Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management

FKRM Lab Coordinator

203Active Living Centre

Winnipeg, Manitoba

Canada R3T 2N2

Telephone (204) 474-7858

Fax (204) 261-4802

Applied Research Centre – Research Booking Form

This form is used to request room/equipment bookings in the Applied Research Centre for research purposes. Please complete all fields below and submit an electronic copy to the Lab Coordinator at . To learn about request room/equipment bookings for non-research purposes, please read ARC Booking Guidelines.

After the availability of your request is confirmed, you will receive a confirmation of booking including fee descriptions for access to core equipment and space, or a request for additional information.

  1. Principal Investigator:

Click here to enter text.

  1. Principal Investigator’s phone number/email:

PhoneClick here to enter text.Email Click here to enter text.

  1. Have you or will you apply for funding of this project? If not, proceed to question 5.


  1. Grant status (choose one)

☐Grant under ☐Applied for grant ☐Grant awarded


Tentative start

Tentative start Click here to enter a date. Start date

Click here to enter a date.Click here to enter a date.

Tentative end

Tentative end Click here to enter a date. End date

Click here to enter a date.Click here to enter a date.

Funding agency

Funding agency Click here to enter text.Funding agency

Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.

Expected funding

Please attach a one announcement date Please attach Research

page description of Click here to enter a date. Ethics Board approval

protocol, testing and and completed protocol.

space needs. Please attach a draft

protocol describing

testing and space needs.

  1. Select a room(s) below and indicate desired days/times.

VisitUniversity of Manitoba – Faculty of Kinesiology & Recreation Management using the online booking system QReserve for more detailed room listings and to view existing reservations. Click here to visit QReserve.For a floor plan of the Applied Research Centre, see page 5. For instructions on using QReserve, see page 6.

Please input times using a 24 hour format, e.g. use 14:30-17:00 rather than 2:30-5:00 PM.

☐198 EE – Exercise physiology lab☐220 ARC – Boardroom

Date range: Click here to enter a date.Date range: Click here to enter a date.


Click here to enter a date.Click here to enter a date.

Please indicate requested days and timesPlease indicate requested days and times

☐ MoClick here to enter text.☐ MoClick here to enter text.

☐ TuClick here to enter text.☐ TuClick here to enter text.

☐ WeClick here to enter text.☐ WeClick here to enter text.

☐ ThClick here to enter text.☐ ThClick here to enter text.

☐ FrClick here to enter text.☐ FrClick here to enter text.

☐ SaClick here to enter text.☐ SaClick here to enter text.

☐ SuClick here to enter text.☐ SuClick here to enter text.

☐224 ARC – Human performance lab☐228 ARC – Exercise testing/assessment

Date range: Click here to enter a date.Date range: Click here to enter a date.


Click here to enter a date.Click here to enter a date.

Please indicate requested days and timesPlease indicate requested days and times

☐ MoClick here to enter text.☐ MoClick here to enter text.

☐ TuClick here to enter text.☐ TuClick here to enter text.

☐ WeClick here to enter text.☐ WeClick here to enter text.

☐ ThClick here to enter text.☐ ThClick here to enter text.

☐ FrClick here to enter text.☐ FrClick here to enter text.

☐ SaClick here to enter text.☐ SaClick here to enter text.

☐ SuClick here to enter text.☐ SuClick here to enter text.

☐229 ARC – Multipurpose space☐230 ARC – Multipurpose space

Date range: Click here to enter a date.Date range: Click here to enter a date.


Click here to enter a date.Click here to enter a date.

Please indicate requested days and timesPlease indicate requested days and times

☐ MoClick here to enter text.☐ MoClick here to enter text.

☐ TuClick here to enter text.☐ TuClick here to enter text.

☐ WeClick here to enter text.☐ WeClick here to enter text.

☐ ThClick here to enter text.☐ ThClick here to enter text.

☐ FrClick here to enter text.☐ FrClick here to enter text.

