
National Church of England Academy

Salary: £73,480 - £85,114 (salary range is negotiable for exceptional candidates)

Location: Hucknall, Nottinghamshire (A relocation package maybe available for suitable applicant)

This is an exciting time to join the National Church of England Academy, judged as “Good” by Ofsted at the last inspection. The National is a successful, dynamic Church of Englandacademy, offering an all-round education for pupils from the age of 11 to 19. It is part of the Diverse Academies Learning Partnership (DALP). DALP consists of two Academy Trusts, the Diverse Academies Trust (a multi academy trust of 5 academies) and the National Church of England Academy Trust.

The Governing Body are seeking to appoint a Principal who will proudly build on the Academy’s tradition and proactively promote and develop the Christian ethos of the school and the partnership with the diocese in the education of our students. Contributing to the future growth and development of DALP will also be an important aspect of the role.

We are looking for an experienced senior leader who has:

  • Drive, ambition, vision and resilience
  • Commitment to and a proven track record of achieving high standards for students
  • Ability to motivate, inspire and support our committed staff
  • Commitment to working collaboratively in partnership with others
  • Excellent leadership and interpersonal skills
  • The ability to build on and enhance the Christian distinctiveness of the Academy

We can offer you:

  • A dedicated and focused team of staff
  • Enthusiastic and friendly students
  • Supportive governors and links with the local community
  • Excellent parental support for the school
  • Supportive, diverse and innovative networks
  • Benefits of DALP services and support including academy improvement and corporate services
  • The opportunity to take on a key role at an important time for the academy
  • Opportunities for Career and Professional Development
  • Support and resources from the local parish churches and a committed diocesan education team

If you believe you possess the qualities needed to lead the academy on this exciting journey, we look forward to receiving your application.

You are warmly invited to visit the academy. To make arrangements please contact Polly Pearson (PA to the Chief Executive Officer of DALP, Mr Chris Pickering) on 01777 874202 or e-mail . If you wish to speak to Chris Pickering please contact Polly to arrange a time.

Application forms and further information can be found on the National Academy Website: and diocesan website As well as the DALP website: Alternatively you can e-mail Polly Pearson.

Closing Date for applications: 11th March 2014 midday

Interviews: 18th and 19th March 2014

The National Church of England Academy is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all students attending the Academy. The successful application will receive an enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service check.




Information for Applicants



  1. Letter to applicants
  1. Message from the Chief Executive/Executive Principal of DALP
  1. Message from the Chair of DALP
  1. The Post of Principal of National Church of England Academy – Job Definition / Person Specification
  1. Information about the academy – general
  1. Summary Performance
  1. Application Form (download from website)
  1. Current Prospectus (download from website)
  1. Information about the Diverse Academies Learning Partnership (download from website)
  1. A vision for the development of DALP (download)
  2. DALP Governance Structure (download)
  3. DALP Leadership and Management Structure (download)
  4. DALP Corporate Service Structure (download)

Dear Applicant

First of all I would like to thank you for requesting details about this exciting post as Principal of the National Church of England Academy.

Please complete and return the application form and include a supporting statement of no more than one side of A4 in which you outline your vision for moving a Church of England Academy from being good to

Shortlisting will take place on the 12th March 2014 and interviews are scheduled for 18th and 19th March 2014. Applicants being invited to interview will be contacted by phone/email and details about the interview process will be contained in a letter which will follow the phone call/email.

If you would like to speak with the Chief Executive of the Diverse Academies Learning Partnership (Mr Chris Pickering) and/or visit the Academy prior to submitting your application please contact Polly Pearson at Tuxford Academy to make arrangements on 01777 874202 or email Polly on

Yours sincerely

K Mitford

Chair of Governors – National Church of England Academy

A Message from the Chief Executive

The Diverse Academies Learning Partnership (DALP) has two trusts, the Diverse Academies Trust (a multi academy trust consisting of 5 academies) and the National Church of England Academy Trust (a single academy Trust). The National Church of England Academy a separate single academy trust to accommodate the National Academy, as a designated Church of England school, within DALP. DALP was initially formed a successful partnership in 2007 between Tuxford Academy and National Church of England Academy in 2007 as NTLC, then joined by Retford Oaks Academy in 2010, followed by East Leake Academy in 2011, Tuxford Primary Academy and The Holgate Academy in 2013.

DALP is fast developing as a successful local chain of academies no more than 50 minutes away from each other in in some cases considerably closer, all situated in Nottinghamshire. Right at the heart of the operation of DALP are the core principles of partnership, collaboration and diversity. It is a requirement of DALP academies not only to retain their individuality but also to further develop and build upon their own unique characteristics, hence the term ‘diverse’.

