/ Newsletter
Summer 2013
Dear Reader
Since our last newsletter in September 2012 we have been very busy with lots of activities both within the Group sessions and out of hour’s events. Here is a summary of what has been happening.
Past Events
October 2012
Walk The Test Way 2012 organised by the Rotary Club of Romsey Test. Over £900 was raised which is a fantastic amount in these difficult times. Many thanks to everyone who took part.
Play and Learn sessions started in the Abbey Rooms on a Friday. There were six sessions in all led by the Family Learning Team.
The last lunchtime ‘Music In Romsey’ Recital for this year finished on Wednesday 10th October 2012.
During the first two weeks of November our parents made Lanterns under the supervision of Andrea ready for the Parade on December 7th 2012. We have recently expressed an interest in taking part on the late night shopping event in December this year.
On 30th November Carol, Sr Catherine and Joan went to Longstock Village Hall to collect our volunteer certificates and awards on behalf of the Group. Reverend Keith Thomasson presented these awards on5th February 2013 at the Appletree Centre and he thanked all the volunteers for their hard work.
Fifty Group members attended the dress rehearsal of ‘The Kings New Clothes’ at the Plaza Theatre, Romsey. Once again an excellent performance and a very enjoyable evening.
The Romsey Abbey Primary School held a ReCAP Parenting Course. Three of our current mums attended and two former mums attended. Lorraine Lee was very informative delivering this course.
Joan attended an evening organised by the Rotary Club of Romsey Test on 23rd January and collected a Test Way Walk cheque and two further cheques to help Group funds. Joan was most honoured to receive the prestigious Paul Harris fellowshipaward which she had no idea about.
On 2nd February Joan attended a preview evening for ‘Music In Romsey 2013’ Programme to collect a cheque and discover that once again RFSG is to be one of the recipients from this year’s Wednesday Lunchtime Recitals in Romsey Abbey. Please come along between 1-2pm on …….
On Wednesday 20th February fifty Group members attended a pantomime called ‘Dick Whittington and his Cat’ at Woodley Village Hall performed by the NOMADS. It was a family friendly panto and was thoroughly enjoyed by everyone who went. Thank you especially to Brenda Tribe who organised the tickets.
We attended ‘a bring and buy coffee morning’ organised by Curves on 13th March 2013. Jan took along and sold various handicrafts made by herself and the parents.
On Mothering Sunday in Romsey Abbey, Joan did a moving, heartfelt talk to the congregation of how difficult it is being a mother and how society should understand the importance of a mothers role in
To Paige who gave birth to a baby boy Malaki on the 15th January 2013.
Get Well Soon......
To Jan Hulmes who recently broke her arm while on holiday abroad. When she returned she discovered she has also broken her thumb on her other hand so now has both arms in plaster. A card and flowers have been sent to Jan from the Group.
New/Past Volunteers and Staff…..
Welcome to Grace who has recently joined us as a volunteer.
Thank you to Sarah Gay, Sheila Mould and Carol Ware the volunteers and staff member who have left the Group. We really appreciate your dedication and support.
New/Past Families……
A huge welcome to families who have recently joined the Group and in November 2012 we said farewell to Teresa and her family. We wish her lots of luck and happiness.
Forthcoming Activities......
On the weekend of 15th and 16th June 2013 RFSG have a table at Romsey Abbey Community Volunteering Event. If any volunteers can spare an hour or two to help on either day please let Joan or Carol know.
Children and Baby Market at Romsey School on Saturday 29th June 2013. Again if anyone can help please let Carol or Joan know.
Sunday 7th July – The Mayors Picnic at Romsey Memorial Park. This is a great chance to raise funds for the Group and help is appreciated by both parents at the Group and volunteers. / December 2012
On Sunday 9th December,Zurich Insurance hosted aChristmas Party at Frankie’s Fun Factory for the older children from the Group. Zurich have provided our children with this excellent party for a number of years and we are very grateful to Zurich for all the support they have given to us.
S.C.R.A.T.C.H. once again donated toys and delivered them to every family home in time for Christmas.
