CC Meeting Update 11-17-14

CHL / BHN / Soldier On / Total
Total Baseline / 30 / 82 / 35 / 147
Total 6 Month Assessment / 30 / 67 / 29 / 126
Total Discharge Assessment / 19 / 53 / 22 / 94
Total Housed / 27 / 76 / 31 / 134
% Total Housed / 90% / 93% / 89% / 91%
% Total Follow Up Eligible (6 mo.) / 100% / 84% / 94% / 89%
% Total Discharge Eligible (12 mo.) / 90% / 75% / 96% / 82%
% Enrolled to Study End Goal / 100% / 91% / 117% / 98%
# Study End Goals / 30 / 90 / 30 / 150

Sample Characteristics

Baseline (N=147) / N / % or (M, SD)
Age / 147 / 48.8 (10.51)
Male / 109 / 74.1
Female / 38 / 25.9
Black Non-Hispanic / 33 / 22.4
White Non-Hispanic / 77 / 52.4
Hispanic / 31 / 21.1
Other Race Non-Hispanic / 6 / 4.1
Less than 12th Grade / 45 / 30.6
12th Grade/GED / 64 / 43.5
Greater than 12th Grade / 38 / 25.9
Marital Status
Married/Widowed / 10 / 6.8
Separated / 16 / 10.9
Divorced / 48 / 32.7
Never Married / 73 / 49.7
Yes / 41 / 27.9
No / 106 / 72.1
Criminal Justice
# Offenses Arrested and Charged, Lifetime / 147 / 12.0 (23.36)
Substance Use, Days in Past Month
Alcohol to Intoxication / 147 / 1.6 (5.56)
Illegal Drugs / 147 / 3.8 (8.37)
Marijuana / 147 / 2.7 (7.44)
Crack/Cocaine / 147 / 0.8 (2.75)
Heroin / 147 / 0.7 (3.06)
Substance Use, Years in Lifetime
Alcohol to Intoxication / 133 / 14.1 (14.58)
Illegal Drugs / 142 / 15.2 (12.46)
Marijuana / 145 / 10.6 (12.18)
Crack/Cocaine / 142 / 7.8 (9.10)
Heroin / 143 / 4.4 (8.64)
Mental Health, Days in Past Month
Depression / 147 / 10.5 (11.23)
Anxiety / 147 / 12.1 (11.90)
Hallucinations / 146 / 1.7 (5.62)
Trouble Memory / 144 / 10.6 (12.54)
Trouble Violence / 147 / 0.7 (3.26)
Suicidal Thoughts / 147 / 0.4 (2.03)
Suicide Attempts / 147 / 0.0 (0.22)
Psychiatric Medication / 145 / 13.8 (14.53)
Housing Status
Shelter / 80 / 52.4
Street/Outdoors / 29 / 19.7
Institution / 6 / 4.1
Residential Treatment / 11 / 7.5
Friend's Apartment / 15 / 10.2
Housed / 2 / 1.4
Other / 4 / 1.4
Years Homeless / 136 / 8.1(7.69)
Housing Placement
Days Until Housed / 133 / 42.1 (49.27)
Never Housed / 14 / 9.5

Note: Some totals may not add up to 100% due to rounding. N= number of cases. % = percentage of cases. M = mean (average). SD = standard deviation.

Change from Baseline to Discharge (N=87)*

Days in past month used/experienced (mental health and substance use, selected categories):

Housing status in past 30 days:

*Includes only matched cases with valid data at baseline and at discharge.