Registration No. 2002/015060/07 / TECHNICAL DATA SHEET / REVISION 1
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Chemical name di – n – butyl phthalate
Chemical formula C6H4(COOC4H9)2
Molecular Mass 278.34
Appearance Clear,colourless, almost odourless , non volatile, stable oily liquid , free
from matter in suspension
PropertiesColour / Hazen / 30 (Max)
Refractive Index / n25D / 1,490 - 1,493
Density / kg/m3 at 25°C / 1040 - 1044
Water / % m/m / 0,1 (Max)
Ester Content / % m/m / 99,0 - 100,5
Acidity / % m/m Phthalic Acid
mg KOH/g / 0,01 (Max)
0,07 (Max)
Ash / % m/m / 0.01 (Max)
Solubility (water ) / % m/m in water at 20°C
% m/m water in DBP at 20°C / < 0.01
Solubility ( solvents ) / Very soluble in alcohol, ether, acetone, benzene.
Boiling Point / °C at 101.3 kPa
°C at 2.67 kPa / 340
Flash point (OC) / °C at 101.3 kPa / 189
Ignition temperature / °C at 101.3 kPa / 398.9
Vapour Pressure / kPa at 20 °C / 0.001
Volatile Matter / % m/m at 130 °C after 1 hour
% m/m at 130 °C after 2 hours / 1.0 (Max)
1.5 (Max)
Industrial Applications / DBP is used as a plasticizer in nitro-cellulose lacquers, in polyvinyl chloride and acetate, vinyl co polymers and other resins, giving good low temperature flexibility. It is a solvent for perfumes, oils, and a textile lubricating agent. It is also used in manufacture of safety glasses, leather dopes, insecticides, printing inks, adhesives, dyes, etc.
In many cases considerable improvement in processability can be obtained by the addition of relatively small quantities ( 10%) of DBP to a higher phthalate. At these levels the higher volatility of DBP is not significant for most purposes. It is also used as a secondary plasticizer ( in conjunction with a primary solvent plasticizer ) to reduce absorption of cellulose acetate.
Handling and Storage / DBP has no corrosive action on metals and can be stored or processed in mild steel, copper or aluminium containers. The area should be cool and well ventilated. The material should be protected from sources of ignition, heat, or powerful oxidising agents. Contamination of product with water may affect product properties.
Precautions / The material should be handled in a well ventilated area. Protective clothing, including safety glasses and rubber gloves, etc, should be worn. Splashes in the eyes must be flushed with water, a stomach wash is necessary if orally ingested
Shelf Life / DBP is stable for a long period of time and as such has no shelf life provided that proper storage conditions are maintained.
Packaging / Drums / 210 Lts.
Bulk / Delivered in road tankers