bid or as a proof for an eligible bidder), proforma V & VI must be duly filled, also all pages must be duly signed under seal or else the bid will be rejected.

11. The bidder shall give the total composite price inclusive of all levies and taxes as applicable e.g Educational Cess, EPF/Insurance charges, etc except service tax.. BSNL will pay the service tax to contractor in addition to quoted rates and the contractor will in turn will pay it to concerned department. However the tenderer will have to produce the receipt of all such payment in the subsequent bills raised against BSNL as proof of its submission.


12.1A bid security as per NIT is to be submitted in form of Demand Draft drawn on any scheduled bank in Rewa in favour of AO (Cash)-BSNL- Telecom District Manager Rewa Earnest money in form of cheque will not be entertained. The Demand Draft in original should be submitted.

12.2The bidders shall furnish (D/ Draft in original) as part of his bid.

12.3The bid security of the unsuccessful bidder will be discharged / returned as promptly as possible after the finalization of the tender. The security of the Bidders whose bids are not opened shall also be returned as early as possible

12.4 The successful bidder’s bid security will be discharged or adjusted after the bidder’s acceptance of the acceptance letter and furnishing the performance security (10% of estimated value).