January 17, 2013
Minutes of Board Meeting for Junior Achievement of San Diego, Inc.
4756 Mission Gorge Place, San Diego, CA 92120
Call to Order
Junior Achievement Board Chairman John Collins called the meeting to order at 7:42am.
Board of Directors Present: An “X” next to the name indicates that the Board member was present.
X / Ahmed Abbas, Executive Committee / Sempra EnergyX / Vernon Aguirre / Popular Community Bank
Gaylin Anderson / Pacific Trust Bank
X / Randy Ataide / Pt. Loma Nazarene University
Ted Baker / Baker Electric
Robert Bingham, Executive Committee. / Angel Investor
Joye Blount / US Bank
X / Kevan Bradshaw / PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
X / Mike Brown / Dowling & Yahnke
Brian Cahill, Co-Chairman / Balfour Beatty Construction
X / John Collins, Co-Chairman / Poway Unified School District Superintendent
X / Dino D’Auria / Opus Bank
Patrick Davidson, Executive Committee / Bank of America
X / Rodger Dougherty / Kaiser Permanente
Francisco Escobedo / Chula Vista Elementary School District
X / Ron Ferrari, Previous Co-Chairman / Bernstein Global Wealth Management
Kevin Foley / The UPS Store
X / Wendy Gillespie / Frontier Trading, Inc., Starhawk Productions, and Capdevilla/Gillespie Foundation
X / Craig Golding / Cohn Reznick LLP
Chris Goodman / Sony Electronics
Rich Kwiatkowski / Medtronic
Philip Lurie, Executive Committee / Zuza
X / Marie Mendoza / Kratos Defense and Security Solutions, Inc.
Ileana Ovalle-Engel / Cox Communications
Larry Perondi / Oceanside Unified School District
X / Tracy Powell, Executive Committee / California Bank & Trust
X / Elizabeth Rice / Innovative Employee Solutions
Mike Richardson, Executive Committee / Vistage International/Sherpa Alliance
X / Steve Rosetta, Executive Committee / Cushman & Wakefield of San Diego, Inc.
Phillip Rudolph / Jack in the Box
X / Mike Schleyhahn / San Diego Fluid System Technologies/Swagelok
X / Drew Schlosberg / San Diego Union Tribune
X / Phyliss Schmedake / Altman Plants
X / Ken Schmitt / Turning Point Executive Search
Debra Schwartz / Mission Federal Credit Union
X / Sandra Shippey, Secretary / Procopio, Cory, Hargreaves & Savitch LLP
X / Alexi Siglin / Wells Fargo
X / Laura Slanec / Sea World San Diego
X / Alan Spector / Entrepreneur
Don Starkey, Previous Co-Chairman / Union Bank, N.A.
X / Susan Steele, Treasurer / Deloitte Tax LLP
Ron Walker / KPMG LLP
X / Erika Werner, Executive Committee / Red Door Interactive
X / Chad Whitehead / Ernst & Young LLP
Staff Present:
Allyson Burakoff / Vice President ProgramsX / Vietca Do / Development Associate
X / Katie Easton / BizTown Education Manager
Bunmi Esho / Director of Education
Valerie Hash / Education Manager
X / Tanya Johnson / Education Manager
Michele Lambert / Finance Manager
X / Tara Michener / Vice President Development
X / Tracy Nakamura / Special Events Assistant
X / Joanne Pastula / President and Chief Executive Officer
X / Susan Perkins / Director of Development
X / Jacqui Pernicano / Vice President of Operations/Marketing
X / Martha Phillips / Capital Campaign/Special Gifts
X / Shelley Pontius / Executive Assistant to the President, Office Manager
Kathleen Siemion / Education Manager
X / Kristin Stephens / Education Manager
X / Yana Titova / PR Marketing and Social Media Associate
X / Lauriah West / JA BizTown Education Coordinator
Michael Dodson – Guest of Dr. John Collins – Principal of Bell Elementary
David Kvendru – San Diego Association of Realtors
Abby Khan – CDA Wealth Management
Karan Greenwald
Kevin Heinly – Gensler
Christy Patnoe – Cox Communications
Junior Achievement President Joanne Pastula introduced the following guests:
Kevin Heinly – Gensler
Abby Khan – CDA Wealth Management
Karan Cooper Greenwald – helping with Finance Park Campaign
Christy Patnoe – Cox Communications
Ken Schmitt – Turning Point Executive Search – JA’s newest Board Member
David Kvendru – Greater San Diego Association of Realtors
Junior Achievement Secretary Sandy Shippey asked for a review and motion to approve the 11/15/12 Board Minutes. Upon motion duly made, seconded and unanimously carried the minutes were approved.
