Writing Evaluations

Candidates should be able to:

• evaluate the process of planning and research of the performance brief

• use their own judgement to evaluate both their contribution to the practical activities and comment on the work of others

• use comments and feedback from others.

You need to talk about the following areas:

ü  Your personal contribution to planning and research – initial ideas, research, preparation for character, devising and learning lines, finding songs, creating & learning dances/music, contribution to group ideas, motivating group members & yourself, encouragement of others, attendance & punctuality for rehearsals (lessons).

ü  Critical analysis of own performance and one other person’s - Identify areas of Strengths & Weaknesses using Performing Arts terminology and then suggesting specific activities/tasks/research that can be done to bring about improvement.

Murder Mystery & Style Study Evaluation


·  What was your initial response to the brief and why? (First thoughts & ideas. Brainstorm & script from Ashley)

·  What was the overall idea for your performance? What was it about? How did others respond? What was your favourite alternative suggestion & why?

·  Outline of final performance, character & what you did.


·  How did you develop your character?

·  Rehearsal methods – how did you learn your performance material?

·  How did rehearsals go? Did you always turn up and use time effectively?

·  Did you help others &/or did others help you? How?

·  Which technical & performance skills did you plan to use? Why? What was your intended effect on the audience?

Use of skills

·  Using Performing Arts terminology (marking criteria & skills audit grid), how did you portray your character? What skills did you use? (technical & performance)

·  What did you do well and why?

·  What do you need to improve and HOW are you going to do this? *BE SPECIFIC as this will then also hit Skills Development marks*

·  What are your overall strengths and weaknesses in this performance?

Set, Props, Costume

·  Did you use any set or props? Why? Did you set them before rehearsals & the performance and clear away afterwards?

·  Describe the technical elements? (Sound/lighting) How was this organised? What did it add? Are there any changes you would have made?

·  How did the costumes communicate the characters to the audience? Any changes?


·  What did you like/dislike about your performance and why?

·  Evaluate another person’s performance? Technical & performance skills – specific strengths & weaknesses? How could they improve?

·  If you were to do the assessment performance again, what would you change?

·  Overall, how do you feel the performance went? What would you like to do in future shows?