OrchardValley Homeowners Association


April 28, 2015

St. David’s Church, Aurora, IL

Call to Order:

Jasoncalled the meeting to order @ 7:00 pm.

Roll call:Jason – present, Andy – present, Jon-present, Harold- present, Denise- absent due to work conflict.Also present from Keay and Costello Law Firm was Doug Sury and Pat Torres from Alpha Management.Also present weretwo (2) homeowners.


The Board meeting minutes from March 19, 2015 were reviewed by Jon. .With no correctionsneeded, Andy made the motion to accept the minutes as presented. Jason second the motion, all were in favor, the motion passed.

Financials: were tabled till next month for review by the treasurer.

Homeowner Session:

  1. OV3-066:complained about how she was treated at the recent Spring Fling, when she tried to take home food for her husband at 6:00 pm.
  2. OV7-338: came to understand if a fence could be installed on his property. His sale is contingent on this happening.

At this time the Board moved to suspend the general meeting so that the Board could discuss the issue for OV7-338.

Upon the attorney’s advice, the homeowner of OV7-338 was asked to come back into the meeting. Doug explained the process of submitting an ARC for the fence issue and that the approval could be transferrable to the new owner. He was told to have the submittal to Alpha by the meeting which is May 21, 2015.

The Board adjourned the executive session at 7:35pm. They then reconvened into the general session.

ARC Applications:

  1. OV7-330: submitted for painting the house, little color change- Andy made the motion to approve the application; Harold seconded the motion and all were in favor, application is approved.
  2. OV3-090: submitted for installing a brick pave patio; however the work has been done already so Harold made the motion to accept the application as is. Andy seconded the motion and all were in favor.
  3. OV6-210: submitted for painting the house, same colors- Harold made the motion and Andy seconded the motion, all were in favor, the application was approved.
  4. OV5-169 submitted for a flagpole and some additional landscaping; Andy made the motion to approve, Harold seconded the motion, all were in favor: application was approved.
  5. OV5-185: submittal for painting front door and shutters, same color: Harold made the motion, Jason seconded the motion, all were in favor; application is approved.
  6. OV2-012 submittal for swing set; Andy made the motion to approve and Harold seconded the motion; Jason abstained from voting with 3 voting in favor of the motion; application was approved.

ARC Applications: cont’d

  1. OV2- 024: submitted for changing the flower beds to rocks and adding some landscaping improvements but not information as to what will be added, etc. Jason made the motion to deny the application, Harold seconded the motion and all were in favor; the application was denied.

New Business:

  1. Proposals from Sebert Landscaping were reviewed. Acceptance for the proposal for the flowers and mulch was made by Jon Novak, seconded by Andy with the condition of receiving a breakdown of man hours and materials. All were in favor, the motion passed.
  2. Acceptance of the proposal for the addition of the burning bushes was made by Jason with Andy seconding the motion; all were in favor, the motion passed.
  3. Spring Fling overview- ran out of food at the very end, silverware and plates. Largest crowd for this event- 104.
  4. Harold made the motion to accept the proposal from Dakota Evans, Andy seconded the motion. Discussion was held, no vote was taken; motion is mute.
  5. Jason then made the motion to accept the proposal from AA Masonry. Harold seconded the motion and all were in favor, the motion passed. Alpha is to ask if they would consider lowering their price and to see if they were willing to save that price to September/October.
  6. Jason opened the discussion regarding the situation with the Andy’s lot and not draining.After discussion with the city engineer, it was determined that the property/dirt has sunk and if they add more dirt and grade it towards the drain, there should not be a problem.

With no further business to discuss in the general meeting, Jon made the motion to enter into the executive session, Andy seconded the motion, the Board moved in executive session.

John made the motion to adjourn the executive session. Andy seconded the motion and all were in favor, the meeting was adjourned at 10:15 pm.