President Pastula and Susan Steele reviewed highlights of the December 13, 2012 Executive Committee meeting. Ms. Steele informed the Board that Dan Finster from Union Bank recommended notre-financing the JA building loan at this time. In addition, Jeffrey Dunham was a guest at the Executive Committee meeting and assured the Executive Committee that JA’s investments were doing very well. President Pastula expressed hopes that an Investment Committee for JA would form soon.
Junior Achievement Treasurer Susan Steele reviewed the Financials in the Board Packet. (Available on JA website Board Member log in)
Junior Achievement Board Member Phyliss Schmedake gave an overview of the Junior Achievement Audit for 2011/2012 performed by Hinzman & Associates. Ms. Schmedake informed the Board that the audit looked “very clean” and that the Junior Achievement Financial statements were good. New revenues were up and investments looked good. Junior Achievement puts 80% of revenue towards Program. Auditors looked at Junior Achievement and Junior Achievement Volunteers for the audit. (Available on JA website Board member log in)
President Pastula shared with the Board that JA’s focus this year is on Middle School, High School and Collaborations. President Pastula has been in negotiations with JA Los Angeles about the possibility of JA San Diego picking up the Temecula and Murrieta territories. In addition, President Pastula informed the Board about the possibility of Ad Hoc groups being formed such as a Superintendent’s Advisory Council for Middle and High School, Community Advisory Group with such members as former JA Board member Cecil Steppe in addition to an Emeritus Group with former JA Board members such as Paul Schultz and Bruce Breslau. President Pastula updated the Board on JA recognitions such as the Cox Cares Luncheon where Junior Achievement and Rady Children’s were featured.
Technology – Junior Achievement Vice President Jacqui Pernicano informed the Board that JA’s new website is up and running in addition to letting the Board know that the BizTown computers will slowly be changing to “Thin Client”.
Marketing - JA Board member Erika Werner gave an update on the new JA website which went live in December. The kinks are being worked out. Erika gave a shout out to Namtra Media for all of their help with the website. Junior Achievement Vice President Jacqui Pernicano asked the Board to please start using the Board Member login on the new JA website (password jarules) In addition Jacqui informed the Board that in 2013 Junior Achievement would be looking at all its Marketing Materials for Branding purposes. There is a 10 year longitudinal study ongoing (Pillars of JA) which will show JA impact in San Diego. Ms. Pernicano informed the Board that there is hope that JA San Diego will have a float in the St. Patrick’s Day Parade in San Diego in March. A flatbed truck is needed so the Board was asked to please contact Jacqui if they know of one. 2013 will also be the year to prove ROI to sponsors and there will be a focus on adding value to sponsors. A survey with each BizTown shop owner is coming. Erika Werner informed the board thatone year ago Yana Titova joined Junior Achievement and public awareness about JA has grown substantially as follows:
Print/Online newspaper – 31 articles, Magazines – 3 articles with photos, reach has grown over 1.1 million people. There were 5 TV Segments and 2 Radio segments.
Website Traffic – grew on average by 10% since April, Facebook likes – increased 16% currently at 715 likes, Facebook engagement – more than 2,600 people. Reached was over 60,000 people, Facebook referrals (Google, FB, other sources) – increased on average by 30%, Twitter followers increased by 12% and YouTube views increased by 37%.
Volunteer –Ahmed Abbas explained to the Board that the focus on volunteers has shifted to the Middle and High School levels. 10,100 students have been reached with 2/3 being in the classroom and 1/3 being in Biztown. The team will continue to share the Middle and High School #’s at every meeting. The team is reaching out more to teachers and encouraging the teachers to thank their volunteers and solicit feedback from their volunteers. An award structure is being created and all the Volunteer Recognition events are in place.