☐ SaClick here to enter text.☐ SaClick here to enter text.

☐ SuClick here to enter text.☐ SuClick here to enter text.

☐231 ARC – Small consultation room☐232 ARC – Hematology suite

Date range: Click here to enter a date.Date range: Click here to enter a date.


Click here to enter a date.Click here to enter a date.

Please indicate requested days and timesPlease indicate requested days and times

☐ MoClick here to enter text.☐ MoClick here to enter text.

☐ TuClick here to enter text.☐ TuClick here to enter text.

☐ WeClick here to enter text.☐ WeClick here to enter text.

☐ ThClick here to enter text.☐ ThClick here to enter text.

☐ FrClick here to enter text.☐ FrClick here to enter text.

☐ SaClick here to enter text.☐ SaClick here to enter text.

☐ SuClick here to enter text.☐ SuClick here to enter text.

☐233 ARC – Exercise testing/assessment☐235 ARC – Small consultation room

Date range: Click here to enter a date.Date range: Click here to enter a date.


Click here to enter a date.Click here to enter a date.

Please indicate requested days and timesPlease indicate requested days and times

☐ MoClick here to enter text.☐ MoClick here to enter text.

☐ TuClick here to enter text.☐ TuClick here to enter text.

☐ WeClick here to enter text.☐ WeClick here to enter text.

☐ ThClick here to enter text.☐ ThClick here to enter text.

☐ FrClick here to enter text.☐ FrClick here to enter text.

☐ SaClick here to enter text.☐ SaClick here to enter text.

☐ SuClick here to enter text.☐ SuClick here to enter text.

☐237 ARC – Exercise testing/assessment☐240-A ARC – Treadmill suite

Date range: Click here to enter a date.Date range: Click here to enter a date.


Click here to enter a date.Click here to enter a date.

Please indicate requested days and timesPlease indicate requested days and times

☐ MoClick here to enter text.☐ MoClick here to enter text.

☐ TuClick here to enter text.☐ TuClick here to enter text.

☐ WeClick here to enter text.☐ WeClick here to enter text.

☐ ThClick here to enter text.☐ ThClick here to enter text.

☐ FrClick here to enter text.☐ FrClick here to enter text.

☐ SaClick here to enter text.☐ SaClick here to enter text.

☐ SuClick here to enter text.☐ SuClick here to enter text.

☐240-B ARC – Bikes and ellipticals☐240-C – Strength training suite

Date range: Click here to enter a date.Date range: Click here to enter a date.


Click here to enter a date.Click here to enter a date.

Please indicate requested days and timesPlease indicate requested days and times

☐ MoClick here to enter text.☐ MoClick here to enter text.

☐ TuClick here to enter text.☐ TuClick here to enter text.

☐ WeClick here to enter text.☐ WeClick here to enter text.

☐ ThClick here to enter text.☐ ThClick here to enter text.

☐ FrClick here to enter text.☐ FrClick here to enter text.

☐ SaClick here to enter text.☐ SaClick here to enter text.

☐ SuClick here to enter text.☐ SuClick here to enter text.

Using QReserve:

  1. Visit and select “sign up” in the top right corner.
  2. Enter your email address and create a password. You do not need to enter the “lab website” field.
  3. After creating your account, you will be taken to a “My Profile” page. Please enter your first and last name, and complete the Affiliation field. For students and staff of University of Manitoba, please enter “University of Manitoba”. Other information is optional.
  4. Enter the “My Memberships” section. Search for the University of Manitoba to find and join “University of Manitoba – Faculty of Kinesiology & Recreation Management” (shown below).

  1. Clicking through will lead you to a list of spaces and equipment available for booking requests. Clicking on an item reveals further details, availability, and the option to request a booking for that resource (shown below).

Please note that QReserve is intended to provide convenient and remote short-notice booking (ideal for personal training, occupational testing, or a single appointment in an ongoing research project) as well as an overview of our spaces. For extended research booking requests, please use the Applied Research Centre – Research Booking Form.