DALP is developing a range of services and a high quality corporate function designed to remove as much of the ‘backroom clutter’ from principals as possible thereby enabling them to focus upon quality of teaching, student learning, progress and development.

We are particularly seeking to appoint a dynamic and forward thinking person who is committed to embracing the current education agenda and who has the experience, energy and ability to drive the rapid improvement of standards in the academy. We will also be looking to the successful candidate to contribute to the development of DALP and to demonstrate ambition and potential to further their career within the DALP organisation. This post offers great opportunity and potential for existing experienced and successful senior leaders who have contributed to leading their schools to become good or outstanding.

I have included some important details about DALP in your information package. If you would like to speak to me about the post then please contact my PA, Polly Pearson to arrange a time for a phone call.

With very best wishes,

Chief Executive/Executive Principal

Diverse Academies Learning Partnership

Message from the Chair of DALP

The Governing Body of the Diverse Academies Learning Partnership (DALP) are fully supportive of both Trusts (Diverse Academies Trust and National Church of England Academy Trust) within DALP. The National Church of England is a single academy trust within the DALP partnership.

On behalf of the DALP board I want to thank you for expressing an interest in this key position for the National Church of England of Academy and DALP.

Whilst a key emphasis of DALP is ‘Diversity’, ensuring that each Academy retains its own individuality. Equally the consistent feature of all Academies within the DALP partnership is the drive to continually raise standards and all academies contribute to and benefit from the “tight and loose principles” of the group.

We look forward to receiving applications from candidates with the drive and foresight to lead the National Church of England Academy and play a key part in developing the Diverse Academies Learning Partnership.

John Rolph

Chair of DALP

Diverse Academies Learning Partnership (DALP)

Post title: Principal

Based at:The National Church of England Academy

Reports to:CEO / Executive Principal

Grade/salary scale: £73,480 - £85,114

Role Outline:

The Principal role provides professional leadership and management of the Academy that will promote a secure foundation from which to achieve high standards in all area of the Academy’s work.

To achieve success, the Principal will:

  • Promote and nurture the Christian ethos which underpins all aspects of the life of the Academy
  • Provide vision, leadership and direction
  • Effectively manage teaching and learning
  • Promote excellence, equality and high expectations of all students
  • Deploy resources to achieve the Academy’s aims
  • Evaluate Academy performance and identify priorities for continuous improvement
  • Carry out day to day management, organisation and administration
  • Secure the commitment of the wider community
  • Create a safe and productive learning environment which is engaging and fulfilling for all students

Key responsibilities

  1. Strategic direction and shaping the future
  • Demonstrate vision and Christian values in leading the Academy
  • Work with the key stakeholders to ensure the Academy vision is clearly articulated, shared, understood and acted upon effectively by all.
  • Work within the Academy community to translate the vision into agreed objectives and operational plans which will promote and sustain Academy improvement.
  • Demonstrate the vision and values in everyday work and practice.
  • Motivate and work with others to create a shared culture and positive climate.
  • Ensure that strategic planning takes account of the diversity, values and experience of the Academy and the community.
  1. Managing the organisation
  • Create an organisational structure that reflects the Academy’s values, and enables the management systems, structures and processes to work effectively in line with legal requirements.
  • Produce and implement clear, evidence-based improvement plans and policies for the development of the Academy and its facilities.
  • Ensure that, within an autonomous culture, policies and practices take account of national and local circumstances, policies and initiatives.
  • Have the knowledge and understanding of the distinctiveness of leading and managing a Church Of England Academy.
  • Manage the Academy’s financial and human resources effectively and efficiently to achieve the Academy’s educational goals and priorities.
  • Recruit, retain and deploy staff appropriately and assist in managing their workload to achieve the vision and goals of the Academy.
  • Implement successful performance management processes with all staff.
  • Manage and organise the Academy environment efficiently and effectively to ensure that it meets the needs of the curriculum and health and safety regulations.
  • Ensure that the range, quality and use of all available resources is monitored, evaluated and reviewed to improve the quality of education for all Student’s and provide value for money.
  1. Leading learning and teaching
  • Ensure a consistent and continuous Academy-wide focus on Student’s’ achievement, using data and benchmarks to monitor progress in every child’s learning.
  • Ensure that learning is at the centre of strategic planning and resource management.
  • Ensure a culture and ethos of challenge and support where all Students can achieve success and become engaged in their own learning.
  • Take a personal lead of the welfare and personal development of students.
  • Demonstrate and articulate high expectations and set stretching targets for the whole Academy community.
  • Implement strategies that secure high standards of behaviour and attendance.
  • Determine, organise and implement a diverse, flexible curriculum and implement an effective assessment framework.
  • Take a strategic role in the development of new and emerging technologies to enhance and extend the learning experience of Student’s.
  • Monitor, evaluate and review classroom practice and promote improvement strategies.
  1. Developing self and working with others
  • Regularly review own practice, set personal targets, taking responsibility for own personal development.
  • Develop and maintain effective strategies and procedures for staff induction, professional development and performance reviews.
  • Treat people fairly, equitably and with dignity and respect to create and maintain a positive Academy culture.
  • Ensure effective planning, allocation, support and evaluation of work undertaken by teams and individuals, ensuring clear delegation of tasks and devolution of responsibilities.
  • Acknowledge the responsibilities and celebrate the achievements of individuals and teams.
  • Build a collaborative learning culture within the Academy and actively engage with other Academy’s to build effective learning communities.
  • Manage own workload and that of others to allow an appropriate work/life balance.
  1. Securing accountability
  • Fulfil commitments arising from contractual accountability to the Governors and Trustees.
  • Develop an Academy ethos, which enables everyone to work collaboratively, share knowledge and understanding, celebrate success and accept responsibility for outcomes.
  • Ensure individual staff accountabilities are clearly defined, understood and agreed and are subject to rigorous review and evaluation.
  • Work with the Governors and Trustees (providing information, objective advice and support) to enable it to meet its responsibilities.
  • Develop and present a coherent, understandable and accurate account of the Academy’s performance to a range of audiences including governors, parents and carers.
  1. Strengthening community
  • Build an Academy culture and curriculum that takes account of the richness and diversity of the Academy’s communities.
  • Ensure learning experiences for Student’s are linked into and integrated with the wider community.
  • Ensure a range of community-based learning experiences.
  • Have a commitment in collaborating with the Diocese, local churches other agencies in providing for the academic, spiritual, moral, social, emotional and cultural well-being of Student’s and their families.
  • Create and maintain an effective partnership with parents and carers to support and improve Student’s’ achievement and personal development.
  • Seek opportunities to invite parents and carers, community figures, businesses or other organisations into the Academy to enhance and enrich the Academy and its value to the wider community.
  • Co-operate and work with relevant agencies to protect children.

