Neighborhood Watch- This information is worth printing out and sharing with your family members!
Last Thursday, Chief David McDavid of the Zachary Police Department called a meeting with HOA leaders regarding a Neighborhood Watch program he would like everyone in Zachary to implement. The three main reasons for a neighborhood watch program are basic crime prevention, disaster preparedness and to build a stronger community.
I attended the meeting. Here are some key points Chief McDavid made about crime in Zachary.
- In 2012, there were 26 burglaries in Zachary. In 2013, the number was 47. That’s almost doubled.
- Most burglaries are happening between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. weekdays.
- A popular time for burglaries is immediately following any holiday.
- Burglaries are being committed by local groups.
- The department has 4 detectives on staff now and will be adding another one soon.
- The police take DNA at all crime scenes and have been fairly successful citing that they recently solved two recent burglaries with DNA found on a cigarette butt left behind and a drinking straw.
- Heroin is a major problem in the area as is synthetic marijuana.
- Home alarms are not stopping the burglars. They know how long they have to get in and out before authorities arrive. Cameras are the way to go. Pictures do not lie.
- The police have had cameras installed all around the city and will be installing more in the near future. Just recently a camera detected a man brutalizing a cow near Rollins Road and was caught in the act so these cameras are working.
- Police patrol 24/7 and visit businesses at night leaving their calling card to let them know they checked that all was secure.
- The police cannot do it alone. They need the public to be their eyes and ears and to call them.
- Overnight parking is not allowed on the streets as they present a safety hazard. In some areas, cars parked on streets are having windows bashed. If someone is parked on the street, call them. They will come out and give a warning the first time. After that they will be ticketed and towed at the owner’s expense.
Some advice he gave included:
- Get to know your neighbors. Exchange phone numbers and look out for each other.
- Call the police if you see anyone or anything suspicious or unusual. They want to come out. This is their job!
- If you have a choice between installing an alarm or cameras, choose cameras.
- Keep your doors locked at all times. Keep your vehicles locked and valuables inside your homes.
- Never go outside to confront a suspicious person. Call the police and stay inside. Note as many details as you can.
- Make a list recording serial numbers of all your valuables and take pictures of everything, especially your jewelry.
- If you make a purchase of a valuable with a large box, either cut it up into very small pieces and put in a dark trash bag or even take it to your work place to recycle it if they allow you to. Do not ever leave the box at the curb. It is an announcement saying: Hey everyone, we got a new big screen TV. Come steal it.
This is Janice speaking now:
- We made a wise investment with our security cameras at the neighborhood entrance. No one enters or leaves without being recorded. However, these cameras are not protecting your homes. Use your alarms and install cameras.
- Keep your doors locked at all times. Keep your cars locked and keep valuables inside your home.
- I cannot stress enough we need to look out for our neighbors. There are 8 homes back here where I live that got together last year and exchanged names of folks in the homes and phone numbers. Initiate that with your neighbors.
Finally, Chief McDavid has offered to come out and speak with our neighborhood. If this is something you are interested in, please reply to this email letting me know or if you are reading this on the website, email me at and let me know what night of the week works best. If I get a good response, I will contact him.
If someone wants to take the lead and be the Neighborhood Watch Coordinator for Richland, please contact me and I will give you materials for you to do so and assist you in any way I can.
A reminder: our google group is an excellent resource letting us communicate with everyone in the neighborhood. If you have not signed up or know a neighbor who has not, send an email to and Andre will respond and add you to the group.
Thank you,
Janice Barrilleaux
Richland HOA President