Sporting Regulations 2010

JK Tyre - FMSCI National Rotax Max Karting Championship - 2010

1. Organiser : MECO Motorsports Pvt Ltd, Chennai

2. Name of Event : JK Tyre - FMSCI National Rotax Max Karting Championship 2010

3. Type of Event : Mass Start Circuit Races for Karts

4. Track : See Additional Sporting Regulations

5. Status : National with International Participation

6. Permit No : T.B.A.

7. Jurisdiction : Held under the certification of the FMSCI, incorporating the International

Karting Regulations of the CIK/FIA and these Sporting Regulations and

any Additional Sporting Regulations issued by the Organiser whether

written or oral shall have the same force as these regulations.

8. Dates:

Round / Course / Date
Round 1 / MMS Track , Hyderabad / 10-11 July 2010
Round 2 / Circuit 09, Kolhapur / 6-7 Aug 2010
Round 3 / KMS , Coimbatore / 21-22 August 2010
Round 4 / KMS , Coimbatore / 21-22 August 2010
Round 5 / MMS Track , Hyderabad / 1-2 October 2010

Note: All rounds count for the Championship Round.

9. Officials of the Meeting : TBA

10. Entries:

(a) Opening and Closing Dates

All entries open 21 days before each round and close 2 days before the event.

(b)  Entry Fees

Basic Entry Fee per driver per Round - INR 2500.00

Late entries, if accepted, will be double the entry fee.

(c)  Conditions for acceptance or refusal of Entries

1. Competitors who change classes once they have put in an entry for the series cannot accumulate points from the previous class. Points scored in one class cannot be transferred to another class.

2. All entries received will be considered by the Organiser having regard to the suitability of the kart and driver. The Organiser may refuse to accept an entry without assigning a reason and their decision is final in such respect. Where an entry is not accepted by the Organiser, the entry fee will be refunded in full.

3. It is a condition of entry that one set of MOJO tyres be purchased for every Rotax class entered (unless specified otherwise). Payment for these tyres must be made together with the entry fees and a voucher will be given for collection of the tyres. The tyres will be marked with the competition number by officials of the MMS on delivery and must be used for the competition. No other tyres, even of the same make will be permitted to be used for that event.

4. It is the Entrant’s responsibility to ensure that every person concerned by his/her entry observes all the provision of the National Competition Regulations of ASN, the Technical Regulations and Sporting Regulations of Rotax. If an Entrant is unable to be present in person at the event, he must nominate his representative in writing. The person having charge of an entered kart during any part of an event is responsible jointly and severally with the Entrant for ensuring that the provisions are observed.

Entrants must ensure that their karts comply with the conditions of conformity and safety throughout the event. The presentation of the kart for scrutineering and signing of the scrutineering form will be deemed an implicit statement of conformity.

All cheques/ Demand Drafts, etc. must be crossed and made payable to:


Please do not send cash in the mail

(d)  Competition Licence

(i) All drivers must be in possession of a valid National or International Karting Licence issued by the ASN for the year.

(ii) Overseas competitors must be in possession of a valid Karting Licence issued by their ASN for the year together with a release letter or the entry form endorsed by the ASN.


(e) Address of Entries

Completed entry forms together with the appropriate fees should be sent to:-


The Secretary

M/s. MECO Motorsports Pvt Ltd

JK Tyre – FMSCI National Rotax Max Karting Championship 2010

Old # 45, 5th Avenue, Harrington Road

Chetpet, Chennai - 600031

Ph: +91 44 43561159

Fax: +91 44 43561160

11. Insurance

All Drivers will only be covered for Public Liability risks only by insurance arranged by the Organiser.

12. Awards

12.1 Rotax Max Championship 2010

All events of the JK Tyre - FMSCI National Rotax Max Championship 2010 will count for –

(a)  National Champion 2010 for Karting in Micro Max Class

(b)  National Champion 2010 for Karting in Junior Class

(c)  National Champion 2010 for Karting in Senior Max Class

The classifications of the Championship will be established by the addition of the results of all the rounds obtained in the championship by the drivers concerned.

