The children will start the term developing their persuasive writing skills and learning the art of debate. These skills will then be transferred into writing a balanced argument, where the children need to write from both sides of an argument. We will be using graffiti as a tool to develop these skills. Further through the term, we will be learning to write flashbacks in a story. For poetry in the Spring term, we will be learning about ‘finding a voice’. The children will be reading and composing poems that powerfully communicate the writer’s thoughts and feelings.

In Year 6we encourage a range of literacy activities including speaking and listening, reading for meaning and pleasure, and writing. Reading experiences encompass a variety of approaches: reading alone and with peers, using fiction and non-fiction materials both electronically and on paper. We encourage class discussions and independent thought. There will also be a focus this term on ‘reading between the lines’ and comparing and contrasting.The use of Standard English will be developed through spellings, punctuation and grammar. The pupils will follow the National Literacy framework for Year 6. Throughout Year 6 the children learn about various genres of writing and you can see these in the revision booklets that were given to the children last year. The booklet will be a valuable tool to revise and help your child with the key literacy concepts that are taught throughout KS2.


During the year we concentrate on developing mental strategies and calculations in the four rules of number. We will be following the renewed framework for numeracy which includes the use of decimals, percentages, fractions, ratio and proportion in solving word problems. The topics of 2D and 3D shapes, scales of measurement, probability, algebra and data handling will be advanced from the autumn terms study. A particular focus this term will be problem solving in a variety of contexts, from real-life problems to puzzles. The children will be encouraged to develop skills such as finding all possibilties, working and recording systematically and taking risks.


In the Spring Term, we will cover micro-organisms, reversible and irreversible changes, dissolving and forces. The children will get the opportunity to plan and carry out investigations throughout these units and will be encouraged to use a wide range of scientific vocabulary related to the topic.


Our units of work covered this term for PE will include striking and fielding, where the children will get the opportunity to develop their striking, throwing and catching skills. We will also be covering invasion games, in which the children apply their previous knowledge and understanding to create their own game in groups. Finally the children will be continuing to develop their knowledge and skills of net and wall games, where the children will develop the skills needed to play volleyball, with a particular focus on the skills needed to be a paralympian. They will continue to learn how to work together as a team and make decisions in game situations.


We foster the values of tolerance and respect for peers and adults and encourage the sharing of attitudes and beliefs. This term we will be taking a closer look at special people and faith through the arts.


During the first half term, pupils will be learning about the function, importance and cultural significance of lyrics through the composition of a blues song. The second half term develops the pupils understanding of rhythm and pulse, through learning about and performing Indonesian gamelan style music.


Children are given opportunities to take part in activities in French that involve listening, speaking and reading. They are encouraged to communicate orally with each other in pairs, groups and with their teacher. They use language for real purposes and their understanding and skills are developed through a range of language activities(e.g. games, conversations and role-play) through the topics ‘Cent euros’ (One hundred euros) and ‘Bienvenue en Carmargue’ (Welcome to the Camargue). These topics cover: Food, drink, seasons, weather, animal habitats, recycling and links to Science and Geography.


Our unit of study this term is ‘Goals’ and ‘Good to be me’. The children explore the meaning of dreams and aspirations and how we can make plans to get achieve them. They learn more about understanding feelings as well as considering our strengths and weaknesses as learners. It aims to develop knowledge, understanding and skills in three key social and emotional aspects of learning: self-awareness, managing feelings and empathy.PinnerPark is a Rights Respecting school, where children are aware of their rights and respect the rights of others. As a school we are working towards our level one award.

TOPIC: ‘Going Global’

We are continuing to combine various subjects to produce a more creative curriculum. We will be using DT, ICT, History, Geography and Artin order to enhance children’s knowledge on the world and what is happening in it. We have included information about the knowledge and skills they will be acquiring in each subject below:

  • DESIGN AND TECHNOLOGY: Make do and Mend

The pupils design and make clothing (sarongs, shirts and blouses) to a design specification, reusing materials that are no longer wanted or used to recognise the recovery of a community post-disaster, such as Haiti. They will evaluate their models at the end of the unit.

  • ICT:Film making

The children will have a range of experiences incorporating basic skills, researching the internet and film making.

  • GEOGRAPHY:Passport to the World/ What’s in the News?

We will be learning about the CaribbeanIslands with a particular focus on climate and culture. The children will be comparing and contrasting life in Britain with life in the Caribbean and finding out what is in the news in both locations.

  • ART:What a performance

The children will be creating a mask for a carnival, using their knowledge of the Caribbean culture. This will involve constructing as 3D base and decorating it using a variety of materials, colours and textures.

KS2 SATs (Statutory Assessment Tests)

During the week beginning 13th May 2013 Year 6 pupils will be taking compulsory standardised assessment tests in English, Maths and Science to measure their progress from the end of KS1 (Year 2) to the end of KS2 (Year 6).Attendance during this week is vital and absences, notwithstanding illness and exceptional circumstances, will not be authorised.

We help to prepare the children for the Assessment tests so that the type of questions and the format of the tests are familiar. This is done to address any concerns the children may have and to build their confidence with a variety of different strategies to use.

This terms practice SATs takes place the week commencing 4thFebruary 2013. These are in the same format as the ones taken in October and form part of their overall teacher assessment.If you would like further information please do not hesitate to contact us.