Lesson Plan Template
OmniGlobe Unit Lesson Plan
Grade / Class / Subject: 6th grade social studies core knowledge intro to deserts
Lesson Time: one class period
Unit / Theme: deserts
2010 Colorado State Standards: 6th grade social studies, 2.1.A, 2.1.C
Essential Question: Does a pattern exist in the global positioning of the world’s deserts?
Content Objective(s): TLW(the learner will) understand that most of the world’s deserts are located along the Tropic of Capricorn or the Tropic of Cancer.
Language Objective(s): TLW review applicable geography vocabulary, and TLW will write a short constructed response.
Key Vocabulary: latitude, longitude, equator, prime meridian, tropic of cancer, tropic of capricorn, desert
Critical Thinking Strategies: inferencing, questioning, accessing background knowledge, compare/contrast
Resources: omniglobe
Extensions / Variations:
OmniGlobe Images Used: map skills series
Lesson Delivery:
· Setup – omniglobe set up at front of room, set question written on the board “In a short-constructed response(SCR), explain the difference between latitude and longitude.”
1. Pre-lesson-students have learned key vocabulary. Students write SCR from the set question, and the class discusses their answers.
2. Lesson:
a.Using the map skills images from the omniglobe, students are asked to identify lines of latitude and longitude, the prime meridian, the equator, and the tropics of Capricorn and Cancer.
b. Students locate the world’s deserts as the instructor spins omniglobe.
c. instructor asks what the students notice about the location of most of the world’s deserts on the globe. Eventually they will notice that most of the world’s driest places are along the Tropic of Capricorn, or The Tropic of Cancer.
d. In groups, students come up with inferences about why the deserts are located along the tropics of Cancer and Capricorn, and present their inferences to the class.
e. Student groups use the ipads to search the internet to find the answer to the question above.
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Created by: Emily Rodgers-Ramos/Bill Reed Middle School/Thompson R2J