Public Partnership Forum
2pm Thursday 2ND April 2009
Corporate Meeting Room Stobhill
PPF members
Lorraine Kennedy, Francis Scott, Majorie Collins, Jane Maguire,
Sadie Gordon, Ronnie Rodden, Arlene Cooke, Sam Cairns,
Alan Gow, John Kelly, J Greatorex.
CHCP Staff
Evelyn Borland (Head of Planning and Health Improvement)
Jenny Smith, Tony Devine, (Development Workers)
Anna Grady, (Health Improvement)
Isobel Murray
Item (1) March Minutes
Minutes were agreed with the following correction: minute should read Dementia Awareness Week begins first week in June.’
Item (2) Matters Arising
Item (3) cleaning services monitoring form - no suggested changes
made by PPF members.
Item (5) Forge Clinic enquiries ongoing - written answer will be circulated to members.
Item (4) Draft Health Improvement Leaflet
Anna Grady explained the role of the Health Improvement Team and the work they do in promoting healthy life choices. The team have recently
produced a leaflet which explains the type of work they do.
The leaflet was designed to address three distinct groups: other Health
professionals, partner organisations, and the general public. Anna circulated the leaflet and asked PPF executive members for their comments.
The general consensus was that the leaflet should contain more information, give examples of NHS and Government targets. The size of the pictures could be reduced and this would allow more space for text.
Item (5) R.E.S. Review Consultation Paper
PPF Executive members felt that the comments contained in the report were a true reflection of the views of the service users involved. They also felt that the use of the focus group, the style and format of the report successfully highlighted areas of the service that needed to change if the service was to be improved.
Given the positive comments about the report the PPF executive agreed to send a copy to the RES working group asking them to consider the comments contained in the report.
The PPF also agreed to send a copy of the report to the Chair of the CHCP to consider how it should be submitted to the CHCP committee.
Item (6) CHCP Committee Business Report March 31. 3. 09
The committee received a presentation on Home Care Service
Provision in the North. Also included were reports on the Employability
Bridging Services, and the extension of the C.Card Scheme. A report of the PPF activities from January to March was also included.
Item (7) PPF Nominations to Community Planning Partnerships
Members discussed the request from the CPP to nominate two new delegates and one substitute delegate to the CPP committee.
The PPF executive agreed to write to the CPP seeking an extension
to the two year time limit that nominees are currently allowed to sit
on the board.
Executive members also requested that the CPP consider changing the rules on substitutes, with a view to calculating their service on the committee to begin only when they become lead delegates.
Item (8) PPF Engagement Programme 2009 Update.
8.1. Addictions Forum
Preliminary discussions are ongoing between the PPF Executive
and Forum members with a view to holding a joint event.
8.2. Fun in the Park.
Members agreed to set up a short life working group to help plan the PPF activity on the day, Arlene Cooke, Ronnie Rodden, and Tony Devine nominated.
8.3. Children and Families
Rather than holding one main event, the PPF Executive agreed to
hold a number of smaller events visiting groups within the
The Executive decided to take advantage of the skills gained by some PPF members who have recently completed a health awareness course, by involving them in the planning for these consultation sessions.
8.4. Saracen Health and Social Care Centre
No further update.
Item (9) Information Sharing
9.1. Ronnie Rodden informed the executive those representatives from
the Disability Community were in discussion with senior managers
from the Learning Disability Service.
The purpose of these discussions is to explore the possibility
of the L.D. service making use of the facilities on offer at the
9.2. Frances Scott informed the executive about an event that was
being organised by the G.D.A. on the 7th of April.
9.3. John Kelly reminded those present that Dementia awareness week
would take place the first week in June.
Next PPF Meeting 4th of June