Joseph Drew Lanham, Ph.D., CWB-Wildlife Ecologist
Department of Forestry and Environmental Conservation Telephone: (864) 656-7294
Clemson University Fax: (864) 656-3304
261 Lehotsky Hall Email:
Clemson, South Carolina 29634 USA
Education: BA, Zoology (Sociology Minor), 1988 Clemson University
MS, Zoology, Clemson University, 1990 Clemson University, Advisor: Dr. Sidney A. Gauthreaux
Ph.D., Forest Resources, Clemson University, 1997; Dissertation: Attributes of Avian Communities in Early-Successional Clearcut Habitats in the Mountains and Upper Piedmont of South Carolina, Advisor: Dr. David C. Guynn, Jr.
Occupation: Alumni Distinguished Professor, Master Teacher
Clemson University Department of Forestry and Environmental Conservation
(1995-present; promoted 2007)
Certifications: Certified Wildlife Biologist -The Wildlife Society
Certified Senior Ecologist - The Ecological Society of America
Professional To foster a reputation of excellence in the field of wildlife conservation
To use my scientific expertise, passion for wildlife and communication skills effectively as advocacy tools for the conservation of wildlife and promotion of sustainable land ethic
To communicate the importance of natural resources conservation and land ethic to diverse audiences
To enhance the interest of ethnic minorities and other under-represented stakeholders in natural resources-related issues and encourage their participation in similarly oriented careers
Selected Peer-Reviewed Research Publications:
Zachary D. Miller, Jeffrey C. Hallo, Julia L. Sharp, Robert B. Powell & J. Drew Lanham.2014.Birding by Ear: A Study of Recreational Specialization and Soundscape Preference. Human Dimensions of Wildlife: An International Journal 19 (6)
Lanham, J.D and M.A. Whitehead. 2011. Managing Early Successional Habitats for Wildlife in Novel Places Pp.
209-225 in Greenberg, Cathryn; Collins, Beverly; Thompson III, Frank (Eds.). Sustaining Young Forest
Communities, Springer Press. NY. 305pp.
Kilpatrick,E.S, J. D. Lanham, and T. A. Waldrop. 2010. Effects of Fuel Reduction Treatments on Avian Nest Density in the Upper Piedmont of South Carolina. Open Environmental Sciences, 2010, 4, 70-75.
Kilpatrick,E.S, T.A. Waldrop, Joseph D. Lanham, Cathryn H. Greenberg, Tom H. Contreras. 2010. Short-Term Effects of Fuel Reduction Treatments on Herpetofauna from the Southeastern United States. Forest Science 56(1):122-130.
O’Keefe, J.M., Susan C. Loeb, J. Drew Lanham, and Hoke S. Hill, Jr. 2009. Macrohabitat Factors Affect Day Roost Selection by Eastern Red Bats and Eastern Pipistrelles in the Southern Appalachian Mountains, USA. Forest Ecology and Management.
Greenberg C.,Tomcho, A.,Lanham, J.,Waldrop, T.,Tomcho, J. et al. 2007. Short-Term Effects of Fire and Other Fuel Reduction Treatments on Breeding Birds in a Southern Appalachian Upland Hardwood Forest. Journal of Wildlife Management: 71(6): 1906–1916.
Lanham, J.D. 2007. A Personal View of Diversity. The Wildlife Professional: 1(4): 38-39.
Kinkead, Karen E., J. Drew Lanham and Richard R. Montanucci. 2006. Comparison of anesthesia
and marking techniques on stress and behavioral responses in two Desmognathus salamanders.
Journal of Herpetology. 40 (3): 323-328.
Waldron, J. L., S. H. Bennett, S. M. Welch, M. E., Dorcas, J. D. Lanham, & W. Kalinowsky. 2006. Habitat specificity and home-range size as attributes of species vulnerability to extinction: a case study using sympatric rattlesnakes. Animal Conservation 9(4): 414-420.