The winner shall be the Driver who scores the most number of points in each category.

The Overall winner of each category in each round of the championship will be determined from the official classifications of the Final race of the day.

Points will be awarded in each round of the championship to the highest placed first Driver in each category, in accordance with the Rotax Technical and Sporting Regulations as follows:

· Non-qualifying practice: Certain time according to length of race track, determined by race organizer.

· Qualifying practice: certain time according to length of race track, determined by race organizer.

· Heats to qualify for Prefinals: No. of heats and points according to national organizer of challenge. Min. 10 km or 15 mins.

· Pre-Final: A starting grid of max. 34 drivers and the race of min. 15km or 15 minutes. Score points 34, 33,32,31,30 last place finisher. Non-finish: minus 5 points off last finisher

· Final(s)/ points: A starting grid of max. 34 drivers and the race of min. 20km or 20 minutes. Score points 55, 52, 50, 49, 48, 47... To last placed finisher.

· Non-Finish: Minus 5 points off last finisher (in case of being a half point race only 2,5 points off last finisher are given).

· Definition of Non Finish: A non finisher is a participant that was physically part of the starting grid at the start of the warm up lap, even if the participant couldn't reach the green flag, or green lights, due to a mechanical failure.

The promoters reserve the rights to alter the technical regulations at short notice to ensure safety of drivers, fairness of competition, economy and the wishes of competitors. Reference ROTAX MOJO MAX Championship Technical Regulations 2010.

12.2  Overall score

All results of prefinals and finals will count for overall score of a RMC.

In case of 2 or more drivers finish the season with same number of points, the higher place in the championship will be awarded to:

-  The holder of the greatest number of first places in final races, if the number of first places is the same, the holder of the greatest number of second places in final races and so on until a winner emerges.

-  If it is not possible to break a tie with results of the final races the holder of the greatest number of first place in prefinal races, if the number of first places is the same, the holder of the greatest number of second places in prefinal races and so on until a winner emerges.

-  If this procedure fails to produce a result BRP-POWERTRAIN will nominate the winner according to such criteria as it deems fit.

12.3  Bonus points

1 bonus point for each active participation in a race of a RMC will count towards the overall score. Each competitor must compete in at least 4 race events to receive bonus points.

12.4  All competitor having engines not purchased from the Authorised dealers/distributor in will have to pay an engine fee of INR 20000.00 in order to compete in the whole Rotax Max Championship culminating to the Rotax Max Grand Finals.

At the end of the Championship the first winner of the Senior, Junior category will be selected to attend the Rotax Max Grand Finals in TBA. They shall be obligated and subjected to rules and conditions issued by the Rotax Distributor of India at the Grand Finals whether written or verbal. Anyone found having breaching the rules or conditions will NOT be allowed to start or join the race. Drivers are obligated to wear the Team clothing issued to them with all the sponsors emblems (if any). Drivers are allowed to have their own sponsors on the Team clothing BUT they must be non-conflicting and also prior permission has been obtained from the Rotax Distributor. The Rotax Distributor of India is the Entrant for all the selected drivers attending the Grand Finals and therefore has the jurisdiction to take action against any driver found to have misbehaved or has brought disrepute to the country.


At the end of the 5 rounds Championship, the driver with the highest points will be declared the National Champion of the Rotax Max Championship 2010 and the awards are as follows –

Rotax Max Junior 1st to 3rd - Champion Trophy

Rotax Max Senior 1st to 3rd - Champion Trophy

Rotax Micromax 1st to 3rd - Champion Trophy

Additional Trophies will be awarded

Maximum Number of Pole Position - Trophy

Maximum Number of Wins - Trophy

Maximum Number of Fastest Lap - Trophy

13.1 Team Championship

1.  Teams will compete for Team Championship.

2.  Teams MUST have FMSCI Valid ENTRANT LICENSE for the year.

3.  Each Team can nominate only 3 drivers per class per team for the full championship. If a driver changes teams during the course of the championship, he cannot carry his points to add to the Team Points calculation.