The Principal is accountable to the Governors and Trustees for the standards achieved and the conduct, management and administration of the Academy, subject to any policies which the DfE may make.

The Governors and Trustees are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people. Principals must ensure that the highest priority is given to following guidance and regulations to safeguard children and young people. The successful candidate will be required to undergo an Enhanced DBS check.


The National School was founded in 1788, and took its name from the National Society, an Anglican organisation established to provide education for the poor. Today, it is a dynamic, high-achieving, forward-looking Academy of over 1100 pupils, aged 11-19. The Academy is very popular, with an expanding sixth form; and pupils/students come to us from a wide geographical area and a wide range of backgrounds.

Key features of the National Academy are:

  • A strong academic tradition. We are a fully comprehensive academy which takes pupils with a wide range of abilities, but with a tradition of high levels of academic achievement. Typically, over 90% of our pupils achieve five or more higher GCSE grades at the end of year 11 (93% in 2013).
  • A commitment to our church foundation. We value children as individuals, and our constant aim is to help them realise their full potential.
  • A commitment to social justice. Our pupils come from a variety of socio-economic backgrounds, and we see this as strength. We work hard to give all our pupils an equal opportunity to achieve, regardless of their backgrounds.
  • A commitment to improving the quality of teaching and learning. Staff work hard to ensure that pupils achieve their full potential, and there is a genuine desire to improve the classroom experience by improving the way we teach and pupils learn.
  • A commitment to inclusion and pastoral guidance. We seek to create an inclusive community, which allows for reconciliation and learning from mistakes.
  • A commitment to distributed leadership. This approach encourages initiative and risk taking, and is empowering for those who choose to contribute to and take advantage of it.
  • A high quality professional development programme. We are fully committed to providing high quality development opportunities for staff, formal and informal, both inside and beyond the academy.
  • A strong tradition of good extra curricular provision.We are one of the best schools in the county in a range of sports. Opportunities for our young people to learn beyond the classroom include annual trips abroad, field trips, trips to the theatre, and to outdoor education centres.
  • A successful partnership with Tuxford, Retford Oaks, Holgate and East Leake Academies. We call this partnership the Diverse Academies Learning Partnership (DALP). It is an effective vehicle for the sharing of good practice and the provision of services.
  • A friendly and supportive staff body. Visitors and newcomers tell us that the staffroom is a good place to be. Our staff, both teaching and support, work well together and offer strong mutual support.
  • A Chaplaincy Team – Who work hard to enhance the personal welfare and development of students

Our most recent Ofsted inspection (January 2010) judged the Academy to be good, with no inadequate features. Some comments from the inspection report:

'This is a good School where pupils are esteemed and valued…

A strong Christian ethos pervades all aspects of its work…

Pupils enjoy learning and their attainment is above average…