Jayme L. Waldron, Joseph D. Lanham and Stephen H. Bennett. 2006. Using Behaviorally-Based Seasons To Investigate Canebrake Rattlesnake (Crotalus Horridus) Movement Patterns And Habitat Selection. Herpetologica, 62(4), 2006, 389–398
Lanham, J.Drew and S.M. Miller. 2006. Monotypic nest site selection by Swainson’s Warbler in the mountains of South Carolina. Southeastern Naturalist 5(2):289-994.
Lanham, J. Drew, P.H. Brose and P.D. Keyser. 2004. Conservation implications for neotropical migrants and game birds in oak-stands managed with shelterwood cutting and prescribed fire. Proceedings-2005 Fire in Eastern Oak Forests. Columbus Ohio.
Kilpatrick, E.S., Kubacz, D.B., Guynn, D.C., Lanham, J.D., and Waldrop, T.A.. 2004. The Effects of Prescribed Burning and Thinning on Herpetofauna and Small Mammals in Piedmont Pine-Hardwood Forests: Preliminary Results of the National Fire and Fire Surrogate Study. Pages 18-22 In: Proceedings of the 12th Biennial Southern Silvicultural Research Conference, February 24-28, 2003, Gen. Tech. Rep. SRS-71, Asheville, NC, USDA Forest Service Southern Research Station, 594 p.
Zebehazy, L.A., Lanham, J.D., and Waldrop, T.A. 2004. Seasonal Avifauna Responses to Fuel Reduction Treatments in the Upper Piedmont of South Carolina: Results from phase 1 of the National Fire and Fire Surrogate Study. Pages 82-86 In: Proceedings of the 12th Biennial Southern Silvicultural Research Conference, February 24-28, 2003, Gen. Tech. Rep. SRS-71, Asheville, NC, USDA Forest Service Southern Research Station, 594 pp.
Busbee, W.S., W.H. Conner, D.M. Allen, and J.D. Lanham. 2003. Composition and aboveground productivity of
three seasonally flooded depressional forested wetlands in coastal South Carolina. Southeastern Naturalist 2: 335-346.
Cromer, R.B., J. Lanham and H. Hanlin. 2002. Herpetofaunal response to gap and skidder-rut wetland creation in a southern bottomland hardwood forest. Forest Science 48(2):407-416
Greenberg, Cathryn H. and J.D. Lanham. 2001. Breeding bird assemblages of hurricane-created gaps and adjacent closed canopy forest in the southern Appalachians. Forest Ecology and Management 154:251-260.
Kilpatrick, E., T. Floyd and J. Lanham. 2001. Ambystoma talpoideum. Herp. Review 32(3): P.188.
Lanham, J.D., P. Brose, P. Keyser and D. H. Van Lear.2001. Management options for migratory songbirds in oak-shelterwood burn systems. Forest Ecology and Management. 155:143-152.
Lanham, J. Drew and D.C. Guynn, Jr. 1998. Habitat-Area Relationships of Birds in Regenerating Clearcuts in South Carolina. Proc. Annu. Conf. Southeast. Fish and Wildl. Agencies 52:222-231.
Metts, Brian.S., J. D. Lanham and K.R. Russell. 2001. Evaluation of herpetofaunal communities on upland streams and beaver-impounded streams in the Upper Piedmont of South Carolina. American Midlands Naturalist 145:54-65.