Friendraisers - Tracy Powell told the Board that everyone in the room is a Super Hero and introduced JA Vice President Tara Michener in a super hero Spider Man outfit. Tara was kicking off “Play4 JA” with this year’s tagline “Be a hero and change a life…one game at a time.” Tara encouraged Companies to look at Play 4 JA as a way to engage their employees. Tracy Powell commented on how many opportunities there were available for Companies to participate as sponsors. There will be a meeting “Identify for JA” to be held at JA on February 5th at 2:30pm. Tara commented on how every campaign needs a “Caped Crusader” and JA’s would be Tracy Nakamura our new Special Events Manager. Tara thanked Laura Slanec for being a prize sponsor with Sea World tickets and Erika Werner for having her company bowl already. Bowl A Thon kickoff breakfast will be on January 23 from 7:30-9:00am.
Facilities –Susan Steele reviewed the accomplishments thus far for 2012/13 fiscal year which include: Repair of column on front of building, obtaining Jackson Blanc for HVAC at a lower rate, obtaining our Energy Star Rating for the building, obtaining enough laptops for use in the JA facility and donation of a MAC computer from Bob Bingham. Susan informed the Board that JA is looking for in kind/low cost tree trimming and removal around the JA property. Traction is being made on the following items: Lead for Security System for upstairs BizTown doors, quote being obtained from Jackson & Blanc for a future replacement of HVAC units on the roof, continued evaluation of all vendors for quality and effectiveness and formulation of an Emergency Plan and Action plan for the JA facility. Goals for the remainder of the year include: Proactive Facilities Management, Building Safety, economical and efficient maintenance of JA and monitor and understand JA’s solar benefit.
Junior Achievement Director of Development Susan Perkins told the Board that the “Good News” is that there is still time before the end JA’s fiscal year to earn points for your BAR (Board Accountability Report) Awards were given as follows:
Behind the Scenes BAR star went to Kevan Bradshaw, PricewaterhouseCoopers for being a HOF sponsor and filling a table
Ms. Perkins reminded the Board that JA needs their Time, Talent and Treasure. Rising BAR star went to Mr. Mike Schleyhahn of San Diego Fluid System Technologies for HOF table and for stepping up to Chair a JA Golf Tournament to tentatively be held in September at the Grand Del Mar. It will become a Legacy Event for JA. In addition, Ms. Perkins asked the Board several key JA questions and gave them an opportunity to earn extra BAR Points. Susan Steele and Drew Schlosberg earned an extra 10 points each for answering Ms. Perkins questions about JA correctly.
Junior Achievement Board Co-Chairman John Collins reviewed the green JOB Sheet in the board packet, also available on JA website – board member log in. Tracy Powell volunteered to teach JA Personal Finance at Orange Glen High in Escondido as well as Economics for Success at Del Dios Middle School in Escondido. Ahmed Abbas is looking for a college student to teach at the Barrio Logan College Institute on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings in February and March in addition to looking for students to teach at Bostonia Elementary in El Cajon on March 8th. Board Member Elizabeth Rice is following up on a possible lead for tree trimming and tree removal around the JA property. Christy Patnoe of Cox Communications offered a flatbed truck for the St. Patrick’s Day parade. Jacqui Pernicano will follow up with her.
President Pastula presented the Board with a handout regarding Finance Park (available on website board member log in). President Pastula informed the Board that there will be 2 trips to Denver in the near future. President Pastula explained briefly, the concept of Finance Park. A program for teens and young adults, and they learn about budgeting and life. Board member Mike Brown shared his FinancePark experience and told the Board how phenomenal it was.
Kevin Heinly of Gensler & Associates was introduced and he presented a video of his trip to Finance Park in Denver. Mr. Heinly explained briefly to the Board how the existing JA building would be remodeled. There is a wish list and the project can be phased. Kevin encouraged the Board to come and bring folks to the upcoming Finance Park Sessions to be held at JA on February 14th from 8:00-9:30am and February 28th from 4:00-6:00pm. There will be approximately 13 business opportunities in Finance Park.
Meeting Adjourned, 9:04AM
By: ______
Sandra L. Shippey, Corporate Secretary
Board Approval: ______, 2013
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