the 18th International Exhibition for
Goods and Services for Children and Teenagers,
New Educational and Personality Developing Programmes
September 25 – 28, 2012
Expocentre Fairgrounds
Name: Mir Detstva’2012,
the 18th International Exhibition for
Goods and Services for Children and Teenagers, New Educational and Personality Developing Programmes
Status: The exhibition carries the logos of UFI - the Global Association of the Exhibition Industry, and RUEF - the Russian Union of Exhibitions and Fairs.
The exhibition Mir Detstva’2012is held under the auspices of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, The Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, theAssociation of the Children’s Goods Industry, and the Moscow City Government.
Working days: September25 - 28
Official opening ceremony: September,25 at 13.00,
Gallery between Pavilions Nos. 2 and 8
Venue: Expocentre Fairgrounds,
Pavilions Nos.2 (Halls 1, 2, 3, 4, 5),
8 (Halls 1, 2, 3, 4)
Exhibitionarea: 14727 sqmnet /35 346 sqmgross
Organizer: Expocentre ZAO
Number of exhibitors: around 500
31 participatingcountries:Australia, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bulgaria, Brazil, the Great Britain, Germany, Denmark, Israel, Spain, Italy, China, the Republic of Korea, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Russia, the USA, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, Philippines, Finland, France, Switzerland, Sweden, the Czech Republic, Japan
The concept of the exhibition Mir Detstva’2012 is defined by the main provisions of the National Children's Strategy for 2012–2017 signed by the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin on July, 3 c.a., as well as by the provisions of the state policy on the development and strengthening of the competitiveness of domestic children’s goods producers.
The exhibition Mir Detstva is the largest event in the sphere of children’s goods and services industry. It promotes the realization of programs of family support, motherhood and childhood, charity.The exhibition has no equal in quality and quantity of the exhibitors and professional visitors.
Georgy Kalmanov, the Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, stressed in his welcoming address that such socially significant projects as the exhibitions Mir Detstva and CJF are focused on the creation of high-quality and safe baby products, organization of the constructive dialogue between state authorities and the leaders of the domestic production and trafficking of children's goods. They contribute to the increase of civility,the openness of the consumer market, and the strengthening of positions of domestic children's goods producers.
The exhibition Mir Detstva’2012 represents to the visitors and experts the following thematic salons: Goods for Newborns and Infants; Games, Toys, Hobbies, Education and Development; Everything for Parties, Events and Entertainment.
To stimulate the cooperation between sellers and customers the exhibition Mir Detstva’2012 holds the Buyer Programme. It is aimed at the attraction of the leading procurement companies from the regions of Russia and CIS countries (Kazakhstan, Ukraine) to ensure a wider coverage of the target audience.
Sergey Bednov, the General Director Expocentre, noted that the business related programme of the exhibition Mir Detstva reflects the main aspects of the development of the children's goods industry and provides a range of urgent business-events.
September, 25 the Association of the Children’s Goods Industry will hold the Plenary session on the National Children's Strategy for 2012–2017:The strategy of development of the industry of children's goods and services: what prevents investments in childhood?
The participants of the children's goods industry and the representatives of state authorities will discuss the Executive Order of the President of the Russian Federation, in which reflects the task of developing and realization of Strategy of development of the industry of children's goods up to the year 2020.
September, 27 from 15.00 till 17.00 the Seminar Hall No. 4 will host the seminar Problems of application of technical regulations of the Customs Union on the Safety of Products for Children and Teenagers; the Safety of Toys; the Safety of Packing.
The organizers are the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia(the Department of Technical Regulation and Maintenance of Unity of Measurements, Department for Forestry and Light Industry), the Association of the Children’s Goods Industry, Federal Accreditation Service, Federal Service on Customers' Rights Protection and Human Well-Being Surveillance (Rospotrebnadzor),Federal Agency on Technical Regulating and Metrology (Rosstandart), the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, Expocentre Fairgrounds.
September 26 – 27 the exhibitions Mir Detstva’2012 and CJF'2012. Autumn will present the main business event of the children’s goods market – the 7th Trade Forum Russian Market of Children’s Goods: Strategic Solutions for Suppliers. The official partner of Expocentre Fairgrounds for the event is IMPERIA Congress and Exhibition Company.
The unique Centre of Purchases for Store Chains™ of children’s goods is the main event of the Forum. Suppliers will hold individual negotiations concerning deliveries with the heads of departments of purchases and commercial managers of 36 retail networks. The managers of procurement departments of the largest specialized and multi-form retail networks of the country form the product matrix for 2013. They areDetsky Mir, Deti, Zdorovy Malich, Sedmoy Kontinent, Korall, Planeta Kids, Karapuz and others.
September, 26th the group 7Flowers-Décor and Expocentre will hold the master class: New Year’s showcasing and commercial registration: trends, security, budget items, children’s boutique for the New Year.
Expocentre Fairgrounds and ANO Soyuzexpertiza invite the Russian and foreign companies to participate in the 8th International Contest among goods for children and teenagers. It incorporates the two nominations: The best consumer qualities of goods and Successful promotion of high quality goods. The contest is aimed at the development of competitiveness of Russian goods for children in domestic and foreign markets, as well as the promotion of high quality products from other countries to the Russian consumer market.
September 25 – 28 Europa Uno Trade Company with the extensive support of Expocentre Fairgrounds hosts the 13thMoscow international Festival of Balloons in Pavilion No. 2, Hall 5.
This year the organizers have added the new contests.
The contest Online Shop’2012 includes the experts’ ratings and recommendations on the efficiency of the web sites and portals.
One of the most important directions of the exhibition Mir Detstva is charity. The Charitable act Our Children's Home, organized by the Charity Fund Centre of Assistance to Homeless Children, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Russia and Expocentre, will be traditionally held within the exhibition.
Expocentre Press Service