Service: American Birding Association Board of Directors*
Aldo Leopold Foundation Advisory Board*
BirdNote Board of Directors*
Audubon Society -Together Green Advisory Board*
Upstate Forever - Advisory Board
South Carolina Audubon – Board of Directors and Important Bird Areas Tech. Comm.*
South Carolina Wildlife Federation – Board of Directors and Affiliate Representative*
Member, Ethnic and Gender Diversity Committee, The Wildlife Society
Bird Education Network Advisory Board
Service (cont'd) Carolina Bird Club- Executive Board/South Carolina Member at Large
South Carolina Chapter of the Wildlife Society (President Elect, President, Past President)
Member, Conservation Committee, Ducks Unlimited
Member (Chair 2004), Southeastern Association of Biologists Conservation Committee
Member, BASF Project Habitat Advisory Board
Tri-County Technical College Access and Equity Advisory Committee (Chair: Faculty/Staff Recruitment and Retention Subcommittee)
Oconee County Representative, Tri-County Technical College Access and Equity Advisory Board
Professional: The Wildlife Society (National; Southeastern Section; South Carolina Chapter)
Carolina Bird Club – Life Member
Georgia Ornithological Society
Cape May Bird Observatory
American Birding Association
Grants: Funding (cash + in-kind) > $1,000,000.00 since 1995 (list available)
Presentations: >150 paper presentations, invited lectures and workshops given since 1995
(see for representative listing)
Honors/Awards: Clemson University Alumni Master Teacher
Distinguished Alumni Professor
Audubon-Toyota Together Green Inaugural Mentor Award
Audubon-Toyota Together Green Fellow -Inaugural Class
South Carolina Wildlife Federation - Educator of the Year 2008
John Madden Outdoor Writer's Fellowship-Outdoor Writers Association of America
National Wildlife Federation Affiliate Leaders Scholarship- 2007
Excellence in Teaching Award, 2000, 2002, 2007- Clemson University Wildlife Society
Cooperative Extension Service Southern Region- 2004 Exceptional Programming –TV
Best Conference Paper, Non-Game, 1998 Southeastern Section, The Wildlife Society
Best Student Poster (co-author), 1999 Annual Conference, The Wildlife Society
Douglas R. Phillips Award (Outstanding Graduate Student in Forest Resources-1994)
Sigma Xi (Scientific Research Society)
Xi Sigma Pi (Forestry Honorary Society)
Selected Creative Non-Fiction Publications/Communications:
J. Drew Lanham. Nine Rules for the Black Birdwatcher. National Public Radio. Weekend Edition.
J. Drew Lanham. Nine Rules for the Black Birdwatcher. Orion Magazine. November 2013.
J. Drew Lanham. 2011. More than Birds: A Crisis in Birder Identification.
Orion Magazine
J. Drew Lanham. 2011. More Than Birds in The Colors of Nature. L. Savoy, ed.
Milkweed Editions. Minneapolis, MN.
J. Drew Lanham. 2010. Bartram on Blacktop. Pp. 403-413 in Bartram's Living Legacy.
D. Dallmeyer, ed. Mercer University Press. Atlanta, Ga.
J. Drew Lanham. 2010. Hunting Deer in Broken Country. Pp. 41-45 in Outdoor
Adventures in the Upcountry. M.Stone, ed. Hub City Publishing, Spartanburg, S.C.
J. Drew Lanham. In Review. The Home Place: A colored Man's Love Affair with
Nature. Milkweed Editions. Minneapolis, MN. (release Fall 2015-Spring 2016)
Lanham, J.D. 2007. Passion to Profession: The Evolution of an African American
Wildlife Professional. P.47. Wilderness Magazine
Lanham, J.D. and S.M. Guynn. 2007. Here Today Gone Tomorrow: Managing Vernal pools for Herpetofauna and other Wildlife. Forest Landowner Magazine. May/June.
Lanham, J.D. 2005. Turkeys and Tanagers. Forest Landowner Magazine
Lanham, J.D., J. Ellenberger and S. Schweitzer. 2002. Managing Songbirds in CRP Pine Pine Plantations. Forest Landowner Magazine.
-radio co-host of Public Radio Show "Your Day - Birding with Patrick and Drew"
-occasional co-host of the PBS television show "Expeditions with Patrick MacMillan"
Hobbies/Extracurricular: birding, hunting, golf, creative non-fiction nature writing (essay and poetry)
Graduate Student Advisee History (research/project topic-degree and last known employment status)
James E. Simmons, III. (ROW Wildlife Habitat Sutiability-M.S. 1998, Wildlife Biologist, GA DNR-dec.)
