“Team 41 News”

Upcoming Events and Reminders

October 10 No School Columbus Day

October 12 No School Yom Kippur

October 13 Wear Hastings Hero T Shirts

October 20 Family Friends

October 25 New England States & Capitals Test

October 26 Fall Conferences Begin

October 28 Pumpkin Math

October 28 Hastings School Halloween Party

October 30 Diwali

Conversation Starters

Here’s a snippet of what we’ve done since the last Conversation Starters. Ask your child to elaborate.

·  Hastings Heroes

·  Graphs, line plots and graphing data

·  Subtraction on an open number line

·  6 New England States

·  Continents and oceans

·  Cursive packets

·  Massachusetts

·  5 states that border Massachusetts

·  Reading faster, longer and stronger

·  Just right books and levels

·  Book bags

·  Book bag contract

·  Money Review

·  Time Review

·  Cartographer-Mapping Massachusetts

·  Reading assessment: Abby Takes her Shot

·  Wrote about special places, people and emotions

·  Joseph got his braces off

·  Morning meeting

·  Adding to the heart in the writing notebook

·  Book shopping in classroom library

·  Name collection boxes for numbers

·  Checking your understanding in reading

·  Stone Fox

·  Funny Bunny

·  Perseverance

·  Big Backyard walk

·  Useful plants during Colonial Times

·  3 X 3 descriptive writing about nouns

·  Changed seats

·  Painting a picture or making a movie in your head when reading

·  Checking comprehension: Who is in this part? What just happened? Does this fit with something that already happened, or is this new?

·  Making predictions based on what has already happened in the story

·  Stretch-To –Go (F.A.S.T.T. Math at home)

·  Map Key & Compass Rose

·  Frames and Arrows

·  Kindness Recognitions

“A person who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.”

-Albert Einstein