4.  In the case of a one Kart, Team then only the points scored by that karter will be count towards the Team Championship.

Awards for each category winners of each round of the championship are as follows-

1st - Trophy + Cash Prize + Tuner Trophy

2nd - Trophy + Cash Prize

3rd - Trophy + Cash Prize

* Only one winner will be awarded if entry is less than 8 drivers per class


Definition: The Entrants’ and Drivers’ Briefing is a meeting organised by the Clerk of the Course for all Entrants and Drivers entered in the Event.

1.  Aim of the Briefing: to remind Entrants and Drivers of the specific points of the Supplementary Regulations concerning the organisation of the Event; to remind them of the safety notions, either general, or specific to the circuit used; to give any clarification concerning the interpretation of the Regulations.

2.  The time of the Briefing is mentioned in the programme of the Event. The time is considered as that of the beginning of the Briefing and the entrance door and access to the Briefing will be closed. The meeting shall always be held before Qualifying Practice or the first Qualifying Heat. Extra meetings may be organised if this is deemed necessary.

3.  The presence of all concerned Entrants and Drivers is mandatory throughout the Briefing under pain of a sanction or even of a possible exclusion from the Event. Two Attendance Sheets shall be signed, one by Drivers and the other by Entrants.

4.  Before they can be allowed to continue the meeting, a mandatory fine of INR 1500 which must be paid to the ASN hosting the event via the Stewards will be inflicted on any Entrant and Driver who do not attend the Briefing.

14. Classification of Karts:

All karts shall comply with the following specifications:

14.2.1 Rotax Max – Senior Masters

1. Chassis: Refer technical regulations.

2. Engine: Refer technical regulations. ANYTHING, WHICH IS NOT EXPRESSILY ALLOWED, IS FORBIDDEN. 2 Engines are permitted for scrutineering per participant.

3. Brakes: Hydraulic disc brakes operating on rear wheels only. Front brakes not permitted.

4. Tyres: The only tyres allowed are MOJO slick tyres Type D2 & MOJO Wet tyres Type W2 Strictly, no modifications or tyre treatment allowed

5. Weight

Minimum weight of the kart and driver for the Senior Max class shall be 165kg.

6. Age Limit

To participate in any of these national events the driver must have his/her 15th birthday during 2010.

7. Number Plates

Black plates with White Numbers

14.2.2 Rotax Max – Junior

1. Chassis As per technical regulations.

2. Engine As per technical regulations.

3. Brakes Hydraulic disc brakes operating on rear wheels only. Front brakes not permitted.

4. Tyres As per descriptions for Rotax FR125 Senior Max

5. Weight Minimum of 145 kg including driver at all times.

6. Age Limit: To participate in any of these national events the driver must have his/her 13th birthday during 2010. He/she must have his/her 17th birthday after 31.12.2010.

Note: Drivers who do not have their 13th birthday in the 2010 calendar year, can apply to the organizer for special waiver subject to the fact that they have won the Micro Max Championship in any of the 3 preceding years and convince the organizers that they are safe enough to participate in the Junior Class. In addition, they should complete 12 years of age within the calendar year of 2010.

7. Number Plates

Yellow plates with Black numbers


1.  Chassis : Open, subject to the Micro Max Chassis specifications.

2.  Engine : The only engine permitted in this class is the Rotax FR125 Junior Max

Engine with the Micro Max conversion kit as per Rotax Technical Regulations 2010.

3.  Weight : Minimum 108 kg. including the driver

4.  Tyres : As per descriptions for Rotax FR125 Senior Max

5.  Age : To participate in any of these national events the driver must have his/her 8th

birthday during 2010. He/she must have his/her 13th birthday after 31.12.2010

6.  Number Plate: Red with White Number

15. Telemetry

The use of all systems of telemetry is permitted.

16. Race Numbers

Number plates shall be of plastic and rounded corners with 22 cm. sides. Numbers shall be at least 15 cm. high and 2 cm. wide. The number plates must be fitted to the front and rear and must carry NO advertising except that assigned by the Organiser. A 10 mm black line must rim number plates that are part of the bodywork.