Electronic Supplementary Material n. 4.

Article: Diagnostic accuracy of passive leg raising for prediction of fluid responsiveness in adults: systematic review and meta analysis of clinical studies.

Journal: Intensive Care Medicine

Authors: Cavallaro F, Sandroni C, Marano C, La Torre G, De Waure C, Mannocci A, Bello G, Maviglia R, Antonelli M

Corresponding Author:

Fabio Cavallaro, MD. Registrar, CatholicUniversitySchool of Medicine, Intensive Care Unit

Mail to:Università Cattolica del S. Cuore di Roma

Policlinico “A. Gemelli”

Largo A. Gemelli 8 00168

Rome, Italy

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Forrest plot of PLR-induced changesin cardiac output (PLR-cCO) – Area under the ROC curve, stratified by rhythm.

* In Monnet (19) authors performed a separate ROC curve analysis for three subgroups of patients, which are separately included in this plot: A) patients in sinus rhythm adapted to ventilator; B) patients in sinus rhythm with spontaneous inspiratory efforts; C) patients with arrhythmias.

° In Monnet (22) a separate analysis is performed for the subgroup of patients in sinus rhythm: this group of 23 patients is included in our “sinus” subgroup.

Forrest plot of PLR-induced changesin cardiac output (PLR-cCO) – correlation coefficients, stratified by rhythm.

Forrest plot of PLR-induced changes in cardiac output (PLR-cCO) – Area under the ROC curve, stratified by presence (Trigger=Yes) /absence (Trigger=No) of spontaneous inspiratory efforts.

* In Monnet (19) Authors performed a separate ROC curve analysis for three subgroups of patients: A) patients in sinus rhythm adapted to ventilator; B) patients in sinus rhythm with spontaneous inspiratory efforts; C) patients with arrhythmias. Groups A and B are included in this plot, in “No” and “Yes” subgroups respectively. Group C has been excluded because it was composed by mixed patients with and without spontaneous efforts.

Forrest plot of PLR-induced changes in cardiac output (PLR-cCO) – correlation coefficients, stratified by presence (Trigger=Yes) /absence (Trigger=No) of spontaneous inspiratory efforts.

Forrest plot of PLR-induced changes in cardiac output (PLR-cCO) – Area under the ROC curve, stratified by starting position for PLR manoeuvre: supine versus semirecumbent.

Forrest plot of PLR-induced changes in cardiac output (PLR-cCO) – correlation coefficients, stratified by starting position for PLR manoeuvre: supine versus semirecumbent.