The WCBAC Board of Directors met on September 07, 2017 at 1:00 p.m. at The Silver Lake Country Club, 3820 Club Road Perry, New York.

Chairman Dadd called the meeting to order at 1:10 p.m.

1. Roll call:

In attendance were: Mark Dadd, Chairman; A. Douglas Berwanger, Vice Chairman; Rebecca Ryan, Treasurer; Rob Fontaine, Secretary; Sandra Pirdy, Assistant Secretary; E. Joseph Gozelski, Director; James Hardie, Director; James Pierce, Executive Director; Robin Marschilok, Director of Operations; Jennifer Tyczka, Program Manager; Kevin Zanner, Agency Counsel.

Absent: William Daly, Special Projects Coordinator

2. Administrative

Minutes of the August 10, 2017 Board meeting were reviewed. A motion was made to accept the minutes by R. Fontaine and seconded by J. Hardie. The motion was unanimously approved.

The financial reports from August 2017 were reviewed. The financial reports were accepted on a motion made by R. Ryan, seconded by J. Hardie. The motion was unanimously approved.

3. Confirmation of WCBAC officers as per By-Laws

Chairman M. Dadd then opened the Annual Meeting for the Wyoming County Business Assistance Corporation, (WCBAC).

The first item was appointment of the Board Chairman. M. Dadd stepped down from the chairman position while J. Pierce asked for nominations for Chairman. D. Berwanger made a motion to reappoint M. Dadd as Chair. The motion was seconded by J. Gozelski and unanimously approved. No other nominations were made.

J. Pierce then asked for a nomination for Vice Chairman. J. Hardie made a motion to reappoint D. Berwanger as Vice Chairman. The motion was seconded by R. Ryan. No other nominations were made and the nomination was approved unanimously.

J. Pierce then asked for a nomination for Treasurer. D. Berwanger made a motion to reappoint R. Ryan as Treasurer. The motion was seconded by R. Fontaine. No other nominations were made and the nomination was approved unanimously.

J. Pierce then asked for a nomination for Secretary. M. Dadd made a motion to reappoint R. Fontaine as Secretary. The motion was seconded by D. Berwanger. No other nominations were made and the nomination was approved unanimously.

J. Pierce then asked for a nomination for Assistant Secretary. J. Gozelski made a motion to reappoint S. Pirdy as Assistant Secretary. The motion was seconded by R. Fontaine. No other nominations were made and the nomination was approved unanimously.

The slate of officers is: Mark Dadd, Chairman; A. D. Berwanger, Vice-Chair; Rob Fontaine, Secretary; Rebecca Ryan, Treasurer; Sandy Pirdy Assistant Secretary.

M. Dadd then resumed chairing the meeting.

D. Berwanger made a motion to reappoint all the members of the WCBAC Board to the Governance and Finance/Audit Committees and the members holding offices to reflect that of the WCBAC Board. The motion was seconded by J. Hardie.

The WCBAC Board then recessed to allow the Governance Committee to convene on a motion made by D. Berwanger seconded by J. Gozelski and unanimously approved.

4. Convene Governance Committees for WCBAC

Chairman Dadd called the Governance Committee to order. Dadd stated that there were no revisions to the Procurement Policy, Disposition of Real Property Guidelines and The Real Property Acquisition Policy previously adopted as per the PAAA. After review of the policies the Committee recommended the re-adoption of the policies by the WCBAC Board on a motion made by D. Berwanger and seconded by R. Fontaine.

Chairman Dadd then adjourned the Governance Committee on a motion made by D. Berwanger, seconded by R. Fontaine and unanimously approved.

5. Act on Governance Committee Recommendation

The Board of Director meeting was called back to order at which time the recommended re-adoption of the Procurement Policy, Disposition of Real Property Guidelines and the Real Property Acquisition Policy was accepted on a motion by J. Gozelski and seconded by J. Hardie. The Motion was unanimously approved.

The WCBAC Board then recessed to allow the Finance/Audit Committee to convene on a motion made by D. Berwanger, seconded by R. Fontaine and unanimously approved.

6. Convene Finance/Audit Committee for WCBAC

Chairman Dadd called the Finance/Audit Committee to order. The Committee reviewed the 2018 WCBAC Proposed Budget. The Committee also reviewed the Investment Policy for the WCBAC. After discussion, the Committee agreed to accept and recommend to the WCBAC Board the Proposed Budget for 2018 and recommend readopting the Investment Policy on a motion made by R. Ryan and seconded by J. Hardie. The motion was unanimously approved

The Committee then adjourned the Finance/Audit Committee and reopened the WCBAC Board of Directors Meeting on a motion made J. Hardie and seconded by D. Berwanger. The motion was unanimously approved.

7. Act on Finance/Audit Committees Recommendations

The Board of Directors meeting was called back to order at which time the recommended Proposed 2018 Budget and re-adoption of the Investment Policy was approved on a motion made by S. Pirdy and seconded by R. Fontaine. The Motion was unanimously approved.

8. Review 2017 Annual Report

Pierce presented the 2017 Annual Report during the WCIDA Annual Board Meeting, highlighting the projects assisted by the WCIDA and the loans approved through the WCBAC. The Board approved the Annual Report on a motion made by D. Berwanger. The motion was seconded by R. Fontaine and unanimously approved.

9. Other Business

J. Pierce informed the Board that there are two projects in Arcade being considered by one investor. The first is a data server business looking to lease space in Wyoming County in a location with low electric costs. Arcade has been identified as having the specifications the business needs. The second business by the same owner is a tarp manufacturing and plastic recycling facility. Pierce went on to say that Savage IO has also reached out to him again with needs for space as the business has outgrown its Fairport location. Savage IO is also a data server business and is looking at Arcade for a location due to the low costs of electric. The Board had some discussion as to the economic value these type of businesses bring to the County as they typically lease space and use high electric supply, not adding to the tax base.

Pierce informed the Board that a hotel development group visited our available sites in Arcade, Warsaw and Perry last week. The group showed the most interest in Arcade.

10. Next Meeting

Due to a scheduling conflict the Board agreed to change the date of the next Board of Directors Meeting scheduled for October 12th. After discussion the Board agreed the next regular scheduled Board of Directors meeting of the WCBAC will be held on October 19th at 2:30 p.m. at the Wyoming County Agriculture and Business Center on a motion made by D. Berwanger. The motion was seconded by J. Hardie and unanimously approved.

11. Adjournment

There being no further business to discuss the meeting was adjourned on a motion made by J. Hardie, seconded by R. Fontaine and approved by unanimous consent at 1:30 p.m.

Minutes prepared by R. Marschilok