Display Screen Equipment: Self Assessment
Your health, safety and comfort is important to the University. If you use computers or other display screen equipment (DSE) (e.g. laptops, tablets) as part of your work it is important that your workstation is set up properly and that you know how to avoid aches and pains while using it. The attached checklist will help you and your manager identify whether there are any problems with the workstation. It must be completed:
- When you start using computers or other display screen equipment as part of your work
- When there are significant changes to your work or workstation
- If you begin experiencing regular aches and pains or eyesight problems whilst using the equipment.
Before completing the checklist you will need to complete the University’s online Computer Safety Course. To enrol go to You will need an enrolment key word which you can obtain from your DSE Facilitator or Department Administrator. Alternatively you can email safety (add '').
The course will explain the risks from using DSE, the reasons why you need to carry out an assessment and how to set up your workstation for comfort. As you go through the assessment, you may also find it useful to refer to the Display Screen Equipment website;
What happens once the assessment has been completed?
You should discuss your assessment with your line manager or DSE Facilitator. He/she will be able to help you with simple adjustments, such as changes to your work pattern or ordering new equipment. If there are still areas of concern, they should be noted on the action plan at the end of the form.
Copies of all forms should then be passed to your DSE Facilitator. You should keep the original copy for yourself, or ask your manager to put it in your personal file. Most DSE problems can be resolved with simple adjustments. However if there are specific health concerns (such as an existing disability), or you are experiencing discomfort and the agreed adjustments do not result in an improvement, your manager may need to refer you to the Occupational Health Service for advice.
The information you provide will be processed in accordance with the provisions of the Data Protection Act and will only be disclosed within the University to members of staff who need to know it in order to carry out their duties to ensure your health and safety. Relevant information will be disclosed outside the University where it is required by law to do so. In the event of a personal injury claim, information may be disclosed to the University's Insurers.
If you need help with completing the form, please contact your Manager or DSE Facilitator first.You will find details of DSE Facilitators at: can also contact the Health and Safety Advisory Service on 2944, her information can be found on the Display Screen Equipment website.
Display Screen Equipment: Self Assessment
Your Name: / Email:Department: / Section / Team:
Your Manager’s name: / Today’s date:
Date online computer safety course completed / passed:
SECTION A:Your use of Display Screen Equipment. Circle the answer(s) that apply to you
USEWhat type of DSE do you use? / Computer / Laptop / Other(specify):
How often do you use DSE? / Daily / 2-3 days a week / Infrequently
…and for how long? / Over 5 hours / Between 1-5 hours / Less than an hour
Do your DSE tasks require: / Quick transfer of information / High levels of attention and concentration.
Do you get aches, pains, tingling or pins and needles in the hand, wrist, neck, back, shoulder or arms when using DSE? / Yes - often / Sometimes / No
Do the symptoms persist after you have finished work? / Yes - often / Sometimes / No
Do you suffer from blurred/poor vision, red sore dry eyes or headaches when using DSE? / Yes - often / Sometimes / No
Do you find it difficult to plan your work so that you can take regular breaks from DSE work? / Yes - often / Sometimes / No
Is the software you use suitable for the task? / Yes / No
Do you consider that you need instruction / training in the use of the DSE equipment or software? / Yes / No
Please give further comments on use, health & breaks:
dse_assessment_checklist.doc1Last updated April 2016
Display Screen Equipment Assessment
SECTION B: The Workstation.
This section applies to any workstation used by employees. This includes laptops used for prolonged periods in the same location. Please give the location of the DSE equipment you usually use:
Campus: / Room no: / Computer No: SNB: If you work at several different workstations, and your answer relates to a specific one, please record where it is by the question or in the further comments section.
CHAIRDoes the chair have all of the following: / Circle the answer(s) that apply to you
- Seat height adjustment
- seat back height and tilt adjustment
- casters or gliders
- swivel mechanism?
Do the chair adjustments work properly? / Yes / No
Is the chair stable and comfortable to use? / Yes / No
Are you able to adjust your chair to the correct seating position? / Yes / No
Are you able to comfortably rest your feet flat on the floor or an existing foot rest? (If you answer no to this you will need a footrest). / Yes / No
Is the work surface large enough for all the necessary equipment and papers? / Yes / No
Are frequently used items positioned within easy reach? / Yes / No
Are surfaces free from reflection and glare? / Yes / No
Are you able to sit in front of the screen, without twisting and position keyboard, mouse etc comfortably? (e.g. power cables do not restrict positioning). / Yes / No
Are the characters clear, readable and flicker free? / Yes / No
Is the text size comfortable? / Yes / No
Do you know how to adjust the colours, brightness and contrast to suit your needs? / Yes / No
Does the screen swivel and tilt? / Yes / No
Are you able to position the screen at a comfortable distance and height? / Yes / No
Is the screen free from glare, reflections or bright areas in the field of view? / Yes / No
Further comments on chair, desk and display screen:
Circle the answer(s) that apply to you
KEYBOARD AND MOUSE/INPUT DEVICEIs the keyboard separate from the computer and screen / Yes / No
Are you able to tilt the keyboard? / Yes / No
Is there space in front of the keyboard to rest your hands when not typing? / Yes / No
Are the characters on the keys easily readable? / Yes / No
Do you type with your hands horizontal and level with the middle row of letters? Wrists not resting on the desk when typing? / Yes / No
Are you able to position your mouse / input device close to you? / Yes / No
Complete this section if you use a laptop for prolonged periods in the same location
Have you been provided with a docking station, mouse, keyboard and/or screen (or screen riser) and fully adjustable chair? / Yes / No / N/A
Do you need a suitable bag, rucksack or trolley to help you carry the laptop? / Yes / No / N/A
Do you have enough room under and around your desk to change position and vary movement? / Yes / No
Is the light level at your desk comfortable? / Yes / No
Is heating and ventilation comfortable? / Yes / No
Are noise levels comfortable? / Yes / No
Is the room free from other significant hazards (e.g. trailing cables)? / Yes / No
Further comments on keyboard, mouse, laptops and environment
Once you have carried out your self assessment, show it to your manager or DSE Facilitator.
If you have circled any of the answers in the shaded boxes you will need to agree adjustments to your workstation or work with your manager or DSE Facilitator. Agreed action should be recorded below. If there are actions that cannot be taken locally, they should be also recorded below and referred to the Health and Safety Advisory Service.
If you suffer from aches and pains and they continue after adjustments have been made to your workstation, you may be referred to Occupational Health for advice.
Action needed / By who? / Date action takenAssessment reviewed by (Name):Role
E.g.DSE Facilitator / Manager
Signed: (employee) Date:
Signed: (manager)Date:
The assessment and action plan should be reviewed regularly until all actions have been taken and employee has confirmed any ill health problems through using DSE have been resolved. It is then recommended that it is reviewed annually. It is only necessary to complete a new form if the assessment is no longer valid.
Date of Review / Agreed actions taken? / Assessment still valid? / Name of reviewerYes / No / Yes / No
The completed form should be kept by the employee, manager (e.g. in employee’s file) or DSE Facilitator. The information should be treated as confidential.
Please inform the HSAS Office () of the date that you havecompleted the form and to whom you have given it.
dse_assessment_checklist.doc1Last updated April 2016