AP Calculus AB with Analytic Geometry I

Fall/Spring 2016-2017 4 credits M-F

Dobson High School 4th Period

Stella Ollarsaba Room N146

Phone: Mrs. Ollarsaba 480-472-3155


Web Page Link: http://www.mpsaz.org/dobson/staff/srollars

CANVAS Link: https://mpsaz.instructure.com/

The course uses a balance of graphical, numerical, and algebraic/analytic techniques

and communication (the rule of four) to connect the concepts of limits, derivatives, and

integrals. The course takes full advantage of graphing calculators to teach calculus concepts in new ways while not compromising student understanding.

Textbook: Calculus: Early Transcendentals, 6th Edition by James Stewart

Graphing Calculator, Notebook, Calculus Log (composition book), and Graph Paper

The prerequisite for MAT 221 is a grade of “C” or better in MAT 187

or MAT 172 and MAT 212 or equivalent course.

1.  Identify and graph various functions.

2.  Define and evaluate limits.

3.  Define and identify continuity.

4.  Apply limits to graphing techniques.

5.  Define the derivative.

6.  Use the formulas for differentiation.

7.  Application of the derivative.

8.  Evaluate the definite integral.

9.  Use of the definite integral in applications.

10.  Perform indefinite integration.

11.  Define and apply the natural logarithmic function.

12.  Discuss convergence or divergence of the improper integral.

13.  Extend the operations of differentiation and integration to functions and their inverses.

14.  Use L’Hopital’s rule to evaluate limits having indeterminate form.

This syllabus is subject to modification as determined by the instructor. The college will make reasonable accommodations for persons with documented disabilities. Students should notify Student Services and their instructors of any special needs.

Students will be given one day for each day they are absent to make-up work. Students absent from class due to field trips, assemblies or in SWEEP room are expected to submit assignments on time.

Students absent only on the day of a test will take a make-up test the day they return to school. Students absent for a longer period of time must make arrangements with the teacher to take a make-up test.

Students will be assigned to watch a screencast to do at home in preparation for the class the next day. Notes must be taken as evidence that the screencast has been watched.

Other activities may be assigned as well. Class time will be for doing exercises from the text along with enrichment or remediation. Information regarding home activities, tests, and projects will be posted on the calendar on my webpage.

The first semester exams will be December 19th and 20th and the second semester exams will be May 24th and 25th.

Exercises and activities are worth 20% and tests are worth 80%. Calculus is a weighted course and the grading scale is as follows:

90-100% 5 A

80-89% 4 B

70-79% 3 C

60-69% 2 D

below 60% 0 F

The cumulative points from the semester are worth 80% and the final exam grade is worth 20% of the semester grade. The above grading scale will also be used for calculating semester grades. The Dual Enrollment course grade will be determined by averaging the two semester grades. The student portal will be updated on a weekly basis. Monday mornings are good times to view updated grades.

1. Be on time. Absences and tardies will be handled in accordance with school and district policies.

2. Bring all necessary materials to class each day.

3. Be courteous toward others. Work cooperatively in groups and contribute to an atmosphere conducive to learning.

4. Make sure cell phones and ALL electronics are silenced and put away when entering the classroom and used only when directed.

5. Food and drinks may not be consumed in the classroom.

6. Abide by all of the Dobson High School Behavior Guidelines.

*Failure to abide by any of the above guidelines may result in a warning, conference with student, conference with parent/guardian, and/or administrative referral.

Quarter 1 Quarter 2

3 weeks Calculus Overview 3 weeks Chapter 3 – Derivatives

3 weeks Limits 4 weeks Chap4 – Applications of

3 weeks Chapter 3 – Derivatives Derivatives

1 week Review of 1st semester

Quarter 3 Quarter 4

5 weeks Chapter 5 – Definite Integral 4 weeks Chap 7 – Applications of

3 weeks Chapter 6 – Differential Integrals

Equations 2 weeks Review for AP exam
2 weeks Calculus Project

Course content and/or the time schedule may vary from the outline at the discretion of the instructor.

Calculus is a special college level learning experience that challenges, stimulates and demands more effort from the student than any other high school math course. The advantage of taking college level courses in high school is the opportunity to interact with other students and with the teacher in a small, personal class. It is assumed that students are willing to extend the consistent effort necessary to succeed in this course. Math help outside of class is available by appointment.