Wave 105.2 - Carol and Joan went to collect a car load of toys from a Warehouse in Eastleigh. Thank you to Wave 105 for the amount of hard work that must have gone into organising this collection and distribution of toys to each individual charity.
Lions Hampers – All our families received a large Christmas food hampers and once again the hard work that the Lions Club members put into their fundraising and sorting the food into hampers is greatly appreciated.
We held two Christmas Parties at the Appletree Centre for current children at the Group. Father Christmas gave out presents for each individual child. Some of these toys were donated by the Children’s Society and some have been donated to the Group over the past year by individuals who have heard about our Group.
An age appropriate shoe box for each of our children was donated by Andover Food Bank. We thank them for the time and effort that went into putting the shoeboxes together. Andover Food Bank do a superb job helping our families throughout the year in times of crisis.
bringing up the next generation in our community.
We had a stall at the Baby Market at the Romsey School on 23rd March 2013. Liz promoted the Group during the afternoon and we made just over £70.
Carol and Joan attended MarkCooper’s Mayor at Home event on 25th March 2013
April 2013
During the Easter holidays we picked up an amazing amount of food collected by Curves. Volunteers sorted and bagged up food for each family and this was collected our families. Thank you to Ali who delivered food bags to families who were unable to collect it on the day.Curves also gave us a cheque for £320. Also Debbie has enrolled three parents to free keep-fit sessions on a Monday.
On 19th April Rebecca sold £28 worth of jewellery made by parents at the Group at the Romsey Methodist Church Hall in conjunction with the 3rd Friday of the month lunch that raises funds for our Group.
Joan attended the Children’s Society 60th Anniversary and AGM where they mentioned the good work of the Romsey Family Support Group.
A huge thank you to Romsey & District Lions Club who enabled 87 group members to visitPaultons Park for the day on Sunday 12th May 2013.
On Saturday 11th May 2013 Romsey Methodist Church had a Market Stall and allowed us to sell hand-made jewellery, antique dolls and handicraft. Thank you to Will and Rebecca who were there all day working hard. In total a superb £336 was raised.
A big thank you to all our existing staff and helpers, we couldn’t do it without you!
Dates for your diary
Monday 22nd July 2013 – The last Group session before the Summer Holidays begin.
Thursday 1st August & Friday 2nd August - Beach Tripto Hengistbury Head A letter detailing the day will be handed out soon.
Summer Drop-Ins – TBA (Art students from the Mountbatten School in Romsey are hoping to run workshops with parents and supply staff under supervision to run the crèche).
Monday 12th – Friday 16th August 2013 – Romsey Methodist Church Holiday Club for Children aged 3+. The theme this year is Narnia. The cost is £10 per child for 5 mornings 10am-12noon. Please see Carol in the office for a form.
Monday 2nd September 2013 – The First Group session after the Summer Holidays.
Music in Romsey……
Romsey Family Support Group is one of the chosen charities. Please support the following lunchtime recitals at 1.00pm held at Romsey Abbey on the following Wednesdays - 12th June, 10th July, 23rd July (Tuesday) 11th September and 9th October 2013.
Romsey Methodist Church….
Please ask your friends and family to support the Fairtrade Café. The Fairtrade cafe is open on the 3rd Friday of the month from 10.00 till 1.30pm with the chapel open from 10.00 till 2.00pm. The next lunch will be on Friday 21st June 2013
Getting in touch
Pleaseremember that if you are unable to come to Group, or if you need/no longer need transport, to contact Joan Stallwood on 01794 511927, or Carol West on 07891 413025 as soon as you can. Please also ensure that if your contact details change, that you notify Joan or Carol in the office so records can be updated. Thank you. Please visit the office on a Monday with any administration or group queries.

Helping families for as long as it takes

The Romsey Family Support Group, Registered Charity 1131811

Please support this Charity by visiting our Website and register with SHOP, then you can donate whilst doing your on line shopping at no extra cost!