Technology Committee - Meeting 6/10/2014
Library Conference Room – 4202
3:00 – 4:30 PM
Members Present: Gary Kalbfleisch, Paul Fernandez, Leslie Potter-Henderson, Terry Taylor, Ann Garnsey-Harter,
Absent:Pete Pickering, Sean Duke, Tony Owuor, Stevie Lee, Po-Kai Chu (Peter), Emma Agosta
●Review previous minutes
○Lack of a quorum
●Virtual Campus initiative
○Ann presented on Virtual Campus distributed printout of web pages. Revision to the initiative. Links for feedback can be found on the webpage. Three years since blueprint. Time to revise and adjust for future. Key updates: data informed and reflective of values. Integrate into the college more. Name change to “Virtual Campus.” Mission and vision student centered. Focus on broader areas like hybrids, etc. Flipped classrooms more widely used. Clean Energy program launching in Fall but not all is online (low residency - two Saturdays). We now have comprehensive national data to compare with other institutions. Online enrollments have been growing at a faster pace than face to face but slowing down. About 2% growth here. Be more realistic about future growth in enrollment. HIM program first to be online and now they compete with many more programs online. Most online students domestic students. Not expecting huge growth in enrollment college wide in the next few years. Online remains a competitive marketplace with large for profit organizations having greater share of the market. Looking for more use of Parature SmarterMeasure to assess student preparation for taking online classes. Ready for Fall. Persistence/Retention rates low for online only students - one or two hybrid or face-to-face makes rates much better. Something to consider further. Student Services waiting for CTC Link upgrades (2016). Ideas around strategic plan would be appreciated. How to attract and serve more students.
○Some ideas: workforce training online - working with employers - putting online quickly. Ann will talk to Dan. Financial Aid? Make wait times shorter but waiting for other issues. How can we leverage technology to help the process. Panopto new lecture capture system. All tegrity videos will move for summer to Panopto by the end of the week.
●Discuss ways to increase usage of email accounts
○Issues with students not checking e-mail accounts for notices from Canvas. 7000 accounts - about 3000 haven’t logged in the last two months or ever. Perhaps continuing to market the e-mail accounts to remind students to use them. Perhaps some confusion with Canvas notices and e-mail. Students checking in Canvas may not be checking other college communication sent by e-mail. Students who don’t show up for classes and never respond to messages. Remind students every Fall. Remind that it allow students to use library and labs, etc. Some kind of reward for checking mail with coffee card.
●Cloud storage
○Chris Joss has done research - VCT and Music programs with streaming and large files - looking at products that will help with those programs. Could be a replacement for other campus storage. Looking at alternatives.
●Discuss 2014 Technology Strategic Plan
○Still under revision. Working on a draft into Fall Quarter. Will be in for more revisions - Ann and Gary will work on it over the summer. Moving other documents online. Strategic Action funding will be out in a week.
●Moving to Windows 8.1
○Fall quarter labs will be 8.1 Smart classrooms was discussed with Amy and suggested visiting division meeting in Fall. Offices have option of 7 or 8.1
●Discuss Chair and Vice Chair for next year
○To be determined in the Fall.
●Adjourn for the summer