Maria Nichols (Butterflies on Pwerline ROW-MFR, 1998, Wildlife Biologist, Lockheed)
James C. Nalley (RCW Safe Harbor for Hobcaw-MFR 1998, Extension Forester, GA For.Comm.)
Amy L. Leonard (Birding Module for Elementary Educators-MFR 1998, School Teacher, Miami, FL.) Brain S. Metts (Herpetofauna in beaver impoundments-M.S. 1999, PhD Student, Univ. of GA)
R. Brandon Cromer (Herpetofauna in Skidder Ruts-M.S. 1999, PhD 2004, Assist. Prof.-Augusta Univ.)
Justin E. Ellenberger (Songbirds in CRP Pine Thinnings-M.S., 2000, Wildlife Biologist, FL. DNR)
Maria Whitehead (Songbird Diversity and Food Resources-Ph.D. 2004, Raptor Ecologist; Nature Conserv.)
Jayme Waldron (Sympatric Rattlesnake Ecology-PhD 2005- University of SC-Lecturer)
Katie Bruce (Hobcaw Wildlife Management Plan-MFR 2003, Manager-Magnolia Plantation, Kershaw,SC)
Aimee Livings-Tomcho (Fire and Southern Appalachian Songbirds-M.S. 2004-NC Wildl.Res.Comm.)
David Leput (Bat Roosting Ecol. in Fire Managed Forests-M.S. 2004, Wetl .Mitigat. Corps of Engr., NY)
Jeremy Poirer (Flying Squirrel & RCW interactions-M.S. 2003, Procure. Manager, Intern. Paper Inc., LA)
Laura Zebahazy (Songbirds in Fire Managed Forests-M.S. 2003, Biologist, TX Parks and Wildlife)
Julia Camp (Songbirds and Landscape Ecosystem Ecology -M.S. 2004, USDA Forest Service-Az. )
Jay Garcia (Painted Bunting Breeding Ecology-M.S. 2004, Field Biologist, USDA Forest Service, FL)
Paige Grooms (Riparian Zone Birds and Best Manage. Practices-M.S. 2005, Wildlife Biologist, SCDNR)
Austin Jenkins (Conservation Planning for the Sandhill REC-PhD 2006-Assistant Professor-USC)
Eran Kilpatrick (Herpetofauna and Songbirds in Fire Managed Forests-PhD 2006-Assoc.Prof.-USC Salk.)
Steven Hall (Grassland Songbird Habitat Suitability -MS 2006; US Gov't-classified)
Joy O’Keefe (Bat Foraging and Roosting Ecology in the N.C. Mountains-University Faculty-Indiana)
Nickie Nichols Clawson (MS incomplete; Colorado)
Paul Champlin (Henslow’s Sparrow Ecology in ROW; Massachusetts )
Sarah Lauerman (RCW and Songbird Ecology -Endangered Species Consultant, FL)
Keenan J. Adams (Riparian Zone Birds and Best Management Practices -MS 2007; PhD 2010-USFWS)
Kelley Blackburn (Painted Bunting Landscape Ecology-Wildlife Ecologist FL, north GA)
Alicia Rodrian (Bluebird Breeding Ecology on Spring Isl., SC- MS in progress)
Bryan Zvolanek (RCW and Songbird Ecology-MS in progress)
Mark M. Freeman (Swallow-Tailed Kite Ecology-MS incomplete; GA)
Douglas J. Benson (Piedmont Prairie Assessment-PhD 2011-retired)
Meagan Pitman (Florida Panther Ecology-MS 2010; PhD in progress New Mexico)
Jason Craig (RCW Demographic Assessment-MFR 2010; USFWS, SC)
Marla E. Hamilton (Grassland Restor. of Abandoned Airfields-MS 2010; PhD in progress Clemson Univ.)
David B. Stone (Whitetail Deer Breeding Ecology - in progress; accepted Univ. GA PhD)
Curtis Walker (Songbird Breeding Ecology in Restored Montane Yellow Pine Systems, in progress)
References: Available Upon Request
* denotes activities/responsibilities that are currently ongoing